APP - American's falling behind in science. I blame conservatives

the two most expensive public school systems in the country are Detroit and Washington DC.....which also provide the worst education....
So what? People around here are spending twice that much sending their kids to a local Nazarene school where their lucky if the empty headed little buggers actually learn to tie their own shoes (Thank god for velcro!) but they can say the Lords Prayer!

Though maybe I'm being a little harsh in holding it against them that they consistently test in the bottom quarter in the nation in math and science.
I know nothing about your local school....though it wouldn't take much to find a 5th grader as intelligent as you from any school.....and I would be seriously surprised if the parents are spending twice what it costs to educate a student in Washington DC.....I will leave it up to your discretion whether you devote the time to documenting your claims.....I expect the effort would be counterproductive.....
The blame for the decline of American schools belongs jointly to the teachers union for putting performance low on their list of teacher qualifications and the liberal mentality that has taught our children that they do not have to work.