APP - American's falling behind in science. I blame conservatives

hey mr. warmer, where have you been lately? Your religion is falling apart. So badly, you can't even defend it any more yet you still call names like flat-earther. LOL you are a total douchebag AND an ignoramus. What's it feel like to have your scientific beliefs totally in doubt? Do you even follow current science?
Well Cyprus after reading Tinheads post here you might just be right. :(
How does the blithering fool SM know anything about science? Ridiculous. If he got a "science" degree he's lying or he has some soon to be outsourced job in some kind of money making scheme that doesn't really have anything to do with science.
I call BULLSHIT! You want to force Damo into seeing it your way and unless and until he does you will be so far up his ass he'll have to hire a proctologist just to extricate you.

In other words? Same old candy-assed Zappa! If you don't listen, I will whine and shriek til you do.

Funny you should mention Damo's ass. As I maneuvered to get all up in there, I found I couldn't get by, because you had your big ol lips already pressed firmly in place dead center on his bum! still got a little poopie on the tip of yer nose from yer constant poopersmoochin...LOL
I'm sorry, I didn't realize that first comment from you was a ringing endorsement of our educational system...I don't know if you are aware, but it sure didn't come off sounding that way.

Well, you've obviously got all the answers. How do we "fix it"? You spend hour after hour telling others how wrong their ideas are. Obviously you think you know what will and will not how do we fix it?

What inanity is this? Which part of failure means I endorse continuing to increase funding for the current system? There is also no part of my previous posts that suggests there should be no public education system. Saying that one thing is bad doesn't mean I think we should destroy all things like it. Currently we spend BMW prices to get a Yugo education, I suggest we start expecting BMW results for our BMW spending. Get rid of the Yugo, not all cars.

1. We must stop just throwing money at this problem without expectations, all efforts to do this in the past have met with failure, I gave examples.
2. We need to attach the money to the child (like they do in the best European schooling systems and Japan once they hit HS), let the parents decide which school is best to teach their child based on the results the schools have had and the education goals of the parents and child. (The first step in a solution). We need the schools to compete for the students by becoming effective in education.
3. We cannot continue to expect the Teachers Union (which 70% of members are not teachers) to have the best interest of students in mind, their direct and only interest is in negotiating for the members of the union, not the students, otherwise it would be called the 'Students Union'...
Funny you should mention Damo's ass. As I maneuvered to get all up in there, I found I couldn't get by, because you had your big ol lips already pressed firmly in place dead center on his bum! still got a little poopie on the tip of yer nose from yer constant poopersmoochin...LOL

Then if I were you I'd keep your trap shut at all times because you're in your own feces up to your bulging eyes. Beside blimpo, every time you open your mouth you swallow your fat head and then proceed to step in your own shit.

'Course no one demonstrates being a fool better than you Zapless.

You may not be much, but you're definitely all you ever think of. Fact is when you're around, it's hard to think about anything else, much less see.
I know you are only trolling Mott, here, but the only thing that separates biology from most other natural sciences is that it isn't as math heavy as they are (chemistry, engineering, physics, etc.).

wrong. It's higher level. It involves chemistry, physics and engineering.
wrong. It's higher level. It involves chemistry, physics and engineering.

Right, there's biochemistry for the biologists, but there's also organic chemistry for the chemists. That doesn't change the fact biology is not generally as math heavy. That said, if you can excel in biology, you are all set for med school, and way more money than the other scientists will likely see except for the engineers who make it big as contractors.
How does the blithering fool SM know anything about science? Ridiculous. If he got a "science" degree he's lying or he has some soon to be outsourced job in some kind of money making scheme that doesn't really have anything to do with science.
He knows more then you do. Which probably isn't saying much for SM. :pke:
I know you are only trolling Mott, here, but the only thing that separates biology from most other natural sciences is that it isn't as math heavy as they are (chemistry, engineering, physics, etc.).
That's only true at the entry level. Biology isn't that demanding a science to study at the entry level because there's limits in what you can teach in the subject until you've advanced your education in basic sciences, such as, math, physics and chemistry, particularly organic chemistry. Try studying a biological subject like how blood circulates through a body or the electro-chemical process of how nerve impulses are generated and propagated. You'll see plenty of physics, chemistry and math.

Don't pay no attention to Watermark. He's just trying to get under my skin by making a nonsense statement.
Right, there's biochemistry for the biologists, but there's also organic chemistry for the chemists. That doesn't change the fact biology is not generally as math heavy. That said, if you can excel in biology, you are all set for med school, and way more money than the other scientists will likely see except for the engineers who make it big as contractors.
That depends on the biological field you working in. For example, most certified industrial hygenist (the life science version of a PE) I know have biology undergraduate degrees and masters in public health and they spend most of their time doing mathematical models in calculus and statistics. There job is large part based on mathematical skills.

If your a physiologist, you'd better have some pretty high level math skills too or your not going to progress very far.

If you an anatomist, ehhh not to much math needed there.
A LEADING FUTURIST is telling you China is so much better. LOL

Their per capita income is about $3,000 a person being generous.

Also read more from this guy, he probably has a flying car in your future.
What inanity is this? Which part of failure means I endorse continuing to increase funding for the current system? There is also no part of my previous posts that suggests there should be no public education system. Saying that one thing is bad doesn't mean I think we should destroy all things like it. Currently we spend BMW prices to get a Yugo education, I suggest we start expecting BMW results for our BMW spending. Get rid of the Yugo, not all cars.

1. We must stop just throwing money at this problem without expectations, all efforts to do this in the past have met with failure, I gave examples.
2. We need to attach the money to the child (like they do in the best European schooling systems and Japan once they hit HS), let the parents decide which school is best to teach their child based on the results the schools have had and the education goals of the parents and child. (The first step in a solution). We need the schools to compete for the students by becoming effective in education.
3. We cannot continue to expect the Teachers Union (which 70% of members are not teachers) to have the best interest of students in mind, their direct and only interest is in negotiating for the members of the union, not the students, otherwise it would be called the 'Students Union'...

But haven't I read on here that the USA spends roughly $11,000 per child per year for public education?

If that's true, then that ain't no BMW...maybe a set of TIRES for a BMW...nothing more. You want our kids to get the BMW education, then we gotta pay the BMW price, which is much more than $11,000 per year.

As I have said before, I am all for vouchers as long as families from the poorest performing schools get to place their children in the school of their choice BEFORE the wealthy simply buy their way into all the top performing schools.
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But haven't I read on here that the USA spends roughly $11,000 per child per year for public education?

If that's true, then that ain't no BMW...maybe a set of TIRES for a BMW...nothing more. You want our kids to get the BMW education, then we gotta pay the BMW price, which is much more than $11,000 per year.

As I have said before, I am all for vouchers as long as families from the poorest performing schools get to place their children in the school of their choice BEFORE the wealthy simply buy their way into all the top performing schools.
Where did you read that? In 2005 we spent $11,000 per student, tied for 1st with Switzerland, yet we were outperformed by many nations with a much smaller budget. And I speak of differences in per capita spending with equitable programs in more successful nations. We spend more than we ever have, and get less for it consistently with no end in sight. Throwing our good money after bad is just stupid, there's nothing like our nation to prove that a fool and his money are soon parted.

And I don't personally care if you are "for" vouchers, there is only one thing we all should know by now, continuing on the same failed path we are on now only leads to more failure.

Tell me why do you assume the "top performing" schools are even private schools that can choose which students they get to accept based on how much money they spend? We need the public schools to compete against the "top performing" schools so they can become "top performing"...

We can't, for instance, continue paying the crappiest teachers to sit and do nothing or passing them on to school after school in the "lemon dance" like they do in NYC. There is absolutely no way we should continue what we are doing solely to fulfill your sense of wealth redistribution "fairness".

Currently the "rich" pay their way into those schools you don't want them to be able to pay their way into, the only thing that "vouchers" could do would be force them to compete with some more children for their spots, however continuing what we are doing only ensure what you want to avoid will continue.

In short, the way to make sure the students you want to have a chance to go to those top performing schools actually get a chance to do it is NOT by attempting to stop any chance at giving them a choice.
But haven't I read on here that the USA spends roughly $11,000 per child per year for public education?

If that's true, then that ain't no BMW...maybe a set of TIRES for a BMW...nothing more. You want our kids to get the BMW education, then we gotta pay the BMW price, which is much more than $11,000 per year.

As I have said before, I am all for vouchers as long as families from the poorest performing schools get to place their children in the school of their choice BEFORE the wealthy simply buy their way into all the top performing schools.

the two most expensive public school systems in the country are Detroit and Washington DC.....which also provide the worst education....
Detroit Education Spending per Student $ 11,100.00 the highest in the country resulting in a 25% graduation rate.
New York was the biggest spender on education, at $14,119 per student, with New Jersey second at $13,800 and Washington, D.C., third at $12,979, the Census Bureau said

here's an interesting one...
To calculate total spending, we have to add up all sources of funding for education from kindergarten through 12th grade, excluding spending on charter schools and higher education. For the current school year, the local operating budget is $831 million, including relevant expenses such as the teacher retirement fund. The capital budget is $218 million. The District receives about $85.5 million in federal funding. And the D.C. Council contributes an extra $81 million. Divide all that by the 49,422 students enrolled (for the 2007-08 year) and you end up with about $24,600 per child.

For comparison, total per pupil spending at D.C. area private schools -- among the most upscale in the nation -- averages about $10,000 less. For most private schools, the difference is even greater.
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