Amnesty bill is up again

It would not be "genocide" to call it anything at all. Genocide is a specific action that does not include mislabeling immigration. That is hyperbole, serious exaggeration, ridiculous extreme...

It doesn't even follow logically that it would be genocide.

That's why it was non-sequitor.
You see, leftists and populists don't do a cost-benefit analysis. They do a benefit analyses for anything the government does and a cost analysis for anything any individual does. That's why their logic is so skewered.
Maybe if you were dead, US, somebody else could fill in your job. Does that make you a criminal?

We don't pay more taxes because of illegals, and the illegals would be worth the taxes they didn't pay in any cases. Not everything should be calculated in only benefit to the government.

did I say it made you a criminal ?
and you only addressed one point in my argument against illegal immigratino being a victimless crime. Anyone who breaks a law commits a crime I think. Not good on legalese. Anyone who commits a crime is a criminal ?
did I say it made you a criminal ?
and you only addressed one point in my argument against illegal immigratino being a victimless crime. Anyone who breaks a law commits a crime I think. Not good on legalese. Anyone who commits a crime is a criminal ?
No, anybody who breaks a criminal law would be a criminal, if they are convicted.

People who break civil laws are not criminals, and are usually only levied a fine.
On the whole, illegal immigrants are a net positive to our society. Throwing them out because of the fascists is stupid. It's also criminal to break up families like that. I hate whenever people say "DEAL WIT IT?! THEY COMMIT CRIME!". I don't see why being an adult means we have to treat everyone around us whose not in our "group" like scum.
umm I figure if the father or mother is deported the children should go with them. Yep it would be a shame to break a family.
We should even pay for the rest of the families travel expenses to their nation they are being deported to.
umm I figure if the father or mother is deported the children should go with them. Yep it would be a shame to break a family.
We should even pay for the rest of the families travel expenses to their nation they are being deported to.

Yeah, we'd have to repeal something called "The 14th ammendment" to do that, but I'm sure the fascists would love that. We could even make blacks slaves again.
All these senseless beaurocrats, pushing out policies, trying to push society this way or that to meet this "greater goal", and destroying the lives of the individuals in between.
They're "greater goals" are usually pointless and senseless, and incur far more than they benefit each time. The greatest bum in history is the US government.
Our lives are insignificant in our current governments eyes. We only have value for what we can do for them.

What Bush says "I support the troops"
What Bush means "I support what the troops can do for me"
Yeah, we'd have to repeal something called "The 14th ammendment" to do that, but I'm sure the fascists would love that. We could even make blacks slaves again.
No we wouldn't. At 18 they could return as a citizen, but until then they are under the care of the parent who is going to be in whatever nation they came from. At that time they should be moved with the person deported. Nobody would have to repeal anything. That again is an exaggeration based on emotion.
No we wouldn't. At 18 they could return as a citizen, but until then they are under the care of the parent who is going to be in whatever nation they came from. At that time they should be moved with the person deported. Nobody would have to repeal anything. That again is an exaggeration based on emotion.

Well said Damo, that was my thought as well.
They're "greater goals" are usually pointless and senseless, and incur far more than they benefit each time. The greatest bum in history is the US government.

Because it tries to act like a world government? Telling everybody what to do?

Are you against world governance in general or you just would feel better if Euroweenies controlled the world government?
On the whole, illegal immigrants are a net positive to our society.

In March 2006, nearly 9.3 million adult illegal immigrants were living inside the United States. Most of them did not have a high school education, or were “low-skilled.” On average in fiscal year 2004, each low-skilled immigrant household consumed $30,160 in government benefits and services, but only paid on average $10,573 in taxes each.
low paid workers are pretty much always an overall burden on our society in finiancial terms.
We in essence subsidize the industries that pay low wages.
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It would not be "genocide" to call it anything at all. Genocide is a specific action that does not include mislabeling immigration. That is hyperbole, serious exaggeration, ridiculous extreme...

It doesn't even follow logically that it would be genocide.
Agree in all ways.