Amnesty bill is up again

Yeah, we'd have to repeal something called "The 14th ammendment" to do that,
NOT TRUE. that section applied tothe citizen it'self, not their families. and if they wanted to go with their families, that would be their own business.

It is simple "Convention" that causes us to treat the families of AnchorBabies as tho they are all anchors.
NOT TRUE. that section applied tothe citizen it'self, not their families. and if they wanted to go with their families, that would be their own business.

It is simple "Convention" that causes us to treat the families of AnchorBabies as tho they are all anchors.

Would you like to also abolish the 100 years of immigration law that gives preference to families of citizens?

Sorry guys! You can't get married, or else you have to move to the third world nation of your partner! Our senseless beaurcrats are trying to increase low-end wages 2%, and destroy the economy!
No we wouldn't. At 18 they could return as a citizen, but until then they are under the care of the parent who is going to be in whatever nation they came from. At that time they should be moved with the person deported. Nobody would have to repeal anything. That again is an exaggeration based on emotion.

It's against our law to deport citiznes, no matter the age. You guys would just love to get rid of the 14th ammendment. Immigration loons.
It's against our law to deport citiznes, no matter the age. You guys would just love to get rid of the 14th ammendment. Immigration loons.
They wouldn't be "deported", you exaggerate and inflame with poorly stated rhetoric and emote all over this discussion but it doesn't change that when a parent lives overseas or in another country the child goes with them. Their parents would be moving to another nation, and since they are the caretakers the child would go as well because they should be with their caretaker.

It actually is a felony to re-enter illegally once you have been deported, these children are citizens, they just lived abroad for a while, like any other child whose parents lived abroad. They would not even break civil law by coming home, they are citizens.
Illegal immigrants DO NOT HURT US CITIZENS. It's senseless to be so obsessed over them like you guys are, whenever they contribute so much. The only reasonable cause is you guys racism.
You are a loon. You are presented with information that they cost more than they gain, you brush it off. You are presented with depressed living conditions they are forced to live in, you brush it off. You are presented with the depressed wages for US workers, you brush it off. You are presented with the strain on the education system in large cities with a large illegal population, you brush it off.

Just because you ignore evidence that illegal immigration can hurt people doesn't mean that it is true. Unless you work on the Bush plan, repeat it often enough and people will believe you.

Do you wonder that you are on the same side as President Bush on this issue?

And regardless of all that, not even Tancredo says we should deport them all. That is empty rhetoric, again emoting all over the discussion.

Anyway, it is the border I worry about, not the illegal immigrants. Other than categorizing them so that we know who is here I don't care if they stay.. so long as we close undocumented entry as much as possible before we start in on the Amnesty. If you don't see it as a national security issue, then you are just ignoring an idea because you don't want to see it, you aren't thinking logically any more. Just emoting all over, getting it all sticky.
"You are a loon. You are presented with information that they cost more than they gain, you brush it off. You are presented with depressed living conditions they are forced to live in, you brush it off. You are presented with the depressed wages for US workers, you brush it off. You are presented with the strain on the education system in large cities with a large illegal population, you brush it off."

Come on, Damo. The immigration loongs couldn't even understand a cost-benefit analysis. The worth of something is not only how much it costs, but how much it benefits, or otherwise killing all the Americans would be for "the greater good".

"Anyway, it is the border I worry about, not the illegal immigrants. Other than categorizing them so that we know who is here I don't care if they stay.. so long as we close undocumented entry as much as possible before we start in on the Amnesty. If you don't see it as a national security issue, then you are just ignoring an idea because you don't want to see it, you aren't thinking logically any more. Just emoting all over, getting it all sticky."

I never said you were one of the loons, Damo. You're quite reasonable in comparison. But people like Lou Dobbs and others just keep talking about up a storm about it. There are OTHER issues in America that cost more - under the immigration loons simplified "cost" analysis. Why don't they talk about them, huh?
Anyway, any one of the problems you listed above is much easier to fix by methods other than sending 'em all back to Mexico.

If we enforced the laws, punished municipalities for violating federal laws, and denied illegals government services, they would leave on their own.

Isn't the new plan that they have to go home first to apply for z visas? Isn't that just as "irrational" as "deportin' em all?" I know this is too much actual thought for you, but please try.
Illegal immigrants DO NOT HURT US CITIZENS. It's senseless to be so obsessed over them like you guys are, whenever they contribute so much. The only reasonable cause is you guys racism.

I very real tanginble ways, yes, they do. They depress wages, and overburden public services.
watergerber read the above statement they do cost bigtime
so should we let any migrant worker in who made $200 month in his old coutry. Say maybe 100 million more. Yeah they be some noise about falling wages then. Which party will YOU blame.
The Thursday vote on cloture will be the big one. If it makes it past that one, I'll be surprised.
Illegal immigrants DO NOT HURT US CITIZENS. It's senseless to be so obsessed over them like you guys are, whenever they contribute so much. The only reasonable cause is you guys racism.

So all illegal immigration is from Mexico by Mexicans ?
If we enforced the laws, punished municipalities for violating federal laws, and denied illegals government services, they would leave on their own.

Isn't the new plan that they have to go home first to apply for z visas? Isn't that just as "irrational" as "deportin' em all?" I know this is too much actual thought for you, but please try.
Nah, z-visas would be nearly automatic. If they want to become citizens the "Head of Household" would have to return and apply.

You see, you guys are heartless. The only thing that fills you up is hatred and obsession with harmless people that "don't belong". It's the ideology of all lynch mobs.

Bull$hit. I've said numerous times I have no problems with immigrants. I've even said we need to do more to make it easier and less bureaucratic for people to come here. I've also said that we should increase our annual quotas. I'm not heartless, I don't think we should take the onus for a family being broken up when they made the decision to come here ILLEGALLY. They took that chance on their families lives that they would get caught. Not me.
Yes, you should. You tear people apart for your stupid regulations. You have ALL THE MORAL RESPONSIBILITY IN THE WORLD for the heartbreak. It's irrelevant whether or not a government does your dirty work - YOU are still responsble. The people who voted for Hitler to get rid of the Jews that "didn't belong" were also respoinsble.