Amnesty bill is up again

Those rednecks in California....

I'm surprised it wasn't a story like they do with SUVs...

Headline: GUN shoots woman!


Today a Gun went off and killed a woman who had forgotten to renew her fiance's driver's licence....

When Mr. Joe-Billy-Bob found out his fiancee had forgotten to renew his driver's licence a gun found its way into his hand and went off killing his fiancee. We are not sure if alcohol was involved, but we are sure it wasn't marijuana...
Those rednecks in California....

I'm surprised it wasn't a story like they do with SUVs...

Headline: GUN shoots woman!


Today a Gun went off and killed a woman who had forgotten to renew her fiance's driver's licence....

When Mr. Joe-Billy-Bob found out his fiancee had forgotten to renew his driver's licence a gun found its way into his hand and went off killing his fiancee. We are not sure if alcohol was involved, but we are sure it wasn't marijuana...

They moved there from Alabama. Its common knowledge. I heard about it last week on TV and no I won't provide any links.
You know, in one way the story is so absurd that it's funny, but in another way...imagine what kind of abuse she lived with before he shot her because he's too stupid to renew his own driver's license.

Some people are so disturbed.

This is true. I actually gave up trying to understand the battered wife syndrome a long time ago. I can't phathom staying with someone that is abusive and violent. Unless staying is part of an elaborate revenge plot.
This is true. I actually gave up trying to understand the battered wife syndrome a long time ago. I can't phathom staying with someone that is abusive and violent. Unless staying is part of an elaborate revenge plot.

I think you had to have been abused as a child to even get into a relationship like that, and certainly, to stay in it. If you weren't abused in your youth, you can't understand it, and if it happens once, you leave. The thing is, not that many men hit women. You have to look for those guys.
I think you had to have been abused as a child to even get into a relationship like that, and certainly, to stay in it. If you weren't abused in your youth, you can't understand it, and if it happens once, you leave. The thing is, not that many men hit women. You have to look for those guys.

I've never looked at that way, but I guess you're right. There aren't a whole lot of men that hit women. Although my boyfriend claims I abuse him. :p
"They moved there from Alabama. Its common knowledge. I heard about it last week on TV and no I won't provide any links."

Then your new name will be Lady D
I think you are right Darla... on both counts. She probably put up with all sorts of crap from that coward. She may or may not have been abused, but in the least it is likely that she grew up around a very dominant male figure and was thus more inclined to accept the abuse.