Amnesty bill is up again

I very real tanginble ways, yes, they do. They depress wages, and overburden public services.

No illegal immigrant WANTS to be a burden on this country. I know some. Your stupid, heartless, irrational regulations breaking them apart pisses me off. They just feel embarrassed that they're causing so much concern.

If they were given a route to pay taxes, any one of them would. They pay into social security and medicaid and usually don't get anything out of it in the end. They do the jobs Americans have a shortage in, and do not have any real, measurable, effect on wage depression.
Ohh but if not for the cheap labor prices would rise and people would piss and moan...
The market would panic at the inflation, etc...

I get too emotional over this shit. I shouldn't even talk about it, because nothing that's going to come out of my mouth is usually going to be up to the level of rationalism I like to hold.
I mean, if I said that illegal immigrants made things a whole lot cheaper, it would be contradictory to my claim that they don't depress wages.

They will, of course, depress wages. But it's not something to worry about, and we could easily find other solutions to that problem.
The livable wage? That sounds like "right to life".

What are you talking about?

The immigrants depress wages by a smaller percentage than they lower prices. There is an obvious economic net benefit.

No minimum wage is going to be a livable wage. Minimum wages shouldn't be considered as a tool to fight poverty.
when you from the armpit that you are from you need some kind of defense mechanism, hating half the county is one good enough for a dimwitt
Jersey wow that's even worse, I thought she was Philly.
Maybe she's one of those Racist Saprono's types.
Ohh and the best fishing state in the reqion by far, not that I get to go enough with the tennis addiction.
Yep those fish live in all the sewage from the central USA....

Well most of it, I have an individual septic system.
when you from the armpit that you are from you need some kind of defense mechanism, hating half the county is one good enough for a dimwitt

Hating half the "county" or "country". I always have to translate with southerners.