An open letter to Phantazmal.

The sad part is that those doing so did so based solely on skin color. In the end, we had another unqualified black in a government job and another black family in government housing.
This right here, you feel Obama is not qualified because he is black. This is racism.
Still waiting for you to show what was racist about Trumps Baltimore tweet. You are so typical liberal throw something out and when challenged runs and hides. BTW how does it feel to be a token L?
The therapy committee is meeting/bonding here at the moment...give her some additional time;)
It’s already been explained to you, by several people. You aren’t going to accept the evidence, you choose to remain willfully ignorant.

I didn't ask several people I asked you and you are too chicken to justify your claim. That is why you are the mod a lot of JPP posters laugh at.
I didn't ask several people I asked you and you are too chicken to justify your claim. That is why you are the mod a lot of JPP posters laugh at.
Lol, ohhhhhhh nooooos, people laugh at me on JPP, how shall I live? What a grade school tactic, you should throw in nanny, nanny poopoo, too, that would really get to me. I’ve explained what is racists about the post, please refer to those posts. Thanks
Depends what the context was.
I think we need to fundamentally transform America, but not because I don't like it. I think America can better live up to its ideals if we make some major changes.

Those ideals would be what exactly?

Either you support the foundation of freedom that made this country great or you don’t.

You don’t

You are a democrat. You support democrats. Just own it
No, there's absolutely nothing racist about "another black family in government housing," right?

I agree that is racist. And there are a number of racists here. But not all conservatives or Trump supporters are racist, even though the left tries to say so.
No, unlike what you believe, I didn't believe Obama being black meant he was qualified. It didn't disqualify him.
He will go down I history as the best President in my lifetime and it has nothing to do with his color. His color just adds to his beauty.
It’s already been explained to you, by several people. You aren’t going to accept the evidence, you choose to remain willfully ignorant.

There's your problem and the one with most lefties. You make a claim, call it evidence, and automatically expect everyone to accept it.

You saying so doesn't make it so. When are you going to learn that?
You look at it an automatically claim racism. You fail to see the problem that so many blacks live in such places.
There are many whites who live in poverty as well, but Trump doesn’t degrade them or where they live.
He will go down I history as the best President in my lifetime and it has nothing to do with his color. His color just adds to his beauty.

You say color has NOTHING to do with it then admit it does mean something to you. It's clear that color was the primary factor for you.

Pucker up and keep gagging on it, cunt.
Lol, ohhhhhhh nooooos, people laugh at me on JPP, how shall I live? What a grade school tactic, you should throw in nanny, nanny poopoo, too, that would really get to me. I’ve explained what is racists about the post, please refer to those posts. Thanks

Oh I think I struck a nerve. :laugh: You should care that people think you are a clown as that is a direct reflection on your credibility. Quite frankly from what I hear from a number of old time JPPers your creditability here is lower than Trumps.