An open letter to Phantazmal.

They both are wonderful and intelligent women who have no time for your stupidity and juvenile insults.

They're both cowards that run and hide when someone says something that hurts their tender feelings. Blaming the other person is a sign of weakness.

Wonderful and intelligent people don't hide.
She trolls the board calling everyone she doesn't agree with "racists". lol I've seen her turn a blind eye on more than one occasion to 12b violations and other things.

She's a lying troll and everyone knows it. When Grind or Billy chase you and others around the board every day screaming "racists" based on jack shit, then let me know. Otherwise, let the dumb trolletta minyetta contretta fight her own battles. She started the shit, why are you here speaking on her behalf?

Probably for the same reason you have felt compelled to defend the likes of Toxic at times when you thought she was being unfairly picked on, eh?

One thing about this place. I have seen a lot of ppl here called "racists." In almost all cases, it's because they are. Some food for thought: If one person calls you (group you, not necessarily you in particular) a racist, you may not actually be one. But if a number of ppl label you a racist, chances are.... you are.

The newest Reichwing trick is to tell other white ppl that *they* are racist because they stated that something or someone is racist. It's not a very effective tactic; it just makes them look ridiculous.
You have made the charge that Trumps tweets about Elijah Cummings Baltimore district is Racist. Here are the tweets:

I have asked you to tell us which parts of those tweets are racist? Which you have ignored. Please respond or admit you are making the charge through hatred not fact.
'Eagle Eye' as a moniker, yet you are so blind.

Probably for the same reason you have felt compelled to defend the likes of Toxic at times when you thought she was being unfairly picked on, eh?

One thing about this place. I have seen a lot of ppl here called "racists." In almost all cases, it's because they are. Some food for thought: If one person calls you (group you, not necessarily you in particular) a racist, you may not actually be one. But if a number of ppl label you a racist, chances are.... you are.

The newest Reichwing trick is to tell other white ppl that *they* are racist because they stated that something or someone is racist. It's not a very effective tactic; it just makes them look ridiculous.
That's not new. That 'I know you are, but what am I?' ploy began when the nation overwhelmingly allowed a black family into the White House.
They're both cowards that run and hide when someone says something that hurts their tender feelings. Blaming the other person is a sign of weakness.

Wonderful and intelligent people don't hide.
They do from racists like yourself, your posts have no substance to debate.
Source? Obama’s own mouth unless you didn’t listen to him?

What did he mean when he said “we are going to fundamentally transform America”

Depends what the context was.
I think we need to fundamentally transform America, but not because I don't like it. I think America can better live up to its ideals if we make some major changes.
They do from racists like yourself, your posts have no substance to debate.

I'm not hiding from CertifiedFuckingMoron, who *still* feels a compulsion to respond to my posts even though he knows I don't read them. What is happening is that I prefer not to sully my soul with his feces-laden POV. I'll let Evince, Eagle Eye, Domer and others give him daily reminders that he's a POS.

It's the old programmer adage at work:

Garbage in, garbage out.

CFM and his fellow racists are garbage.
Probably for the same reason you have felt compelled to defend the likes of Toxic at times when you thought she was being unfairly picked on, eh?

One thing about this place. I have seen a lot of ppl here called "racists." In almost all cases, it's because they are. Some food for thought: If one person calls you (group you, not necessarily you in particular) a racist, you may not actually be one. But if a number of ppl label you a racist, chances are.... you are.

The newest Reichwing trick is to tell other white ppl that *they* are racist because they stated that something or someone is racist. It's not a very effective tactic; it just makes them look ridiculous.
I can’t turn a blind eye to 12b accusations, it is a group decision. It’s hilarious to think that I have total control over Billy, Damo and Grind, how am I able to hide reports from them?

I would love to know what I’ve lied about. Everyone I’ve called a racist, there is ample evidence of their racism, her own is well documented in her posts. It’s a case of the one hit, squealing the loudest.
They do from racists like yourself, your posts have no substance to debate.

You keep covering for what is obviously two weak women. That you do that proves you're a weak woman.

You keep making the claim of racist yet, after being asked numerous times, have failed to provide any proof of that claim. There's a good reason why you can't. None exists and you're a weak woman than has to make false claims because she's weak.
I can’t turn a blind eye to 12b accusations, it is a group decision. It’s hilarious to think that I have total control over Billy, Damo and Grind, how am I able to hide reports from them?

I would love to know what I’ve lied about. Everyone I’ve called a racist, there is ample evidence of their racism, her own is well documented in her posts. It’s a case of the one hit, squealing the loudest.

Yet when you've been asked to provide that "ample evidence", you've failed to do so. I called you, Owl, and christiefan weak women and provided ample evidence of it.
Ahhhh, you mad bro, will you tell your secret mod friend I love him, please.

Still waiting for you to show what was racist about Trumps Baltimore tweet. You are so typical liberal throw something out and when challenged runs and hides. BTW how does it feel to be a token L?
That's not new. That 'I know you are, but what am I?' ploy began when the nation overwhelmingly allowed a black family into the White House.

The sad part is that those doing so did so based solely on skin color. In the end, we had another unqualified black in a government job and another black family in government housing.
Still waiting for you to show what was racist about Trumps Baltimore tweet. You are so typical liberal throw something out and when challenged runs and hides. BTW how does it feel to be a token L?
It’s already been explained to you, by several people. You aren’t going to accept the evidence, you choose to remain willfully ignorant.
It's because of all the racist bs he's said in the past that these comments seem dirty with it. If a convicted pedophile said to a family, that they have beautiful children, people would read between the lines of that as well.

Thanks for being honest Jade. I can accept your explanation.