An open letter to Phantazmal.

Well, and there's another issue. Why are ppl on the right so reluctant to call out racist speech and actions coming from their own tribe? I have seen *you* do so here, but for the most part there's nothing but crickets when CFM is n-word this and n-word that, and volsrock and TDAK and the rest of the KKK gang are denigrating ppl of color. I've even seen Earl, Toxic and others put likes on their posts. And then they wonder why they're seen as racists as well.
Probably for the same reason you, Super Troll and Christiehypocrite don't say shit to evince and goon-o about their antics.

It's funny, Super Troll likes to troll and spread rampant lies about people she knows nothing about, yet when she gets a taste of her own medicine she folds like a cheap umbrella.

And here you are trying to save the day for that coward.

It is what it is.
Toxic hates Oprah,and the Obama's!

And Beyonce, Kaep, Jussie, and all other successful people of color. For a dog-rescuing non-racist, she sure is reluctant to call out dog abusers and fellow racists. Wonder why that is? Turds of a feather.... :laugh:
I asked you first,Top liked your post.
You two seem to be on Top of the Mason sock situation.
How many do you think Mason has?

Probably more than I know of, that's why I asked you to tell us...then tell the truth.
No, it's the false accusations that are fanning the flames of racism when racism is not there.

You'll have to be more specific.

When your glorious leader tweets or says racist shit, he will get called out on it. That's not race-baiting as much as you all would like to see it that way.

Tell me this: Do you think that Trump's years-long insistence that Obama is not an American citizen and is from Kenya a racist thing? Trump hated McCain. Yet he never went after HIS birth certificate -- even though he wasn't born in the U.S.
Probably for the same reason you, Super Troll and Christiehypocrite don't say shit to evince and goon-o about their antics.

Really? You would be quite wrong about that. I have publicly called out both of them when they've run off the rails. Ask them.

I don't need to "save the day" for anyone. Phantasmal has shown that she's quite capable of standing up to the hottest of flames.

You've said that you don't like it when a group of ppl pile on someone, yet here you are -- right in the middle of the toxic dog pack, snarling and snapping with the best of them.
I agree that is racist. And there are a number of racists here. But not all conservatives or Trump supporters are racist, even though the left tries to say so.
Sorry, my opinion, to which I am entitled, is that if you still support Trump, you support racism. You are entitled to your opinion, but mine is Trump supporters support his racism, otherwise, you would denounce it.
And Beyonce, Kaep, Jussie, and all other successful people of color. For a dog-rescuing non-racist, she sure is reluctant to call out dog abusers and fellow racists. Wonder why that is? Turds of a feather.... :laugh:

From articles I've seen Beyoncé and Faye Dunaway are real bitches to work with. I also have read that Oprah and Barbara Streisand are regular bitches to work for. I guess fame and money bring out the worst in some people.
You'll have to be more specific.

When your glorious leader tweets or says racist shit, he will get called out on it. That's not race-baiting as much as you all would like to see it that way.

Tell me this: Do you think that Trump's years-long insistence that Obama is not an American citizen and is from Kenya a racist thing? Trump hated McCain. Yet he never went after HIS birth certificate -- even though he wasn't born in the U.S.

First of all, he isn't my"glorious leader," he's the president of my country.

It's the left who makes these accusations when nothing racist is intended. So who is doing the "race bating"?

I don't think it was racist as much as questioning his birthplace and his parent's citizenship. As for McCain, he was born to American parents, his father was serving our country abroad.

Maybe you can answer my previous question about our "Miss Moderator" since that's the thread topic?
Sorry, my opinion, to which I am entitled, is that if you still support Trump, you support racism. You are entitled to your opinion, but mine is Trump supporters support his racism, otherwise, you would denounce it.

It's true I support some of his policies, so in your opinion I'm a racist. Show us one post of mine that supports your claim, "Miss Moderator."