An open letter to Phantazmal.

I noticed you included some white women in there. lol That being said, why would anyone who doesn't work with them care if they are bitches to work with? I sure don't. In Toxic's case, she dislikes them because she is a racist, and envies and hates almost all other women who are successful and accomplished.

Toxic has penis envy,and hates the vagina!
It’s obvious to me, how about you. Those attacked are all people of color.

Plenty of white congresscritters have addressed Trump about various negative things. He always responds with an unhinged rant or twelve. Yet he has yet to point to *their* districts as being filthy, infested with rats, and so on. Trump is very adept at dog whistling.
Plenty of white congresscritters have addressed Trump about various negative things. He always responds with an unhinged rant or twelve. Yet he has yet to point to *their* districts as being filthy, infested with rats, and so on. Trump is very adept at dog whistling.
Yes, he is, he knows some, “very fine people” with tiki torches , who hear his whistles loud and clear.
Really? You would be quite wrong about that. I have publicly called out both of them when they've run off the rails. Ask them.

I don't need to "save the day" for anyone. Phantasmal has shown that she's quite capable of standing up to the hottest of flames.

You've said that you don't like it when a group of ppl pile on someone, yet here you are -- right in the middle of the toxic dog pack, snarling and snapping with the best of them.
Damn straight. I have a legitimate beef with her. She has called me a racist all over this board based on jack shit - and frankly, I'm damned tired of the troll.

She should either back it up or shut the fuck up. She is quite the badass in her girl gang pile-ons and now the blubbering coward is reduced to calling in her reinforcements.

Standing up to the hottest of the flames? Where is she? Hiding -- and here you are. lol
Damn straight. I have a legitimate beef with her. She has called me a racist all over this board based on jack shit - and frankly, I'm damned tired of the troll.

She should either back it up or shut the fuck up. She is quite the badass in her girl gang pile-ons and now the blubbering coward is reduced to calling in her reinforcements.

Standing up to the hottest of the flames? Where is she? Hiding -- and here you are. lol

You might want to look above. My, someone is quite triggered today. lol
Huh? Look above? I have. She hasn't said a word.

You have been summoned as back-up.

I am responding to your post numbered 307. Phan posted #303, four above yours. She's been posting in this thread, and elsewhere, all morning. I'm sorry your covfefe hasn't kicked in yet. lol
It's because of all the racist bs he's said in the past that these comments seem dirty with it. If a convicted pedophile said to a family, that they have beautiful children, people would read between the lines of that as well.
So perhaps you will share why you banned me from a recipe thread eons ago when I hadn't said boo to you?

I believe the *true* reason is germane to the topic.
You might want to look above. My, someone is quite triggered today. lol
Her comments were from another forum, I can’t supply those, the board has closed. She has only shown bigotry and xenophobia here. She posted some pretty awful, in my opinion, racist things about the Obama’s. She has a history, her name was Minty! I stand by my opinion of her.
Must be hard to be an apologist and a defender of a immoral man like Trump.

See that is your whole problem! You can't separate Trump the man from Trump the president. His tweets and statements are his personal feelings and he is not speaking as the president. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that.
Her comments were from another forum, I can’t supply those, the board has closed. She has only shown bigotry and xenophobia here. She posted some pretty awful, in my opinion, racist things about the Obama’s. She has a history, her name was Minty! I stand by my opinion of her.
You are a lying shitbag.

I didn't like Obama but that doesn't make me a racist, you squirming, lowlife lying piece of shit.

Fuck you, you sorry excuse for a moderator.
See that is your whole problem! You can't separate Trump the man from Trump the president. His tweets and statements are his personal feelings and he is not speaking as the president. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

Trump the man,and Trump the person are not two different people!