An open letter to Phantazmal.

See that is your whole problem! You can't separate Trump the man from Trump the president. His tweets and statements are his personal feelings and he is not speaking as the president. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that.
He’s the President, it is different for him, he’s not a private citizen. His personal feeling play into his politics and policies.
See that is your whole problem! You can't separate Trump the man from Trump the president. His tweets and statements are his personal feelings and he is not speaking as the president. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

Wrong!Whenever a President speaks,he is speaking as the President!Goes with the job!
You're bullshit yourself trying to separate the two!
You'll need to repeat it, please. There's been so many questions and statements that I've lost track of who said what. Thanks.

Seems to me that Phantasmal gets the vast majority of "moderators here are shit" flak from -- wait for it! Wait!!! -- Reichtards like Earl, Toxic, Jack, and all our other snowflake friends that are just fine with mods who are conservative, but if a mod is a leftie -- it's EVIL! Censorship! Bias! Hate for America! Double standards!

That's funny!

Jack? Hell, you have more in common with Jack than anyone of us "Reichtards," as you call us. You, Jack and Miss "Moderator" despise Christians and Conservatives. Maybe that's why Jack gets 30 days for his THIRD 12b violation and I got 30 for my first?
I assume my violation was extreme compared to Jack's THREE since I suggested a poster might be an administrator in NAMBLA (by the way, I did my 30 and didn't bitch like Jack did)?
Maybe she (or perhaps you) can explain that?

Just asking if you can explain her reasoning since you two "stand together" (her words) and she won't explain it herself.

And why you think Jack is a "Reichtard."
I noticed you included some white women in there. lol That being said, why would anyone who doesn't work with them care if they are bitches to work with? I sure don't. In Toxic's case, she dislikes them because she is a racist, and envies and hates almost all other women who are successful and accomplished.

And what would you have said if I had only talked about Beyoncé and Oprah? You would have accused me of being racist! That is the NIGYSOB game the left plays. I mention them because Beyoncé, Faye Dunaway, Oprah, and Barbara Streisand are adored by their fans who think how nice it would be to bond with them. But these idols are hypocrites and snobs. Plus every one is a liberal just makes one wonder.
See that is your whole problem! You can't separate Trump the man from Trump the president. His tweets and statements are his personal feelings and he is not speaking as the president. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

I don't understand that either. Are you aware that everything that a president says, writes, and does becomes part of that president's official U.S. government archives? Thus, when Trump tweets some nastiness at some celebrity or politician or news media figure -- that is PRESIDENT Trump's official word and it has become part of his official archives.

I don't know about you, but I prefer my president to be above petty feuds, spite, and revenge. NOT a petulant and perpetually offended third-grader.
I hope he does,and lifts the ban.
You have proved you behave in
Non-Political threads.
He already lifted the ban, I have no problem with him. Just want him to honestly answer why he would ban me from a thread like that when I'd had absolutely ZERO interaction with him at the time. I was rarely even posting here.

I know the answer, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
And what would you have said if I had only talked about Beyoncé and Oprah? You would have accused me of being racist! That is the NIGYSOB game the left plays. I mention them because Beyoncé, Faye Dunaway, Oprah, and Barbara Streisand are adored by their fans who think how nice it would be to bond with them. But these idols are hypocrites and snobs. Plus every one is a liberal just makes one wonder.

You have zero personal experience in what you claim.About these celebrities.
Ever heard of Ted Nugent?
He already lifted the ban, I have no problem with him. Just want him to honestly answer why he would ban me from a thread like that when I'd had absolutely ZERO interaction with him at the time. I was rarely even posting here.

I know the answer, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I know the answer too!
"Good morning"
He’s the President, it is different for him, he’s not a private citizen. His personal feeling play into his politics and policies.

I don't see it that way the only exception would be the shutdown and that was a war of egos between Trump and Pelosi. Not Trump is thin skinned but I think his policies seem to work well. I don't remember the left getting up in arms when Obama criticized to police numerous time when the made minor mistakes? After all by your theory he was the president!