An open letter to Phantazmal.

Just asking if you can explain her reasoning since you two "stand together" (her words) and she won't explain it herself.

Do you mean why did you get a 30-day ban for the NAMBLA comment, and it took Jack three tries to get as much time off? If that is the question, I don't have the answer. I'm not privy to the mods' deliberations and decisions, and I don't ask them via PM either unless it is something that involves me. I can tell you the obvious though: Three of the four mods are conservatives. When someone gets banned it takes all four to approve it, and for how long. So you would be better off asking all four of them why you got a big slap for your first offense (if that was the first, I don't recall) and why it looks like Jack got a break. Blaming a single mod out of the four simply because you don't like her political POV is dishonest and unfair.

And why you think Jack is a "Reichtard."

Jack plays both sides of the fence and is no more a lefty or a liberal than I am a Boeing 747 pilot.
Horseshit. You trolls show no understanding whatsoever that this forum is for CURRENT EVENTS.
Childish demands by prosemitic and pseudo-patriotic morons don't qualify.

Fuck off and kill yourself, terrorist loving maggot. No one will care. No one will miss you. You're a nobody. You're repugnant. The planets IQ will go up when you die. ;)
And what would you have said if I had only talked about Beyoncé and Oprah? You would have accused me of being racist! That is the NIGYSOB game the left plays. I mention them because Beyoncé, Faye Dunaway, Oprah, and Barbara Streisand are adored by their fans who think how nice it would be to bond with them. But these idols are hypocrites and snobs. Plus every one is a liberal just makes one wonder.

You assume incorrectly. I would have just figured you were bringing up the same ppl that I did because those were the names that I used. How do you know that they are all liberals? Did you show you their ballots? lol
I don't see it that way the only exception would be the shutdown and that was a war of egos between Trump and Pelosi. Not Trump is thin skinned but I think his policies seem to work well. I don't remember the left getting up in arms when Obama criticized to police numerous time when the made minor mistakes? After all by your theory he was the president!

As soon as you deflect you lose the debate
They've lied to him more than they've lied to everyone else here....if that's possible....he makes some of the most bizarre claims....

See that is your whole problem! You can't separate Trump the man from Trump the president. His tweets and statements are his personal feelings and he is not speaking as the president. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

He is rage tweeting against neighborhoods in Baltimore from the Presidential Twitter account. The Tweets are part of the official presidential record and are archived on a white house government website.


President Trump Verified account
45th President of the United States of America, @realDonaldTrump. Tweets archived:

Washington, D.C.
Joined January 2017

We are making progress though -- You are obviously starting to understand that Trumpf's rage tweets against citizens in a Baltimore neighborhood are petty, childish, uncouth, and completely beneath the dignity of the office of the Presidency.
I don't see it that way the only exception would be the shutdown and that was a war of egos between Trump and Pelosi. Not Trump is thin skinned but I think his policies seem to work well. I don't remember the left getting up in arms when Obama criticized to police numerous time when the made minor mistakes? After all by your theory he was the president!

I would have to see Obama’s remarks before commenting on this.
Let's see if West Baltimore starts getting some much needed help here very soon;) Bet they do;)
Do you mean why did you get a 30-day ban for the NAMBLA comment, and it took Jack three tries to get as much time off? If that is the question, I don't have the answer. I'm not privy to the mods' deliberations and decisions, and I don't ask them via PM either unless it is something that involves me. I can tell you the obvious though: Three of the four mods are conservatives. When someone gets banned it takes all four to approve it, and for how long. So you would be better off asking all four of them why you got a big slap for your first offense (if that was the first, I don't recall) and why it looks like Jack got a break. Blaming a single mod out of the four simply because you don't like her political POV is dishonest and unfair.

Jack plays both sides of the fence and is no more a lefty or a liberal than I am a Boeing 747 pilot.

I didn't "blame" her alone, I simply asked, but my questions always go unanswered.

The only thing close is Jack claims a despise of ALL immigration. We conservatives don't despise LEGAL immigrants, we welcome them (meaning those who go through the process of becoming citizens and learning our language, which is a requirement, by the way). As for asylum seekers, they can go to the back of the line to come here simply because it isn't fair they can jump ahead of those who go through the legal process.
Do you consider character assassination of posters she knows nothing about simply "posting her opinion"?

My two cents. She's a lying troll. At least that's been my experience and observation.

I cannot speak to her opinion of you. She is basing her opinion of you on her experiences, which I am not privy to. I do know that her opinion of posters is based on careful consideration of facts, context, and experience.

I personally do not have a beef with you, my interactions with you are very limited and I have no personal reason to judge you. Some of your posts I have appreciated.

What I am telling you is that as a moderator, she is trustworthy, fair, and equitable.
I am convinced she does not let her personal opinion about posters affect her obligations to execute moderator duties. And there are plenty of moderators that statement does not apply to.
I consider her character beyond reproach, that is my two cents.
I cannot speak to her opinion of you. She is basing her opinion of you on her experiences, which I am not privy to. I do know that her opinion of posters is based on careful consideration of facts, context, and experience.

I personally do not have a beef with you, my interactions with you are very limited and I have no personal reason to judge you. Some of your posts I have appreciated.

What I am telling you is that as a moderator, she is trustworthy, fair, and equitable.
I am convinced she does not let her personal opinion about posters affect her obligations to execute moderator duties. And there are plenty of moderators that statement does not apply to.
I consider her character beyond reproach, that is my two cents.
Thanks for you input but my experience has been quite different.

She has posted lies about me from a board she posted on maybe twice. Her excuse is "well the board is closed but I remember she was a racists". I didn't like Obama but said nothing *racists*. She has called me a racist for years without a damn thing to back it up with - and continues on and on.

I'm tired of her lies spun out of whole cloth. This behavior isn't what any alleged "moderator" normally does, that's why I call her the sorriest excuse for a moderator I've ever seen.
I don't understand that either. Are you aware that everything that a president says, writes, and does becomes part of that president's official U.S. government archives? Thus, when Trump tweets some nastiness at some celebrity or politician or news media figure -- that is PRESIDENT Trump's official word and it has become part of his official archives.

I don't know about you, but I prefer my president to be above petty feuds, spite, and revenge. NOT a petulant and perpetually offended third-grader.

Oh I fully agree the president shouldn't get into petty spats. If you remember I said from the beginning Trump's biggest enemy is his own big mouth. There is no argument that he is not a statesman.
I don't like Trump and I didn't like Obama but I was and am willing to give credit were credit is due.
The only thing close is Jack claims a despise of ALL immigration. We conservatives don't despise LEGAL immigrants, we welcome them (meaning those who go through the process of becoming citizens and learning our language, which is a requirement, by the way). As for asylum seekers, they can go to the back of the line to come here simply because it isn't fair they can jump ahead of those who go through the legal process.

20+ years ago I worked with a couple of those asylum-seekers. One was from Bosnia, the other a Kurdish man from Iraq. Both came here seeking asylum, along with their families. Both had escaped dangerous and untenable situations in their homelands. Faruk, the Iraqi, left with his wife and two daughters in the middle of the night after Saddam's thugs had kicked in their door and shot his wife's parents in front of them. They traveled through the mountains with nothing but what they could carry, and made it into Turkey. They applied for asylum in America and were sponsored by a local church, which is how they happened to come to that little corner of the world where we lived at the time. The other family's story was similar. The husbands both got jobs at the place where I worked, while the wives and kids went to school to learn English.

I don't have a bit of problem with ppl like this jumping the line, do you?