An open letter to Phantazmal.

Why would I say anything to evince when she's against racism, like me? And why would I say anything to guno, a black man, when he criticizes religion, not race?

There are enough pretend Christians here who only talk the talk.
I'll take, because you're a partisan hack ass kisser for 50, Alex.
Damn straight. I have a legitimate beef with her. She has called me a racist all over this board based on jack shit - and frankly, I'm damned tired of the troll.

She should either back it up or shut the fuck up. She is quite the badass in her girl gang pile-ons and now the blubbering coward is reduced to calling in her reinforcements.

Standing up to the hottest of the flames? Where is she? Hiding -- and here you are. lol

Yeah, I'm considering following in your footsteps and starting a "Phantasmal Derangement Syndrome" thread so I can follow you haters around and keep track of all your slurs in one thread. :laugh:
And all you do is troll in your mean girl gang and compete in the ass kissing Olympics.

Not much to brag about there. You know, I hate gangs and the cowards who cling to them so I turned the eviseration of bullies into an art. :cool:

That would be "evisceration", spelling Nazi. :rofl2: And ICYMI, you ARE in a gang on this thread... a gang of ninnies who can't stand that their orange messiah was criticized by a black man. A gang that dog-piled on one poster because she stuck up for the black man and also criticized their orange messiah. You are every bit as complicit in ganging up as anybody here.
That would be "evisceration", spelling Nazi. :rofl2: And ICYMI, you ARE in a gang on this thread... a gang of ninnies who can't stand that their orange messiah was criticized by a black man. A gang that dog-piled on one poster because she stuck up for the black man and also criticized their orange messiah. You are every bit as complicit in ganging up as anybody here.
I'm here because that sorry excuse of a mod has lied about me since I've been here and I finally got tired of it. Watching her do the same thing to others was the last straw.

Don't need "back up" or a gang. Ask anyone here who knows my posting history. My reputation in that department precedes me.

You, like the other gang reinforcements, are pathetically trying to defend her lies because she is incapable of owning them. She made false claims about my character and cannot OWN it. Had I made up lies about someone, gotten them banned from threads, etc. I would be here, owning it myself and proving my claims. But, I'm not a yellow-spined coward.

That Jade did not remark on why he banned me from a thread in 2017 -- when I was barely posting here -- speaks volumes. I know why. Always have.

It's a public service exposing what a coward this troll is when called on the carpet. She disappeared like a ghost, called in every reinforcement and has not once attempted to own the lies she has written.

Sliced and diced.
I'm here because that sorry excuse of a mod has lied about me since I've been here and I finally got tired of it. Watching her do the same thing to others was the last straw.

Don't need "back up" or a gang. Ask anyone here who knows my posting history. My reputation in that department precedes me.

You, like the other gang reinforcements, are pathetically trying to defend her lies because she is incapable of owning them. She made false claims about my character and cannot OWN it. Had I made up lies about someone, gotten them banned from threads, etc. I would be here, owning it myself and proving my claims. But, I'm not a yellow-spined coward.

That Jade did not remark on why he banned me from a thread in 2017 -- when I was barely posting here -- speaks volumes. I know why. Always have.

It's a public service exposing what a coward this troll is when called on the carpet. She disappeared like a ghost, called in every reinforcement and has not once attempted to own the lies she has written.

Sliced and diced.

Nobody's lied about your position on race, LIG. Your own words here and on DCJ tell the tale. I was a member of DCJ although I didn't post much except on a song thread. I remember what a lot of people said though, including you.

While on JPP you posted threads after hurricanes about blacks looting and ignored white looting. You've posted about blacks and welfare, food stamps, single parents, laziness etc. and ignored the same about whites. You've used the terms "thug" or "thugishness" to describe blacks many times, but never to describe whites. You use the term "race hustler" or other pejoratives to describe blacks who speak out. And you never - NEVER- call out the racists here who can't write a single post without inserting the N-word.

Nothing I wrote is a lie. If you don't want to be called a racist, stop writing like one. All we know about you comes from your written words, and your words show a distaste, to put it mildly, for blacks.
Why would I say anything to evince when she's against racism, like me? And why would I say anything to guno, a black man, when he criticizes religion, not race?

There are enough pretend Christians here who only talk the talk.

You're not against racism, you use it as a weapon against those you disagree with. If you truly were against racism you would try to educate people that we are all alike regardless of skin color.
Nobody's lied about your position on race, LIG. Your own words here and on DCJ tell the tale. I was a member of DCJ although I didn't post much except on a song thread. I remember what a lot of people said though, including you.

While on JPP you posted threads after hurricanes about blacks looting and ignored white looting. You've posted about blacks and welfare, food stamps, single parents, laziness etc. and ignored the same about whites. You've used the terms "thug" or "thugishness" to describe blacks many times, but never to describe whites. You use the term "race hustler" or other pejoratives to describe blacks who speak out. And you never - NEVER- call out the racists here who can't write a single post without inserting the N-word.

Nothing I wrote is a lie. If you don't want to be called a racist, stop writing like one. All we know about you comes from your written words, and your words show a distaste, to put it mildly, for blacks.
What a liar - just like the piece of shit you're sadly trying to defend -- and failing miserably. You attribute posts and words of other posters and falsely attribute them to me. Maybe I will do the same to you.

You and the troll posted 2 or 3 times on DCJ, so stop pretending you know anything I ever posted. I never posted all that shit, you lying shitbag.

I sliced and diced your cowardly shit moderator and I will do the same to you. Fuck you and your gang of gutless, lying shitbags.
You're not against racism, you use it as a weapon against those you disagree with. If you truly were against racism you would try to educate people that we are all alike regardless of skin color.

You're delusional. I call out people like Volsrock, CFM, PraiseKek, TDAK and others who are openly, blatantly racist. It's unfortunate you don't do the same; instead you attack the people who do.

It's not up to anybody here to educate people about racism; that was their parents' job. But trust you to use that as another weapon against anti-racists.
You're delusional. I call out people like Volsrock, CFM, PraiseKek, TDAK and others who are openly, blatantly racist. It's unfortunate you don't do the same; instead you attack the people who do.
You phony, lying piece of shit. You lie about people you disagree with politically and label them as racists, you use it as a weapon. You trivialize the word so it's a punchline.

It's not up to anybody here to educate people about racism; that was their parents' job. But trust you to use that as another weapon against anti-racists.
Apparently your mother did a shit job raising you, I read your racist rants at DCJ.
What a liar - just like the piece of shit you're sadly trying to defend -- and failing miserably. You attribute posts and words of other posters and falsely attribute them to me. Maybe I will do the same to you.

You and the troll posted 2 or 3 times on DCJ, so stop pretending you know anything I ever posted. I never posted all that shit, you lying shitbag.

I sliced and diced your cowardly shit moderator and I will do the same to you. Fuck you and your gang of gutless, lying shitbags.

You're cussing out the wrong person LIG. I'll have no problem digging up your JPP posts and throwing them in your face. You better be prepared to eat your words. And as far as slicing and dicing, you will never find me saying the kind of ignorant, bigoted comments you and your gang have used, and that's a fact.

When I read some of your posts I wonder what made you so angry and bitter about everybody except whites. You're irrational about it.
You phony, lying piece of shit. You lie about people you disagree with politically and label them as racists, you use it as a weapon. You trivialize the word so it's a punchline.

Then prove it. Pull up my posts you have a problem with so we can all read them in context.

Apparently your mother did a shit job raising you, I read your racist rants at DCJ.

Now that's hilarious! What was my name at DCJ, hotshot? Put up or shut up.
I don't. But I have a problem with their dregs of society; criminals, drug runners and human traffickers coming here and siphoning our tax dollars.

I think we all do. The problem here is though that you believe what you're told by RW media. They are NOT "siphoning our tax dollars." You want to know who's doing that? Look no further than the defense industry.

Yes, some of those despicable elements are there and trying to slip in. But the vast majority of the teeming hordes at the southern border are just people. They are poor people, no money, just hope. There is very little difference between them and your ancestors and mine, who were also poor ppl cast out by their ancestral homelands and seeking to find a better life in the new world. My middle daughter does genealogy as a hobby. She has traced back one branch of our family to 1640. The most recent European arrival was around the turn of the 20th century. Everyone in between came here for a better life. Almost all of them (not the 1640 guy for sure because he was some Brit Puritan) were treated as dregs of society when they got here. Some did not speak English even. My Irish ancestors were called "drunken, lazy, filthy". My German ancestors were acceptable, until WWI broke out. If you are of mostly European ancestry, same with yours.

Nope, nope, nope. No one has a problem with legal immigration but lots of people have a problem with illegals, and I'm one.

We have a huge problem with the influx at the southern borders, and just as huge of a problem with those who overstay their visas, and abuse of the H1B visa program. Denigrating the ppl at the border does no one any good. Locking them in cages solves nothing. Warring with each other about what's going on, why it's going on, and how to solve it does NOTHING.

I bet if we could set aside the hate, the rhetoric, the bombast, and put Trump in a Twitter-proof bunker for a few months.... the rest of us could work this thing out.
You're cussing out the wrong person LIG. I'll have no problem digging up your JPP posts and throwing them in your face. You better be prepared to eat your words. And as far as slicing and dicing, you will never find me saying the kind of ignorant, bigoted comments you and your gang have used, and that's a fact.

When I read some of your posts I wonder what made you so angry and bitter about everybody except whites. You're irrational about it.
Don't sing it, bring it.

Post links to all the shit you just falsely me accused me of. And where is that cowardly piece of shit Trollenator? She's the one who spread the lies about me when I wasn't even posting here.

EE nailed it. You use false accusations of racism as a weapon, just like your girl-gang troll mod. It was done for 8 years across this country and that's why you and your sick ideology is loathed by so many. I purely hate people like you.
  • Life is Golden
    Orange man good

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    Hurricane looting has begun
  • FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - Despite dangerous winds and heavy rain from Hurricane Irma, several looting incidents have been reported in Fort Lauderdale.
    Local 10 cameras caught a group breaking into the Simon's Sportswear on Sunrise Blvd. and Powerline Road.

    The group of about 8-9 people broke through the front window and were seen walking in and then walking out with stolen items.
    A group then began looting a Footlocker in the same area. It's not known whether the groups were the same.
    The Broward Sheriff's Office immediately reacted to Local 10's report, tweeting "ATTENTION LOOTERS; Every incident will be investigated. Evidence collected will be used to pursue charges after the fact."
Don't sing it, bring it.

Post links to all the shit you just falsely me accused me of. And where is that cowardly piece of shit Trollenator? She's the one who spread the lies about me when I wasn't even posting here.

EE nailed it. You use false accusations of racism as a weapon, just like your girl-gang troll mod. It was done for 8 years across this country and that's why you and your sick ideology is loathed by so many. I purely hate people like you.

What was my name at DCJ, hotshot? Put up or shut up.