An open letter to Phantazmal.

Nope, I knew about it. You won't post what I responded to or it would show it was to someone doing the same thing you and your shit moderator do every day -- falsely label people as racists. That was why I did it.

I'm not a cornered rat. I don't care. I'm no racist. I don't hate black people or think I'm superior and you cannot label someone you know or have never seen as a racist. What you, an insecure little ass-kisser and your little mean girl gang with a troll mod who needs a remedial English course, say or think about me makes no difference because I know the truth.

I don't have to lie about people to defend my position. Maybe I will continue on what I started in that thread? You create the monsters, then you can live with them. I think you're a deceitful, lying POS just like Trollenator. Birds of a feather.

You wrote this less than an hour ago, LIG. I think we all know who the liar and false accuser is and it's not me. Maybe you should just quit while you're ahead. But if you want me to keep going, no problem.
I'll be interested to see what EE has to say about your posts and my so-called false accusations, loser.

"Don't sing it, bring it.

Post links to all the shit you just falsely me accused me of. And where is that cowardly piece of shit Trollenator? She's the one who spread the lies about me when I wasn't even posting here.

EE nailed it. You use false accusations of racism as a weapon, just like your girl-gang troll mod. It was done for 8 years across this country and that's why you and your sick ideology is loathed by so many. I purely hate people like you."
I've never said I didn't say it. I wrote it to someone --Bucktard-- who was accusing all Trump supporters of being redneck racist. I did it to piss them off.

Maybe I will do it again. You think you're really got something -- you don't.


Lots of people here have pissed me off bigly, LIG, but calling them the N-word never crossed my mind. You do it because racism is in your heart and mind and you're too phony to admit it.
You wrote this less than an hour ago, LIG. I think we all know who the liar and false accuser is and it's not me. Maybe you should just quit while you're ahead. But if you want me to keep going, no problem.
I'll be interested to see what EE has to say about your posts and my so-called false accusations, loser.

"Don't sing it, bring it.

Post links to all the shit you just falsely me accused me of. And where is that cowardly piece of shit Trollenator? She's the one who spread the lies about me when I wasn't even posting here.

EE nailed it. You use false accusations of racism as a weapon, just like your girl-gang troll mod. It was done for 8 years across this country and that's why you and your sick ideology is loathed by so many. I purely hate people like you."
You've proven nothing, only showed posts where I was being falsely accused of being a racist and I obliged by playing the part. That's plain as day and evidenced by the fact I never said it again.

I'm not a racist. But I can pretend to be one, just like I did with Bucktard. Do you really want to get that going? Because I don't care one bit. I will go there.

Winning at those ass kissing Olympics. lmao
Lots of people here have pissed me off bigly, LIG, but calling them the N-word never crossed my mind. You do it because racism is in your heart and mind and you're too phony to admit it.
Do people falsely call you a racist? No, that's yours and Trollenator's gig.

You don't know me or what is in my heart so you lie. As EE noted, you employ character assassination and false claims of racism as a weapon because you are an ugly person inside just like the troll mod. Truth be told you don't give a rat's ass about racism and are probably the biggest racist around. All you care about is slandering political opponents with lies.
Yeah, I'm considering following in your footsteps and starting a "Phantasmal Derangement Syndrome" thread so I can follow you haters around and keep track of all your slurs in one thread. :laugh:

I know for realz! For some reason, Phan garners far more hate, shade, and bullshit accusations than Grind, Billy, and Damo combined and times 10. It's because in order of importance: 1) she's lefty, 2) female, 3) assertive, outspoken, and PRESENT.
You've proven nothing, only showed posts where I was being falsely accused of being a racist and I obliged by playing the part. That's plain as day and evidenced by the fact I never said it again.

I'm not a racist. But I can pretend to be one, just like I did with Bucktard. Do you really want to get that going? Because I don't care one bit. I will go there.

Winning at those ass kissing Olympics. lmao

You're lying again, LIG. You used it months after that pissing match with Buck. But keep denying what everyone can see with their own eyes.

11-17-2018, 11:19 PM

Life is Golden
Orange man good

Porch monkey? Isn't that another word for nigger?

You're lying again, LIG. You used it months after that pissing match with Buck. But keep denying what everyone can see with their own eyes.

11-17-2018, 11:19 PM

Life is Golden
Orange man good

Porch monkey? Isn't that another word for nigger?

Post the whole quote, liar. I did not call anyone a nigger or use the word in a derogatory manner.

Your lover Goon-o used the term porch monkey. You lose again, phony ass kisser. Why don't you complain about Goon-o saying porch monkey? Oh, that's right. You don't really care. lmao

Originally Posted by guno
dream on porch monkey

Porch monkey? Isn't that another word for nigger?​

Do people falsely call you a racist? No, that's yours and Trollenator's gig.

I've been called a racist here before -- only by Reichwing racists who roll over and piss themselves for Trump, when I correctly label him as a racist. But unlike real racists, I just shrug it off because it's meaningless b.s from some anonymous internet dumbshit. I have yet to be called a racist by any real life person. Ever. But if I was, I would ask the person why she/he feels that way, and listen.

Listening and self-examination are good things.
I've been called a racist here before -- only by Reichwing racists who roll over and piss themselves for Trump, when I correctly label him as a racist. But unlike real racists, I just shrug it off because it's meaningless b.s from some anonymous internet dumbshit. I have yet to be called a racist by any real life person. Ever. But if I was, I would ask the person why she/he feels that way, and listen.

Listening and self-examination are good things.
That's a good point. Thanks for putting it into perspective. I have never been called a racist except on message boards by people like these trolls.

In reality, the Internet trolls are probably the biggest racists I could ever run across. People loathe what they dislike about themselves and see in others. Classic projection.
Post the whole quote, liar. I did not call anyone a nigger or use the word in a derogatory manner.

Your lover Goon-o used the term porch monkey. You lose again, phony ass kisser. Why don't you complain about Goon-o saying porch monkey? Oh, that's right. You don't really care. lmao
Originally Posted by guno
dream on porch monkey

Porch monkey? Isn't that another word for nigger?

He said "porch honkey" and you changed his post, you effing liar. You disgust me.

11-17-2018, 10:04 PM #15 | Top

dream on porch honkey, you kind is literally dying off :laugh:
Post 433 shows guno's original post #15 that was quoted as "porch honkey" in Pmp's response, post #18. It was "honkey" until lying LIG changed the quote.

11-17-2018, 10:09 PM #18 | Top
fully immersed in faith..
Originally Posted by guno

dream on porch honkey, you kind is literally dying off :laugh:

shame you won't live to see it, hamhock......
Post 433 shows guno's original post #15 that was quoted as "porch honkey" in Pmp's response, post #18. It was "honkey" until lying LIG changed the quote.

11-17-2018, 10:09 PM #18 | Top
fully immersed in faith..

shame you won't live to see it, hamhock......

Yep, porch honkey. Racist! But he's your kinda racist. lmao.

Big phony.

You're out of gas now...there is nothing to substantiate yours and trolletta's lies. You've proven that in spades.