An open letter to Phantazmal.

Originally Posted by Althea

Mike Brown was the smallest of the myriad settlements that swept the country.

09-03-2017, 06:58 AM #51 |

Life is Golden
Orange man good's 'gone' along with taxpayer money used to compensate for rogue cops.

That big lie was the catalyst for numerous police assassinations. All because a cop defended himself against an obese, waste-of-oxygen thug. Now? It's as forgotten as what you had for lunch last

Just like "statue trauma". lmao
  • Life is Golden
    Orange man good

    Join DateDec 2016LocationFloridaPosts6,458Thanks4,288Thanked 3,437 Times in 2,455 PostsGroans1Groaned 195 Times in 184 Posts

    Hurricane looting has begun
  • FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - Despite dangerous winds and heavy rain from Hurricane Irma, several looting incidents have been reported in Fort Lauderdale.
    Local 10 cameras caught a group breaking into the Simon's Sportswear on Sunrise Blvd. and Powerline Road.

    The group of about 8-9 people broke through the front window and were seen walking in and then walking out with stolen items.
    A group then began looting a Footlocker in the same area. It's not known whether the groups were the same.
    The Broward Sheriff's Office immediately reacted to Local 10's report, tweeting "ATTENTION LOOTERS; Every incident will be investigated. Evidence collected will be used to pursue charges after the fact."

And this means....nothing. You got nothing. Hurricane looting was real. Where is your lying troll mod? Hiding in a puddle of piss, no doubt. With a lifejacket on. She needs one. The wake will not die down for her lies, or yours.
I'm here because that sorry excuse of a mod has lied about me since I've been here and I finally got tired of it. Watching her do the same thing to others was the last straw.

Don't need "back up" or a gang. Ask anyone here who knows my posting history. My reputation in that department precedes me.

You, like the other gang reinforcements, are pathetically trying to defend her lies because she is incapable of owning them. She made false claims about my character and cannot OWN it. Had I made up lies about someone, gotten them banned from threads, etc. I would be here, owning it myself and proving my claims. But, I'm not a yellow-spined coward.

That Jade did not remark on why he banned me from a thread in 2017 -- when I was barely posting here -- speaks volumes. I know why. Always have.

It's a public service exposing what a coward this troll is when called on the carpet. She disappeared like a ghost, called in every reinforcement and has not once attempted to own the lies she has written.

Sliced and diced.

Paranoia selfdestroia
Here's LIG not using the N-word as she so loudly claimed a few weeks ago.

09-03-2017, 08:06 AM #61 | Top
Life is Golden
Orange man good

It was never about tearing them down and destroying them. Most if not all of them will remain standing, they'll just remain standing somewhere other than where they were.
Again, over 700 are still standing. In my city, none have been 'moved' or destroyed.

But hey, we all know how you rightie nutjobs need your little fake victories to have something to crow about.

Hope it gave you a little bit of happiness.

On the contrary, you and Bucktard claimed an imaginary 'victory'. Never mentioned winning or proved your hollow claims wrong until this:

Only you and Bucktard claimed some bogus victory because your precious BLM cop-killing niggers and the terrorist groups who support them vandalized a few statues.

If taking down centuries old statues would make worthless criminals get jobs & become productive members of society instead of destroying property, stealing and assaulting/terrorizing law abiding citizens, I'd be ALL for it.

But, we both know that ain't happenin'.

Yep, when Buckley pushed me over the edge calling me racist. I don't deny it and fully admit it. Post all of it. But I don't hate black people or think I'm superior. Not a racist. I hate people like you and Trollenator though.
09-03-2017, 12:19 PM #89 | Top

Life is Golden
Orange man good

It was the catalyst which began the rash of cop killings.

I have family members who are police officers so I take it personally. And yes, the BLM terrorists who murdered those cops are niggers to me.

Call it what you will, frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.
Yep -- and I don't take it back.

How you like dem apples?

Still doesn't make me a racist. You can't prove shit.
Yep, you sure did. Stop lying. I saw it on the board.

And you can't prove otherwise, shitbag.

Nope. I remember some of your names there... California Chrome... along with Mint Julep and Minty. And I never used christiefan there, period. You're lying because you've become a cornered rat now that your racist posts are being exposed.
Nope. I remember some of your names there... California Chrome... along with Mint Julep and Minty. And I never used christiefan there, period. You're lying because you've become a cornered rat now that your racist posts are being exposed.
Nope, I knew about it. You won't post what I responded to or it would show it was to someone doing the same thing you and your shit moderator do every day -- falsely label people as racists. That was why I did it.

I'm not a cornered rat. I don't care. I'm no racist. I don't hate black people or think I'm superior and you cannot label someone you know or have never seen as a racist. What you, an insecure little ass-kisser and your little mean girl gang with a troll mod who needs a remedial English course, say or think about me makes no difference because I know the truth.

I don't have to lie about people to defend my position. Maybe I will continue on what I started in that thread? You create the monsters, then you can live with them. I think you're a deceitful, lying POS just like Trollenator. Birds of a feather.
Life is Golden
Orange man good

Can't have it both ways.

Calling all Trump supporters redneck racists is your daily schtick.

You defend Mooslims and BLM terrorists as being wholesome groups with "just a handful of bad ones".

Well I say any BLM member who killed a cop is a nigger and I stand by that.

See how that works?

I don't give a rat's ass what you, your race-baiting ilk or any virtue signalers say on the matter. enough.
I'll have to dig up your post from a few weeks ago where you swore on your sainted family that you never, NEVER used the N-word. So how do like them apples, biatch?
I've never said I didn't say it. I wrote it to someone --Bucktard-- who was accusing all Trump supporters of being redneck racist. I did it to piss them off.

Maybe I will do it again. You think you're really got something -- you don't.
