An open letter to Phantazmal.

Probably for the same reason you have felt compelled to defend the likes of Toxic at times when you thought she was being unfairly picked on, eh?

One thing about this place. I have seen a lot of ppl here called "racists." In almost all cases, it's because they are. Some food for thought: If one person calls you (group you, not necessarily you in particular) a racist, you may not actually be one. But if a number of ppl label you a racist, chances are.... you are.

The newest Reichwing trick is to tell other white ppl that *they* are racist because they stated that something or someone is racist. It's not a very effective tactic; it just makes them look ridiculous.

So if a number of ppl label you a cunt, chances are?? :good4u:
Sounds like Eagle Eye disclosed a PM.A ban able offense.

Stop being dumb Mason.

I can’t turn a blind eye to 12b accusations, it is a group decision. It’s hilarious to think that I have total control over Billy, Damo and Grind, how am I able to hide reports from them?

I would love to know what I’ve lied about. Everyone I’ve called a racist, there is ample evidence of their racism, her own is well documented in her posts. It’s a case of the one hit, squealing the loudest.

And yet, you immediately jumped into "explanation mode" , in the same thread, when you yourself violated Rule 12b; but I haven't seen you allow someone else to do it.

Why don't you get Billy and/or Grind explain why they think you're a hypocrite.
Sorry, my opinion, to which I am entitled, is that if you still support Trump, you support racism. You are entitled to your opinion, but mine is Trump supporters support his racism, otherwise, you would denounce it.

Then go and get fucked; because your "conclusion" means the inverse is also true and since you support Democrats, it means you support ALL of them and their causes.

Yes, he is, he knows some, “very fine people” with tiki torches , who hear his whistles loud and clear.

He said "both sides"; so are you suggesting that everyone on the left side, that were there, were ALL nice people??

I fully expect that Rana the Hypocrite will either ignore this question or try to split hairs explaining this.
Illegal immigration has been a problem since 1492

What immigration was illegal in 1492?

This will require you finding and posting the immigration laws that were in effect in 1494.

But everyone, including your supporters, know you're full of shit and that you have nothing.
I'm here because that sorry excuse of a mod has lied about me since I've been here and I finally got tired of it. Watching her do the same thing to others was the last straw.

Don't need "back up" or a gang. Ask anyone here who knows my posting history. My reputation in that department precedes me.

You, like the other gang reinforcements, are pathetically trying to defend her lies because she is incapable of owning them. She made false claims about my character and cannot OWN it. Had I made up lies about someone, gotten them banned from threads, etc. I would be here, owning it myself and proving my claims. But, I'm not a yellow-spined coward.

That Jade did not remark on why he banned me from a thread in 2017 -- when I was barely posting here -- speaks volumes. I know why. Always have.

It's a public service exposing what a coward this troll is when called on the carpet. She disappeared like a ghost, called in every reinforcement and has not once attempted to own the lies she has written.

Sliced and diced.

This was to be expected, every since they tried to get you to chastise Top and you didn't fall into lockstep with them.

Now you're to be chastised and cast out.

You're delusional. I call out people like Volsrock, CFM, PraiseKek, TDAK and others who are openly, blatantly racist. It's unfortunate you don't do the same; instead you attack the people who do.

It's not up to anybody here to educate people about racism; that was their parents' job. But trust you to use that as another weapon against anti-racists.

Fuck you, with your "calling out"; because you've called me a racist, only because you're a cunt.
  • Life is Golden
    Orange man good

    Join DateDec 2016LocationFloridaPosts6,458Thanks4,288Thanked 3,437 Times in 2,455 PostsGroans1Groaned 195 Times in 184 Posts

    Hurricane looting has begun
  • FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - Despite dangerous winds and heavy rain from Hurricane Irma, several looting incidents have been reported in Fort Lauderdale.
    Local 10 cameras caught a group breaking into the Simon's Sportswear on Sunrise Blvd. and Powerline Road.

    The group of about 8-9 people broke through the front window and were seen walking in and then walking out with stolen items.
    A group then began looting a Footlocker in the same area. It's not known whether the groups were the same.
    The Broward Sheriff's Office immediately reacted to Local 10's report, tweeting "ATTENTION LOOTERS; Every incident will be investigated. Evidence collected will be used to pursue charges after the fact."

Where did she mention anyone's RACE; because you're attempting to use a video as the reason for your ASSumption?

Where have been your video's of looters??
You're lying again, LIG. You used it months after that pissing match with Buck. But keep denying what everyone can see with their own eyes.

11-17-2018, 11:19 PM

Life is Golden
Orange man good

Porch monkey? Isn't that another word for nigger?

OH-SO "questioning" someones word usage in now racist??

20+ years ago I worked with a couple of those asylum-seekers. One was from Bosnia, the other a Kurdish man from Iraq. Both came here seeking asylum, along with their families. Both had escaped dangerous and untenable situations in their homelands. Faruk, the Iraqi, left with his wife and two daughters in the middle of the night after Saddam's thugs had kicked in their door and shot his wife's parents in front of them. They traveled through the mountains with nothing but what they could carry, and made it into Turkey. They applied for asylum in America and were sponsored by a local church, which is how they happened to come to that little corner of the world where we lived at the time. The other family's story was similar. The husbands both got jobs at the place where I worked, while the wives and kids went to school to learn English.

I don't have a bit of problem with ppl like this jumping the line, do you?

Yes. Do you like people jumping in line in front of you at the grocery store?
I know for realz! For some reason, Phan garners far more hate, shade, and bullshit accusations than Grind, Billy, and Damo combined and times 10. It's because in order of importance: 1) she's lefty, 2) female, 3) assertive, outspoken, and PRESENT.

Maybe she brings it on herself with the "everyone I disagree with is a racist" bullshit?
When will you libs realize the "every conservative is a racist" bullshit is getting old?
Maybe she brings it on herself with the "everyone I disagree with is a racist" bullshit?
When will you libs realize the "every conservative is a racist" bullshit is getting old?
Of course she and the others bring it on themselves, and it's well deserved....They all sound exactly the same, don't they?....they must get a script when they sign the liberal "feminist progressive" loyalty oath...