An open letter to Phantazmal.

Sorry, my opinion, to which I am entitled, is that if you still support Trump, you support racism. You are entitled to your opinion, but mine is Trump supporters support his racism, otherwise, you would denounce it.

I have no idea what my husband’s serving has to do with me and my hating racists? I also don’t understand who you want me to educate. I taught my children well, they aren’t racists, and they are teaching their children not to be racists. I address racism whenever I see it. I think I am trying to do my part.

Not everyone you call racists are racist.

If you want to "do my part," quit making accusations.
I have no idea what my husband’s serving has to do with me and my hating racists? I also don’t understand who you want me to educate. I taught my children well, they aren’t racists, and they are teaching their children not to be racists. I address racism whenever I see it. I think I am trying to do my part.

I use your husband as an example of learning to overcome racism. We are about the same age so we lived through the era were racism was common and institutionalized!!!! Remember separate restrooms and water fountains etc.? So you should understand that racism is learned and can be unlearned! Instead of using racism as a weapon on people you disagree with try something that is totally alien to you things like compassion, understanding and persuasion. Need I say more?
Not everyone you call racists are racist.

If you want to "do my part," quit making accusations.

Not everyone you call racists are racist.

She doesn't care RB she uses the charge as a weapon. By calling you a racist she tries to put you in the position of trying to prove your not. Then she will accuse you of trying to cover it up. It's a typical left wing tactic.
I use your husband as an example of learning to overcome racism. We are about the same age so we lived through the era were racism was common and institutionalized!!!! Remember separate restrooms and water fountains etc.? So you should understand that racism is learned and can be unlearned! Instead of using racism as a weapon on people you disagree with try something that is totally alien to you things like compassion, understanding and persuasion. Need I say more?
My husband never was a racist. The only hate he has ever felt was for the man or woman pointing a gun at him. It was not based on racism but the need to think less of the enemy in order to be able to kill them. He always felt the man who served beside him was his equal. If you had to overcome racial attitudes to serve with others, I’m glad you were able to do so.
Trump is a racist,those that defend him,pretend what he said to the 4 Congress ladys of color wasn't racist.Can place themselves in the same boat as Racist Trump!

You do realize that telling a lie too many times makes you believe it's true. It's what the left is telling you and you're eating it up.
The left is so desperate to associate anything Trump says to racism when it's not. I wish he'd just shut up and be president.
I use your husband as an example of learning to overcome racism. We are about the same age so we lived through the era were racism was common and institutionalized!!!! Remember separate restrooms and water fountains etc.? So you should understand that racism is learned and can be unlearned! Instead of using racism as a weapon on people you disagree with try something that is totally alien to you things like compassion, understanding and persuasion. Need I say more?

I don't understand how a guy that served can
back Gen.Bone Spurs.
I have said this many times. I firmly believe Trump was elected not by uneducated zealots but people like myself voting against Hillary. This time I will look closely at the Democrat running but frankly from what I have seen it doesn't look good.
That was the first time. I gave a pass to people because I understood the hate for Hillary and the SCOTUS appointments.
This time around he has doubled down on his divisiveness and is attacking members of Congress to stoke his base. Let that sink in, his whole plan as a run up to the elections is to attack Congress people of color and he believes it is working. If you agree with this approach of Trump’s, what are liberals suppose to think about Trump supporters now?
My husband never was a racist. The only hate he has ever felt was for the man or woman pointing a gun at him. It was not based on racism but the need to think less of the enemy in order to be able to kill them. He always felt the man who served beside him was his equal. If you had to overcome racial attitudes to serve with others, I’m glad you were able to do so.

I can't believe you are so ignorant or blinded by hate that you can't see I wasn't talking about war but using that as an example!!!!! Accept it or not the environment we grew up in was racist and you will never convince me you nor your husband never used the N word in your entire life. Next you will tell me the story of the goose that laid golden eggs is true!
I can't believe you are so ignorant or blinded by hate that you can't see I wasn't talking about war but using that as an example!!!!! Accept it or not the environment we grew up in was racist and you will never convince me you nor your husband never used the N word in your entire life. Next you will tell me the story of the goose that laid golden eggs is true!
^^ Another reason the internets have me convinced that grown, adult rightwing men are worse gossipers than teenage mean girls - they are titillated by innuendo, rumours, and guesswork.

You do not know jack shit about her or her husband's life, they are two people you do not know and will never meet, and her husband is not even here and he is none of your gd business.

Why don't you stick to giving Trump's shoes a tongue bath instead of engaging in malicious and childish gossip about people you have never met and do not even know?
I can't believe you are so ignorant or blinded by hate that you can't see I wasn't talking about war but using that as an example!!!!! Accept it or not the environment we grew up in was racist and you will never convince me you nor your husband never used the N word in your entire life. Next you will tell me the story of the goose that laid golden eggs is true!
I don’t care what you believe. I have NEVER called another person that word. I may have used it in a discussion like this, but never referred to another human by that word. I never heard my parents use that word. I also grew up in that era. I have never heard my husband use that word in reference to another person. You are wrong about the people I knew, growing up in those times. I’m very glad I wasn’t raised that way. I saw my mother and father treat everyone as equal.
That's fine. I didn't remove myself from the the whole feud with intent to join a gang.

When I said I was no longer participating in the Amazon war, that didn't mean I would be trolling Top instead. Christieasskisser spends time trolling Top to kiss ass. I don't need to.

And your decisions were exactly the conclusion I arrived at.
I'm not saying everyone can be taught that all races are equal. But you are using them as an excuse for not even trying. I'm really surprised at your attitude since your husband is a vet and saw combat if I'm not mistaken. It's awful hard to hate a man that you depend on to save your life in a fight because of his skin color. Just think about it.

Ask her about how she defended and made excuses for his own racism.
^^ Another reason the internets have me convinced that grown, adult rightwing men are worse gossipers than teenage mean girls - they are titillated by innuendo, rumours, and guesswork.

You do not know jack shit about her or her husband's life, they are two people you do not know and will never meet, and her husband is not even here and he is none of your gd business.

Why don't you stick to giving Trump's shoes a tongue bath instead of engaging in malicious and childish gossip about people you have never met and do not even know?

First of fuck face I must go by what a person says about themselves and family Now I understand you are to stupid to understand that one must take what someone has to say as true simply because they have no real reason to lie. From viewing your posts I can tell you are a disgruntled loser whose whole life has been one failure after another thus you lash out looking for attention. You have my attention and it is saying fuck off bitch.
My husband never was a racist. The only hate he has ever felt was for the man or woman pointing a gun at him. It was not based on racism but the need to think less of the enemy in order to be able to kill them. He always felt the man who served beside him was his equal. If you had to overcome racial attitudes to serve with others, I’m glad you were able to do so.

So his continued use of the word "gook" was out of compassion??

I don’t care what you believe. I have NEVER called another person that word. I may have used it in a discussion like this, but never referred to another human by that word. I never heard my parents use that word. I also grew up in that era. I have never heard my husband use that word in reference to another person. You are wrong about the people I knew, growing up in those times. I’m very glad I wasn’t raised that way. I saw my mother and father treat everyone as equal.

Pardon me if I don't believe a word. But if you insist it's true then all is you should be canonized. Oh just because you never heard your husband say it doesn't mean he hasn't. My bride of 50+ years has never hear me say fuck if you get my drift?
Of course, Christieasskisser did not post what I was responding to, but I will:

Originally Posted by Cool 90's Kid
Dead cops is a beautiful thing!

Dead thuglets are better. Like takin' out the trash.

She is so dishonest. I'm so glad I'm not a lying, deceitful lowlife.

Looks like both you and "Cool 90s kid" were equal assholes in that discussion.