An open letter to Phantazmal.

Rana's (Phantasmal} husbands racism.

But he can't have said racist things she said so. And everyone knows super mod doesn't lie.
Here ya go.

I support some of his policies so I guess I'm a Trump supporter and thus, according to her, I support racism. Of course, that is pure bullshit and her (and others) rhetoric is getting old.

Let's put it this way: If there was an elected (D) Muslim person who often spoke out against Christians and tweeted or said negative things about them, and I vocally supported that person (while disagreeing with the stuff about Xtians), you would say that I hate Christians. Hell, you already say that because I sometimes criticize things that *some* Christians do. If there was an elected (D) person who spoke out against Israel and their policies regarding Palestine, and I supported that person -- even if I didn't agree with their words about Israel -- you would call me an anti-Semite. Am I right?
I don’t care what you believe. I have NEVER called another person that word. I may have used it in a discussion like this, but never referred to another human by that word. I never heard my parents use that word. I also grew up in that era. I have never heard my husband use that word in reference to another person. You are wrong about the people I knew, growing up in those times. I’m very glad I wasn’t raised that way. I saw my mother and father treat everyone as equal.

I was as fortunate as you in that regard. My parents treated everyone equally and there was no talk of one race or religion being lesser than another. I saw my 5'3" mother reach up and slap my 6'2" brother's face once when he was home from college, and referred to one of the neighbors as a "kike." Had to ask her later what that meant.
But he can't have said racist things she said so. And everyone knows super mod doesn't lie.

Hmm. I thought you didn't believe in bringing family members into these spats. For shame.

For the record, I've never heard my husband say the n-word, or any other pejorative term to describe another nationality, race, or religion, either.
Let's put it this way: If there was an elected (D) Muslim person who often spoke out against Christians and tweeted or said negative things about them, and I vocally supported that person (while disagreeing with the stuff about Xtians), you would say that I hate Christians. Hell, you already say that because I sometimes criticize things that *some* Christians do. If there was an elected (D) person who spoke out against Israel and their policies regarding Palestine, and I supported that person -- even if I didn't agree with their words about Israel -- you would call me an anti-Semite. Am I right?

You asked about another poster accusing others of being racist when there was no evidence of it. I showed you.

The rant about yourself is interesting in the fact that you're proving my point. But you hate Trump no matter what his political positions might be (along with his supporters).
Here ya go.

I support some of his policies so I guess I'm a Trump supporter and thus, according to her, I support racism. Of course, that is pure bullshit and her (and others) rhetoric is getting old.

Originally Posted by Phantasmal
Sorry, my opinion, to which I am entitled, is that if you still support Trump, you support racism. You are entitled to your opinion, but mine is Trump supporters support his racism, otherwise, you would denounce it.

Boom, there's the proof. Just one example of what super troll mod does daily​

Originally Posted by Phantasmal
Sorry, my opinion, to which I am entitled, is that if you still support Trump, you support racism. You are entitled to your opinion, but mine is Trump supporters support his racism, otherwise, you would denounce it.

Boom, there's the proof. Just one example of what super troll mod does daily​

This must mean that she supports ALL of Desh's behavior; because she hasn't denounced anything she's said.

Hmm. I thought you didn't believe in bringing family members into these spats. For shame.

For the record, I've never heard my husband say the n-word, or any other pejorative term to describe another nationality, race, or religion, either.

I didn't bring him into the fray she did.
I have never heard my husband use that word in reference to another person.

She had previously told me he was a combat vet so to paraphrase I said there are no racists on the battle field.

As to your husband, like I said my bride never has heard me use the word fuck in front of her but it's clear I use the word all the time. Thus not hearing it means nothing. But I'm sure he like me doesn't use the N word. I will admit I used it in the 50's and 60's as a kid. But the military changed my thinking on race and racism.
You asked about another poster accusing others of being racist when there was no evidence of it. I showed you.
The rant about yourself is interesting in the fact that you're proving my point. But you hate Trump no matter what his political positions might be (along with his supporters).

Wrong. I don't hate Trump or his followers. I think he is a vapid and low-quality person. What I hate is his racism, bigotry, divisiveness, pettiness, bullying, bluster, willful ignorance -- and that he represents us poorly as a nation. I do not support his nationalism. We live in a global economy, like it or not. Our choice is to either be a world-class economic leader, or retreat behind our borders and suck our thumbs while the rest of the world marches into the future.

As for his followers, if you are willing to defend and to overlook all of the above because you feel he represents you -- well then, sir, you (group you) are racist as well.
I was as fortunate as you in that regard. My parents treated everyone equally and there was no talk of one race or religion being lesser than another. I saw my 5'3" mother reach up and slap my 6'2" brother's face once when he was home from college, and referred to one of the neighbors as a "kike." Had to ask her later what that meant.

Did you grow up in an racially integrated neighborhood? Many towns and neighborhoods in the 50's and part of the 60's had no black families living there so it's natural racist terms like the N word would never come up.
I was as fortunate as you in that regard. My parents treated everyone equally and there was no talk of one race or religion being lesser than another. I saw my 5'3" mother reach up and slap my 6'2" brother's face once when he was home from college, and referred to one of the neighbors as a "kike." Had to ask her later what that meant.

I can see that in everything you represent. Are you the shorty of your family? I am, I have a brother who is 6’9”
But he can't have said racist things she said so. And everyone knows super mod doesn't lie.

I don’t lie. USF considers my husband a racist for referring to to North Vietnamese soldiers as “gooks”. USF is an idiot. It was the name soldiers gave to their enemies. He does not refer to the Vietnamese people by that name, only the soldiers he was killing. It’s what soldiers do. The Vietnamese soldiers are not a race, therefore, he is not a racists. I am proud of my husband and his service and I understand why a soldier needs to hate the people they are shooting at, otherwise if they stop to think of them as husbands, sons, wives, mothers, they would hesitate to kill them. He served his country, honorably, did USF?
I don’t lie. USF considers my husband a racist for referring to to North Vietnamese soldiers as “gooks”. USF is an idiot. It was the name soldiers gave to their enemies. He does not refer to the Vietnamese people by that name, only the soldiers he was killing. It’s what soldiers do. The Vietnamese soldiers are not a race, therefore, he is not a racists. I am proud of my husband and his service and I understand why a soldier needs to hate the people they are shooting at, otherwise if they stop to think of them as husbands, sons, wives, mothers, they would hesitate to kill them. He served his country, honorably, did USF?

Funny Phan I fought in that war and shot my fair share of VC and NVA regulars but I didn't hate them I was just staying alive and doing my job.
First of fuck face I must go by what a person says about themselves and family Now I understand you are to stupid to understand that one must take what someone has to say as true simply because they have no real reason to lie. From viewing your posts I can tell you are a disgruntled loser whose whole life has been one failure after another thus you lash out looking for attention. You have my attention and it is saying fuck off bitch.
You are wrong again in your assessment. I’ve known Cypress for over a decade and he is neither disgruntled nor a loser and he certainly isn’t a failure. You personal attacks are hilarious, you make statements knowing absolutely nothing about the person you are addressing.
Did you grow up in an racially integrated neighborhood? Many towns and neighborhoods in the 50's and part of the 60's had no black families living there so it's natural racist terms like the N word would never come up.

Yeah, no blacks allowed where we lived. My mom and I were crazy about the baseball Cardinals team. One of the more popular players, Curt Flood, tried to buy a house down the street from us. But at the office he was told "nothing for sale." The same thing happened to a Chinese scientist, Dr. M.S. Wang, that my father sponsored to come here to be a citizen with his family, and work at Monsanto. My father was outraged when he took Dr. Wang to the office and they were told nothing was available. He told them that he knew there was, but Dr. Wang didn't want to cause a commotion, so they went elsewhere.
Where do you get the black part? Are you assuming that he must be black because he hates the white race? That sounds racist.

Guano is a Misrahi Jew and deeply racist. It's interesting to note that not one of these holier than thou posters has ever castigated him for his racism. So they can seriously go fuck themselves with their mutual backslapping.
Pardon me if I don't believe a word. But if you insist it's true then all is you should be canonized. Oh just because you never heard your husband say it doesn't mean he hasn't. My bride of 50+ years has never hear me say fuck if you get my drift?
I am not a saint, I was just taught by my parents and the nuns and priest that you don’t use such language, I always found it easy to adhere to it. I can only attest to what I know, and that’s that he has never used the word around myself. I’m sure if it was a word he used, he would use it around me, but he never has. He has told me his grandmother, who believed people should keep to their “kind”, never even used the word. He was raised by his grandmother and mother and neither used the word. He has never had a reason to lie to me about such things.