An open letter to Phantazmal.

Hmm. I thought you didn't believe in bringing family members into these spats. For shame.

For the record, I've never heard my husband say the n-word, or any other pejorative term to describe another nationality, race, or religion, either.
I know a majority of people who never have.
Yeah, no blacks allowed where we lived. My mom and I were crazy about the baseball Cardinals team. One of the more popular players, Curt Flood, tried to buy a house down the street from us. But at the office he was told "nothing for sale." The same thing happened to a Chinese scientist, Dr. M.S. Wang, that my father sponsored to come here to be a citizen with his family, and work at Monsanto. My father was outraged when he took Dr. Wang to the office and they were told nothing was available. He told them that he knew there was, but Dr. Wang didn't want to cause a commotion, so they went elsewhere.

And that was just my point. My bride lived in Colorado and her town had no black families in it. She had never heard the N word till they moved to Georgia. So it's reasonable that someone who has never known someone with a different skin color would not feel superior when meeting someone of a different race. Racism is a learned emotion. People learn it from parents or school mates or any other number of ways. That is why I insist that racism can be unlearned.
You are wrong again in your assessment. I’ve know Cypress for over a decade and he is neither disgruntled nor a loser and he certainly isn’t a failure. You personal attacks are hilarious, you make statements knowing absolutely nothing about the person you are addressing.

Crypiss is a total arsehole, a view I might add that is shared by disparate posters like Threedee, Grind, Superfreak and Tinfoil. We all know about him, so stick your bullshit where it rightfully belongs.
I am not a saint, I was just taught by my parents and the nuns and priest that you don’t use such language, I always found it easy to adhere to it. I can only attest to what I know, and that’s that he has never used the word around myself. I’m sure if it was a word he used, he would use it around me, but he never has. He has told me his grandmother, who believed people should keep to their “kind”, never even used the word. He was raised by his grandmother and mother and neither used the word. He has never had a reason to lie to me about such things.

Now you are being truthful for the 1st time. You can't swear someone has never said something just because you haven't heard them say it. Omitting such things is not a lie.

But it doesn't matter the thing is you and others here use racism as a weapon plain and simple.
Guano is a Misrahi Jew and deeply racist. It's interesting to note that not one of these holier than thou posters has ever castigated him for his racism. So they can seriously go fuck themselves with their mutual backslapping.

Thanks, I just checked it out. Definitely not black folks. The Democrats have reduced themselves to exclusively practicing identity politics. It distracts them from their party's failure to represent them.
Funny Phan I fought in that war and shot my fair share of VC and NVA regulars but I didn't hate them I was just staying alive and doing my job.
Well, you are fortunate. My husband hated the soldiers. He saw the grotesque things they did to his Capt. when he was captured. He saw a lot of awful things they did and he hated them for it. I do not judge him. I have no idea what it was like, I can only imagine and I know I fall short realizing the horrors he went through in that year and 1/2 that he was there.

I will no no longer discuss my husband with you.

I’m pretty sure with your quick use of insults on this forum that you called the VC and NVA derogatory names. I know most soldiers that I have spoken to have inappropriate names for their enemies, my nephews had names for the Iraqis, it’s war, it’s what is done. It’s sad you can’t stick up for a fellow vet again against an idiot like USF.

Now you are being truthful for the 1st time. You can't swear someone has never said something just because you haven't heard them say it. Omitting such things is not a lie.

But it doesn't matter the thing is you and others here use racism as a weapon plain and simple.
I will continue to beat racists over the head with their racism. Your opinion of me for doing it matters not.

Peace out. I’m done with you. You don’t even have enough character to defend a fellow vet against an idiot like USF.
Yep -- and I don't take it back.

How you like dem apples?

Still doesn't make me a racist. You can't prove shit.

You are correct. There's a big difference between a nigger and a black.
Just like there's a big difference between a wigger and a white.
Chris Rock and his mostly black audience agree.

And that was just my point. My bride lived in Colorado and her town had no black families in it. She had never heard the N word till they moved to Georgia. So it's reasonable that someone who has never known someone with a different skin color would not feel superior when meeting someone of a different race. Racism is a learned emotion. People learn it from parents or school mates or any other number of ways. That is why I insist that racism can be unlearned.

Agree. I think if ppl are encouraged to live in areas with diversity, work along side, and live by ppl different than themselves, they will be more apt to learn tolerance and acceptance. When you get to its core, bigotry and racism are based on fear. Fear of other, fear of difference. At one point it was an evolutionary survival tool. We no longer need it any more than we need to be able to detect a poisonous berry from a good one by its smell.
Guano is a Misrahi Jew and deeply racist. It's interesting to note that not one of these holier than thou posters has ever castigated him for his racism. So they can seriously go fuck themselves with their mutual backslapping.

It's interesting to note that you are full of crap, but then most of you climate change deniers are that way. I've confronted him more than once about his diatribes. Ask him.
Well, you are fortunate. My husband hated the soldiers. He saw the grotesque things they did to his Capt. when he was captured. He saw a lot of awful things they did and he hated them for it. I do not judge him. I have no idea what it was like, I can only imagine and I know I fall short realizing the horrors he went through in that year and 1/2 that he was there.

I will no no longer discuss my husband with you.

I’m pretty sure with your quick use of insults on this forum that you called the VC and NVA derogatory names. I know most soldiers that I have spoken to have inappropriate names for their enemies, my nephews had names for the Iraqis, it’s war, it’s what is done. It’s sad you can’t stick up for a fellow vet again against an idiot like USF.


I showed no disrespect to your husband nor his service. So don't try that shit! If anyone is showing disrespect to vets it's you when you accuse one of your husbands fellow vets of racism and lying. I never said I didn't call the enemy names I said I didn't hate them! As far as USF my barb was aimed at you not your (and I mean this whole heartedly) better half.
I will continue to beat racists over the head with their racism. Your opinion of me for doing it matters not.

Peace out. I’m done with you. You don’t even have enough character to defend a fellow vet against an idiot like USF.

Thats fine because my opinion of you is lower than whale shit.
Agree. I think if ppl are encouraged to live in areas with diversity, work along side, and live by ppl different than themselves, they will be more apt to learn tolerance and acceptance. When you get to its core, bigotry and racism are based on fear. Fear of other, fear of difference. At one point it was an evolutionary survival tool. We no longer need it any more than we need to be able to detect a poisonous berry from a good one by its smell.

Yeah, no blacks allowed where we lived. My mom and I were crazy about the baseball Cardinals team. One of the more popular players, Curt Flood, tried to buy a house down the street from us. But at the office he was told "nothing for sale." The same thing happened to a Chinese scientist, Dr. M.S. Wang, that my father sponsored to come here to be a citizen with his family, and work at Monsanto. My father was outraged when he took Dr. Wang to the office and they were told nothing was available. He told them that he knew there was, but Dr. Wang didn't want to cause a commotion, so they went elsewhere.
Our history is a sad one.
I will let him clarify, it could be my error, but I was under the impression he was black. I will stand corrected if he is not.

There are a few whites on this board that virtue signal by claiming to hate white people. It makes them feeeeeel good about themselves I guess. It's definitely the politically correct thing to do in lala land. And of course they can't be politically incorrect in any way shape or form to be a good dim. It would be rayciss.