An open letter to Phantazmal.

That's fine. I didn't remove myself from the the whole feud with intent to join a gang.

When I said I was no longer participating in the Amazon war, that didn't mean I would be trolling Top instead. Christieasskisser spends time trolling Top to kiss ass. I don't need to.

I say the same things to Toxic that Y O U also said when you got disillusioned with her passive-aggressive snark. Don't try to rewrite history, lying loser.
Just a gentle reminder:
Learn to pronounce
noun: thug; plural noun: thugs; noun: Thug

a violent person, especially a criminal.
"he was attacked by a gang of thugs"
synonyms: ruffian, hoodlum, bully boy, bully, bandit, mugger, gangster, terrorist, gunman, murderer, killer, hitman, assassin, hooligan, vandal, (eta: thuglette, thugette, thuglite;)
I say the same things to Toxic that Y O U also said when you got disillusioned with her passive-aggressive snark. Don't try to rewrite history, lying loser.

LiG reputation took a huge hit,when she got sucked into Top's victim web.And LiG started the TDS thread.
Luckily she saw the light,that Top was playing her,like a $2 fiddle!
I don’t lie. USF considers my husband a racist for referring to to North Vietnamese soldiers as “gooks”. USF is an idiot. It was the name soldiers gave to their enemies. He does not refer to the Vietnamese people by that name, only the soldiers he was killing. It’s what soldiers do. The Vietnamese soldiers are not a race, therefore, he is not a racists. I am proud of my husband and his service and I understand why a soldier needs to hate the people they are shooting at, otherwise if they stop to think of them as husbands, sons, wives, mothers, they would hesitate to kill them. He served his country, honorably, did USF?

He didn't serve at all.

It cracks me up when freedumb mentions your husband, or EE's comments about no racism on battlefields etc. These people forget about the invasion of A'stan and the Iraq war. Some posters on this forum still use terms like "muslimes, ragheads, sand n*ggers" and other despicable words to describe Iraqis and Afghanis. I don't see freedumb calling them out. ILA is an example of a despicable bigot who uses those terms.
So his continued use of the word "gook" was out of compassion??


In Phans husband's defence, field grunts which he appeared to be experienced the worse part of the war. And Gook was a comon term used by US GI's and no we had no compassion for the enemy.
Just a gentle reminder:
Learn to pronounce
noun: thug; plural noun: thugs; noun: Thug

a violent person, especially a criminal.
"he was attacked by a gang of thugs"
synonyms: ruffian, hoodlum, bully boy, bully, bandit, mugger, gangster, terrorist, gunman, murderer, killer, hitman, assassin, hooligan, vandal, (eta: thuglette, thugette, thuglite;)

Michael Brown?
Guano is a Misrahi Jew and deeply racist. It's interesting to note that not one of these holier than thou posters has ever castigated him for his racism. So they can seriously go fuck themselves with their mutual backslapping.

When we AOLers came to this forum there was only one racist that I can recall, and that was webbway. Everybody criticized him for his language and use of the N-word, he didn't get a pass for his comments. Then as time went on the board got more racists like I Love America, CFM, alias and Chopped Liver. Then the floodgates opened and the place became a racist haven. Now it's so commonplace that it just elicits a big yawn when people like volsrock, TDAK, CFM, Kek etc. post their racist crap. The real shame is how it's become background noise here.
When we AOLers came to this forum there was only one racist that I can recall, and that was webbway. Everybody criticized him for his language and use of the N-word, he didn't get a pass for his comments. Then as time went on the board got more racists like I Love America, CFM, alias and Chopped Liver. Then the floodgates opened and the place became a racist haven. Now it's so commonplace that it just elicits a big yawn when people like volsrock, TDAK, CFM, Kek etc. post their racist crap. The real shame is how it's become background noise here.

When we came from Amazon,we were a little culture shocked by what we read!
There are a few whites on this board that virtue signal by claiming to hate white people. It makes them feeeeeel good about themselves I guess. It's definitely the politically correct thing to do in lala land. And of course they can't be politically incorrect in any way shape or form to be a good dim. It would be rayciss.

Name names.
Yep, porch honkey. Racist! But he's your kinda racist. lmao.

Big phony.

You're out of gas now...there is nothing to substantiate yours and trolletta's lies. You've proven that in spades.

I've already posted plenty and there's more where those came from, LiG. I guess joining a bandwagon isn't so much fun when it's your turn in the hot seat, huh.

And so much for your constant bragging that you don't need a gang, you stand alone, you're fearless, you move mountains with your little finger, blah blah blah. You can't cop to the racist comments you posted without blaming someone else for pressuring you to lose your cool. You're weak and phony.
Y O U chose the words to answer this and other posts, sicko. Nobody held a gun to your head and made you respond to this comment with "thuglet and trash", and to Buck's comments with "n*gger."

Which of these did you refer to with some version of "thug", Minty?

Michael Brown
James Fields
Adam Lanza
Santino Legan
Trayvon Martin
Tamir Rice
The cop killers are thuglets. Thugs are criminals. I meant it.

You omitted the post I responded to because you are a dishonest, deceitful POS.
The cop killers are thuglets. Thugs are criminals. I meant it.

You omitted the post I responded to because you are a dishonest, deceitful POS.

It doesn't matter what you responded to. What matters is the words you used to respond. I thought you were too tough to be influenced by others.

Btw what word do you use to describe cops who kill wrongly, like the trigger-happy meatheads who shot Tamir Rice?
I've already posted plenty and there's more where those came from, LiG. I guess joining a bandwagon isn't so much fun when it's your turn in the hot seat, huh.

And so much for your constant bragging that you don't need a gang, you stand alone, you're fearless, you move mountains with your little finger, blah blah blah. You can't cop to the racist comments you posted without blaming someone else for pressuring you to lose your cool. You're weak and phony.
You're a stupid little ass kisser so insecure you need a widdle "gang" for back-up.

Not me. Thank God.

Move along. You're out of your league. Pucker up and kiss another ass, it's what you do best, gold medalist. ;)
It doesn't matter what you responded to. What matters is the words you used to respond. I thought you were too tough to be influenced by others.

Btw what word do you use to describe cops who kill wrongly, like the trigger-happy meatheads who shot Tamir Rice?

Get over yourself, little ass kisser. What I said -- is what I meant, comprende?

Now, get busy. :laugh:

You're a stupid little ass kisser so insecure you need a widdle "gang" for back-up.

Not me. Thank God.
Move along. You're out of your league. Pucker up and kiss another ass, it's what you do best, gold medalist. ;)

You have no legitimate response so you're reduced to posting this inane comment. Keep telling yourself that I'm out of your league. I've chewed up and spit out worse than you, lying bigot. :laugh: