An open letter to Phantazmal.

You have no legitimate response so you're reduced to posting this inane comment. Keep telling yourself that I'm out of your league. I've chewed up and spit out worse than you, lying bigot. :laugh:
You're a whining, lying unoriginal little asskisser who needs to be swathed in the safety of a mean girl gang.

Run along, little dog. You can't run with the big dogs. Do what you do best.

I comprende that in your twisted mind Brown, Martin and Rice are thugs and the cops who killed them are heroes. Self-deception's the blanket you cower under, loser. :rofl2:

I don't think that cop that killed him was a hero.
But ever since I saw the carryout video of Michael Brown stealing and roughing up the clerk,I thought he was a thug.
I don't think that cop that killed him was a hero.
But ever since I saw the carryout video of Michael Brown. stealing and roughing up the clerk,I thought he was a thug.

I think thug has become a word used to describe blacks only. Nobody calls white killers and delinquents "thug." My opinion is, if someone's going to use it, use it for all criminals.
Owl said people who live in more diverse places are less racist. So I said Vermont must be the most racist place in the states.

Owl said that ppl who live in more diverse areas tend to learn not to fear and hate ppl who are different than they are. Explains why rural areas are more clannish (not KKK klannish), insular, and bigoted whereas cities tend to be less so, generally speaking.
Just a gentle reminder:
Learn to pronounce
noun: thug; plural noun: thugs; noun: Thug

a violent person, especially a criminal.
"he was attacked by a gang of thugs"
synonyms: ruffian, hoodlum, bully boy, bully, bandit, mugger, gangster, terrorist, gunman, murderer, killer, hitman, assassin, hooligan, vandal, (eta: thuglette, thugette, thuglite;)

Or as you and other racists use it:

A creative way for white people such as Bill O'Reilly to call a black person the 'N' word without getting censored on television.
"Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis were no-good, arrogant gangster thugs. Long live George Zimmerman and the KKK."

A term used by racist white people that means "black Americans who obviously did something wrong even if I know nothing about them and commit crimes and destroy American sports".
"Calhoun just recruited a bunch of thugs, that's why he won so many championships. He should try to recruit people who deserve to go to college"
#racist#basketball#white#black#lower class
LiG reputation took a huge hit,when she got sucked into Top's victim web.And LiG started the TDS thread.
Luckily she saw the light,that Top was playing her,like a $2 fiddle!

In all fairness she wasn't the first, and probably won't be the last either. But it all worked out well in the end. The only ones who still support the Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Perpetual Victimhood are her fellow gossips and racists. The Kabal is no more. :laugh:
When we AOLers came to this forum there was only one racist that I can recall, and that was webbway. Everybody criticized him for his language and use of the N-word, he didn't get a pass for his comments. Then as time went on the board got more racists like I Love America, CFM, alias and Chopped Liver. Then the floodgates opened and the place became a racist haven. Now it's so commonplace that it just elicits a big yawn when people like volsrock, TDAK, CFM, Kek etc. post their racist crap. The real shame is how it's become background noise here.

The ubiquitous racism and hate has also chased away a lot of interesting and engaging ppl on both sides.
In Phans husband's defence, field grunts which he appeared to be experienced the worse part of the war. And Gook was a comon term used by US GI's and no we had no compassion for the enemy.

I'm not disagreeing; but someone shouldn't preach about someone else being racist, when it's condoned at times.
I had a lot of people claim I was racist for saying Michael Brown was a thug.
I still think Michael Brown was a thug.

His behavior at the convenience store fits the classic definition of thug. That being said, the word has a whole new meaning now. It is routinely used by racists to describe *any* black person whether they strong-armed a store clerk, or were just a kid playing in a playground who foolishly walked in front of an innocent cop's bullets. I recall a certain wannabe "inner city" (another dog whistle for black ghetto) teacher who referred to students as "thugs." Since they weren't roaming the halls beating up other kids and taking their phones and lunch money, just what do you suppose she meant by that?
When we AOLers came to this forum there was only one racist that I can recall, and that was webbway. Everybody criticized him for his language and use of the N-word, he didn't get a pass for his comments. Then as time went on the board got more racists like I Love America, CFM, alias and Chopped Liver. Then the floodgates opened and the place became a racist haven. Now it's so commonplace that it just elicits a big yawn when people like volsrock, TDAK, CFM, Kek etc. post their racist crap. The real shame is how it's become background noise here.

The criticism of others stopped; when the JPP lefties decided to just start labeling everyone who disagreed with them, as being racist.

All in an attempt to force others to confront them, while at the same time the JPP lefties refused to confront those who threw the racist tag around with abandonment and refused to show what the racism was supposed to be about.

The JPP lefties drew the line and then whined when the right stepped over it.
It doesn't matter what you responded to. What matters is the words you used to respond. I thought you were too tough to be influenced by others.

Btw what word do you use to describe cops who kill wrongly, like the trigger-happy meatheads who shot Tamir Rice?

Once again all you do is complain about him getting shot and not a damn word about his involvement in it.

Tell you what; why don't you go put on a "blue uniform", respond to a report of someone exhibiting a gun and pointing at people, then when you pull up then pull the gun, and then you can come back and have the discussion.
The criticism of others stopped; when the JPP lefties decided to just start labeling everyone who disagreed with them, as being racist.

All in an attempt to force others to confront them, while at the same time the JPP lefties refused to confront those who threw the racist tag around with abandonment and refused to show what the racism was supposed to be about.

The JPP lefties drew the line and then whined when the right stepped over it.

Trump brought racist out of the woodwork.