An open letter to Phantazmal.

His behavior at the convenience store fits the classic definition of thug. That being said, the word has a whole new meaning now. It is routinely used by racists to describe *any* black person whether they strong-armed a store clerk, or were just a kid playing in a playground who foolishly walked in front of an innocent cop's bullets. I recall a certain wannabe "inner city" (another dog whistle for black ghetto) teacher who referred to students as "thugs." Since they weren't roaming the halls beating up other kids and taking their phones and lunch money, just what do you suppose she meant by that?

So was Brown a thug or not??
Trump brought racist out of the woodwork.

BULLSHIT; because Obama was the one that this behavior escalated under, but the left can't admit it and then light candles to him.

But then; you could be right, on the other hand, seeing as how Trump has exposed the racism that the left have and kept hidden for so long.
BULLSHIT; because Obama was the one that this behavior escalated under, but the left can't admit it and then light candles to him.

But then; you could be right, on the other hand, seeing as how Trump has exposed the racism that the left have and kept hidden for so long.

"Go back where you came from".
You are disgusting.
She's an ass kisser. The photo is apt as her head stays so far up your ass, if you stopped she'd fly out.

It's obvious. She froths at the mouth at Top, 'scuse me - "Toxic" - with her faux poutrage to please you.

I'm not stupid and neither is anyone else reading this. You're defending her because she can't deal with me and needs "back-up".
Owl said that ppl who live in more diverse areas tend to learn not to fear and hate ppl who are different than they are. Explains why rural areas are more clannish (not KKK klannish), insular, and bigoted whereas cities tend to be less so, generally speaking.
Vermont is not diverse, anywhere. LOL

That's sorta the point.
I think thug has become a word used to describe blacks only. Nobody calls white killers and delinquents "thug." My opinion is, if someone's going to use it, use it for all criminals.
I call plenty of white criminals thugs. In the news or if I see them on the street.

But no one cares what you "think" little ass kissing loser.

Better go call yer mommy for help, crybaby. :laugh: :laugh:
I only talk like that to ignorant assholes like you. When Phantasmal stuckup for you I really realized how worthless you are. So I will remind you to fuck off dick head.

You seem to be doing an excellent job of whining right now.
You and your pal phan are perfect examples of what is wrong with the left and liberalism.

I don't know where you're getting this gossip shit. Because there hasn't been one bit of "gossip" in any of my posts.

I hope you're not a male (I use the term loosely) because you act and react like a little old spinster

You are supposedly an adult grown man who purports to be a good Christian, but who started a thread to troll and harangue a female poster about her husband. A dude who does not even post here.

You will find almost nobody who legitimately and genuinely agrees with you that my body of posts are replete and awash in "lashing out", being "disgruntled, "complaining, or whining.

You starting threads to gossip about and harangue a female poster? That is straight out of teenage mean girl gossip 101.
His behavior at the convenience store fits the classic definition of thug. That being said, the word has a whole new meaning now. It is routinely used by racists to describe *any* black person whether they strong-armed a store clerk, or were just a kid playing in a playground who foolishly walked in front of an innocent cop's bullets. I recall a certain wannabe "inner city" (another dog whistle for black ghetto) teacher who referred to students as "thugs." Since they weren't roaming the halls beating up other kids and taking their phones and lunch money, just what do you suppose she meant by that?
There are white thugs all over this city. When I see them hanging around a parking lot, looking for trouble, dressed like crap with tattoos on every inch of their bodies, I'll say, look at those thugs over there.

Thug, for me, means a criminal or someone looking to steal, commit a crime or break in to something, no matter what color.
I call plenty of white criminals thugs. In the news or if I see them on the street.

But no one cares what you "think" little ass kissing loser.

Better go call yer mommy for help, crybaby. :laugh: :laugh:

<yawn> You lost. Get over it. I wouldn't believe what you said about white criminals if your tongue came notarized.

BULLSHIT; because Obama was the one that this behavior escalated under, but the left can't admit it and then light candles to him.
True story. In addition, the cop killings escalated under him as he dog whistled from the White House and served steak dinners to BLM.

Gawd, I loathe that toxic asshole.
There are white thugs all over this city. When I see them hanging around a parking lot, looking for trouble, dressed like crap with tattoos on every inch of their bodies, I'll say, look at those thugs over there.

Thug, for me, means a criminal or someone looking to steal, commit a crime or break in to something, no matter what color.

I think that too.
But generally speaking the country wide culture
has turned "thug" into a black criminal description.
Such as the late Michael Brown.
<yawn> You lost. Get over it. I wouldn't believe what you said about white criminals if your tongue came notarized.
I don't give a rat's ass what your dumb ass believes. Ripping you to shreds is fun.

Now go call yer mommy, crybaby.

I sure hope she doesn't halt! Better wear your widdle doggie helmet. :laugh:

There are white thugs all over this city. When I see them hanging around a parking lot, looking for trouble, dressed like crap with tattoos on every inch of their bodies, I'll say, look at those thugs over there.

Thug, for me, means a criminal or someone looking to steal, commit a crime or break in to something, no matter what color.

Are you kissing up to my "mommy", LiG?
You used to write some of the ugliest insults to her I ever read here. I'm glad to see you partially regained your senses. :laugh: