An open letter to Phantazmal.

You outed yourself.

AS WHAT, someone who believes in America and who has no tolerance of those who just bitch and moan; but don't seem to have a way to "fix" what they're bitching and moaning about.

I noticed how you chastised one of the ODD SQUAD members who said, upon her winning the election, a comment about "Going after that motherfucker".
I live in a fairly big city, around 1 million, so there are thugs of all colors here. I'm just as fearful of the white ones as the black ones, trust me.
Michael Brown was a thug. And he was what the whole lie "hands up don't shoot" was built on. That never happened, as surely you know. It was all a lie.

I agree that he was a thug. That being said, it is unfair -- and yes, racist -- to label *all* black ppl as thugs. Especially those who protested his death.
Can you help me with info about Obama having BLM to dinner at the WH? I can't find it on google.

I think Obama made a very nice response about BLM here:

“I know that there’s some who have criticized even the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ as if the notion is as if other lives don’t matter. We get ‘All Lives Matter’ or ‘Blue Lives Matter.’ I understand the point they’re trying to make. I think it’s also important for us to understand that the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ simply refers to the notion that there’s a specific vulnerability for African-Americans that needs to be addressed. It’s not meant to suggest that other lives don’t matter. It’s to suggest that other folks aren’t experiencing this particular vulnerability and so we shouldn’t get too caught up somehow in this notion that people who are asking for fair treatment are somehow automatically anti-police or trying to only look out for black lives as opposed to others. I think we have to be careful about playing that game because, obviously, that’s not what is intended.”

I found this, from 2016:

"Prominent Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson said Wednesday he is attending a meeting with President Obama designed to help mend frayed ties between law enforcement and the communities they serve.

“We are at the @WhiteHouse right now for a 3-hour convening w/ President Obama re: the recent events in #BatonRouge & across the country,” Mckesson tweeted Wednesday.

"Mckesson wrote he will be joined by fellow activist Brittany Packnett and Minneapolis-based Black Lives Matter leader Mica Grimm.

"The president is sitting down with nearly three-dozen law enforcement officials, civil rights leaders, educators and local politicians at the White House in the aftermath of the massacre of five police officers in Dallas."

I don't know why *anyone* who believes in peace, civility, and equality would have a bitch about this. This is what presidential leaders do -- they work to bring divided ppl together in order to find solutions that bring about peace.
Zero. I had a relative who was from the New England states and lived in Vermont. She said until she came here, she had never seen a black person before.
That doesn't mean it's racist. It means they were barely if ever exposed to blacks before, which is quite unusual.

We lived in a suburb of Dayton OH when I was a small kid; we moved to St. Louis in 1961. I had never seen a black person either until we went to the St. Louis Zoo. What does that have to do with being racist or not being racist? Are you trying to claim that familiarity breeds contempt?
Wouldn't that be attributed to hip hop music that popularized "thug"?
The same folks that popularized the word"nigger"? Oh, 'scuse me. Niggah. Makes a difference I guess.:rolleyes:

They took the term and turned it against the users, just like with the n-word. Just like many of us women are proud to own the "bitch" label.
I found this, from 2016:

"Prominent Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson said Wednesday he is attending a meeting with President Obama designed to help mend frayed ties between law enforcement and the communities they serve.

“We are at the @WhiteHouse right now for a 3-hour convening w/ President Obama re: the recent events in #BatonRouge & across the country,” Mckesson tweeted Wednesday.

"Mckesson wrote he will be joined by fellow activist Brittany Packnett and Minneapolis-based Black Lives Matter leader Mica Grimm.

"The president is sitting down with nearly three-dozen law enforcement officials, civil rights leaders, educators and local politicians at the White House in the aftermath of the massacre of five police officers in Dallas."

I don't know why *anyone* who believes in peace, civility, and equality would have a bitch about this. This is what presidential leaders do -- they work to bring divided ppl together in order to find solutions that bring about peace.

This is what I found, too, but it doesn't say anything about dinner. Thought I missed something. Also, the meeting was held in the aftermath of the shooting of five cops in Dallas. Some here think Obama didn't do or say anything about that shooting but they were wrong.
They took the term and turned it against the users, just like with the n-word. Just like many of us women are proud to own the "bitch" label.

You must not think much of yourself. If I called my wife bitch she'd hit me over the head with an iron skillet.
So it's OK to refer to you as bitch?:confused: Thugs call they bitches ho's. How 'bout ho?
I agree that he was a thug. That being said, it is unfair -- and yes, racist -- to label *all* black ppl as thugs. Especially those who protested his death.

Except for a few extreme fanatics, no one else is labeling all Black people as thugs; but the left sure wants it to seem that way, because they seem to have this proclivity of projecting their own beliefs on others and then acting like that's they way the others are.

But let's not forget how you seem to enjoy referring to others as "Reichwing", only because it suits your own brand of bias and hypocricy.
Except for a few extreme fanatics, no one else is labeling all Black people as thugs; but the left sure wants it to seem that way, because they seem to have this proclivity of projecting their own beliefs on others and then acting like that's they way the others are.

But let's not forget how you seem to enjoy referring to others as "Reichwing", only because it suits your own brand of bias and hypocricy.