An open letter to Phantazmal.

Mason you really are a clown. Do you put on black face when you meet all your black friends?
You're not serious, are you? Trump is the very definition of racist. A majority of Americans agree.
Says who? That's your opinion.

Regular people don't think Trump is a racist. Only the frothing-at-the-mouth left wing extremists who think winning an election is an impeachable offense. Don't delude yourself.
It takes a racist to know a racist and Sox Sanders aka Mason is definitely a racist.
I agree. People usually loathe one of their own characteristics when they see it in someone else. That's why I said, if the truth were known, I'd bet Super Troll mod is one of the biggest racists to ever come down the pipes.

I don't believe Trump is a racist in the sense of violating someones civil rights (yes in the past he was charged with not renting to minorities). He is an elitist who doesn't believe anyone except maybe his family is his equal. So in that sense he does use racial slurs. But then what racial slur can a white man call another white man. So if you want to call him a racist then go ahead it proves nothing in the big scheme of things.