An open letter to Phantazmal.

I don't believe Trump is a racist in the sense of violating someones civil rights (yes in the past he was charged with not renting to minorities). He is an elitist who doesn't believe anyone except maybe his family is his equal. So in that sense he does use racial slurs. But then what racial slur can a white man call another white man. So if you want to call him a racist then go ahead it proves nothing in the big scheme of things.

He had to be sued because he wouldn't rent to blacks
I agree. People usually loathe one of their own characteristics when they see it in someone else. That's why I said, if the truth were known, I'd bet Super Troll mod is one of the biggest racists to ever come down the pipes.

This is rich coming from the forums,biggest Trump the racist supporter
Ruh roh raggy. Sure not what you are making it out to be. You and your ilk continued to be duped by polls.

President Donald Trump is racist, American voters say 51 - 45 percent in a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today.

White voters are divided as 46 percent say he is racist and 50 percent say he is not, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University National Poll finds. Trump is racist black voters say 80 - 11 percent and Hispanic voters say 55 - 44 percent. Men say 55 - 41 percent that Trump is not racist. Women say 59 - 36 percent he is racist.

But 49 percent of American voters say President Trump's immigration policies are motivated by "a sincere interest in controlling our borders," while 41 percent say his immigration policies are motivated by "racist beliefs."
This is rich coming from the forums,biggest Trump the racist supporter
Bet a dollar to a donut Super Troll is one of the biggest in the closet racists on the planet.

I love Trump -- can't wait to vote for him again. I couldn't care less what a bunch of angry, terrorist loving, anti-American, frothing-at-the-mouth lunatics "think" or "feel" and it surely will never affect my vote. :-)

Me and millions of others. lol
Mason is probably another big time racist who pretends otherwise on a backwater message board. I bet we'd be shocked if the truth were really know about these race-baiting douchebags.

Let me guess instead of your best friend is a black. You can't be a racist because you have a black girlfried. That is so trite it's unbelieveable.

I know someone who claims that because they have a black family member they can't be racist. And it's not me. lol
Bet a dollar to a donut Super Troll is one of the biggest in the closet racists on the planet.
I love Trump -- can't wait to vote for him again. I couldn't care less what a bunch of angry, terrorist loving, anti-American, frothing-at-the-mouth lunatics "think" or "feel" and it surely will never affect my vote. :-)
Me and millions of others. lol

Of course you love him. He looks down on and despises all the same ppl you do. Thanks for confirming why most of your ilk voted for him in the first place. "Never Hillary" my ass.