An open letter to Phantazmal.

You people are pathetic.

First grade:

My mom says... Your desk mate is going to be a black girl and you will have to walk her back to college after school. I said, OK. And she said, a black girl will be you desk mate. I said, OK.

She was my beastie until I had to move in the 3rd grade. Gawd I miss her smile and laugh.

She did this cute curl of her lip that I still mimic to this day.

I truly hope someday people will not view skin pigment as a barrier.

And Mason, I appreciate the PM. Mahalo brother.
I'm not sure you know what Owl is saying.

I know exactly what she's saying.
Like our "wonderful" moderator, she says anyone who supports Trump is a racist. Just like his supporters below.

I know exactly what she's saying.
Like our "wonderful" moderator, she says anyone who supports Trump is a racist. Just like his supporters below.

The racist rubberstamping just doesn't work our very well for either one of them, does it?