An open letter to Phantazmal.

It wasn't the fact of those supporters, but the # of them.

Just pointing out the fact that not all Trump supporters are racist. I never said there was an overwhelming number. Should we look up other minorities who support Trump too?
Check on that True Companion ID, please....they're so confused when it comes to accounts;)
What!Top had a sock!

Yes, she did. It was used to bypass a thread ban. Imagine that! Isn't it funny how the ppl that piss and moan the most about other ppl having a sock are guilty too? Reminds me of a politician picking your pocket while telling you "Hey, look over there!"

:laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

I'm sure the poor sick twat bumps this thread every day, praying that everyone will come back and pile on Phantasmal again. In fact, it's the very first thing she does. Every. Single. Day. Poor EE, the thread he made for her latest thumb-sucking safe house is only an afterthought........... :(
He’s very hostile, the proof is he supports Trump. If at this point, if you still support Trump, you are a racist enabler.

I am impressed my opinion of others seems to matters so much. I had no idea.

They give you a lot of power you never asked for, don't they?
Yes, she did. It was used to bypass a thread ban. Imagine that! Isn't it funny how the ppl that piss and moan the most about other ppl having a sock are guilty too? Reminds me of a politician picking your pocket while telling you "Hey, look over there!"

:laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

I'm sure the poor sick twat bumps this thread every day, praying that everyone will come back and pile on Phantasmal again. In fact, it's the very first thing she does. Every. Single. Day. Poor EE, the thread he made for her latest thumb-sucking safe house is only an afterthought........... :(

People see her look I'm up saying
"Good Morning" ,and posters go elsewhere.
She is entitled to an opinion without you going into an emotional breakdown about it.

Rightwing mods here have called me (and others) almost every name in the book, pursued petty grudges based on imaginary grievances, and have shown relentless hostility and belligerence towards me and others - for years on end.

You don't see me crying, whining, and hand-wringing about it, do you snowflake?

Mind your own business.
Just pointing out the fact that not all Trump supporters are racist. I never said there was an overwhelming number. Should we look up other minorities who support Trump too?

Knock yourself out! Stretch posted yet another one of her I-worship-him-so-hard Toadstool-love-me-long-time rally things last night. She included a 3D video of the audience. Why don't you find us some non-white ppl in that group? :laugh:
It appears they live and die by my words :laugh: that’s really sad.

I know. It's what happens when you're a Goddess. You'll be endlessly discussed. You'll find one of them tagging around after you, hoping you'll dispense her a crumb of attention. This thread will be bumped first thing every morning. They try to hide their obsession with snark, but we know the truth.

Answer mine dickhead

Am I to be insulted? Coming from you? Hardly.

OK, I'll answer yours, since you changed the subject.
I really don't give a shit that she said 2, if you have 5,
that would be true, she wouldn't be lying, would she?
My only objection with her is that she said everyone
who supports Trump is racist. That is not true.
Don't equate the two.

Answer mine.
Why can't you act like an adult?
Knock yourself out! Stretch posted yet another one of her I-worship-him-so-hard Toadstool-love-me-long-time rally things last night. She included a 3D video of the audience. Why don't you find us some non-white ppl in that group? :laugh:

Take that up with Stretch, not me.
I thought race didn't matter to you?
Apparently it does.
Am I to be insulted? Coming from you? Hardly.

OK, I'll answer yours, since you changed the subject.
I really don't give a shit that she said 2, if you have 5,
that would be true, she wouldn't be lying, would she?
My only objection with her is that she said everyone
who supports Trump is racist. That is not true.
Don't equate the two.

Answer mine.
Why can't you act like an adult?

Trump followers are enabling a racist.