An open letter to Phantazmal.

Take that up with Stretch, not me.
I thought race didn't matter to you?
Apparently it does.
There were quite a few non-white people in attendance....there's some here completely consumed by, indeed it does matter. Unfortunately, 9 times out of ten they're wrong when they let their emotions, not reality, do the labeling...
Take that up with Stretch, not me.
I thought race didn't matter to you?
Apparently it does.

Silly game. I quit playing "I know you are but what am I" in first grade.

In the end, even you realize that the Toadstool is a racist. On some level I think you understand why the rest of us think that those of you who claim that he is not, who pretend not to see it, and who constantly defend him and make excuses -- are probably racist as well. Probably you are all not racists, but if you defend one.... guess you better own that.
I know exactly what she's saying.
Like our "wonderful" moderator, she says anyone who supports Trump is a racist. Just like his supporters below.


No dumb ass
Silly game. I quit playing "I know you are but what am I" in first grade.

In the end, even you realize that the Toadstool is a racist. On some level I think you understand why the rest of us think that those of you who claim that he is not, who pretend not to see it, and who constantly defend him and make excuses -- are probably racist as well. Probably you are all not racists, but if you defend one.... guess you better own that.

I'm not playing any games, just pointing out the fact that those you accuse of being racist are not. And trying to "read between the lines" of a comment isn't always accurate.
Face it, you're a nobody, just as "Miss Moderator" is, so you two calling me a racist is insignificant to me. I was just making the point you both gobble up what your party tells
you to, that everyone is racist except for you. Yet you don't think screaming racist to everyone who disagrees with you isn't racist :rolleyes:
There were quite a few non-white people in attendance....there's some here completely consumed by, indeed it does matter. Unfortunately, 9 times out of ten they're wrong when they let their emotions, not reality, do the labeling...

Don't count the ones paid to be there,the vast majority of Trumps base are Republicans and white trash red neck racist.
I'm not playing any games, just pointing out the fact that those you accuse of being racist are not. And trying to "read between the lines" of a comment isn't always accurate.
Face it, you're a nobody, just as "Miss Moderator" is, so you two calling me a racist is insignificant to me. I was just making the point you both gobble up what your party tells
you to, that everyone is racist except for you. Yet you don't think screaming racist to everyone who disagrees with you isn't racist :rolleyes:

Can't you read what she wrote?
I'm not playing any games, just pointing out the fact that those you accuse of being racist are not. And trying to "read between the lines" of a comment isn't always accurate.
Face it, you're a nobody, just as "Miss Moderator" is, so you two calling me a racist is insignificant to me. I was just making the point you both gobble up what your party tells
you to, that everyone is racist except for you. Yet you don't think screaming racist to everyone who disagrees with you isn't racist :rolleyes:

Finally, a statement with some truth in it. You're quite right. I'm just some anonymous Internet person you will never meet, just as you are one who I will never meet. So why are you all so triggered when some anonymous person calls you all racists? If you're not, why would you even care or bother to defend it? Some moron here called me a racist last week for stating that the n-word is perceived in current society as a racist and offensive word. I just laughed. Why don't you guys shrug it off too?

Once again, it is because in your hearts you know that your glorious orange turd of a leader is racist to the core, and you feel ashamed for defending him.
I'm not a Trump supporter.I date Black ladies.

I thought you said that you are married. Are you married to a black woman? Even if you are, having black members of your family or among your friends does not mean that you are not racist.

For one thing, people can be racist toward people other than black folks. For example, some might think of Asians as, "gooks."

You have failed to convince me that you are not a racist.
Finally, a statement with some truth in it. You're quite right. I'm just some anonymous Internet person you will never meet, just as you are one who I will never meet. So why are you all so triggered when some anonymous person calls you all racists? If you're not, why would you even care or bother to defend it? Some moron here called me a racist last week for stating that the n-word is perceived in current society as a racist and offensive word. I just laughed. Why don't you guys shrug it off too?

Once again, it is because in your hearts you know that your glorious orange turd of a leader is racist to the core, and you feel ashamed for defending him.

Not all Trump supporters are racist,but they are enablers for supporting him.
But almost 100% of white racist are Trump supporters and the core of his base.
One of the reasons he makes some of his statements.