An open letter to Phantazmal.

Some need lots of socks to survive around's fun to watch;) More fun to watch them twist, and turn, and change and eventually just sit...or go to that big sock drawer in the sky...;)
Some need lots of socks to survive around's fun to watch More fun to watch them twist, and turn, and change and eventually just sit...or go to that big sock drawer in the sky...;)
Some need lots of socks to survive around's fun to watch More fun to watch them twist, and turn, and change and eventually just sit...or go to that big sock drawer in the sky..:rolleyes:
Some need lots of socks to survive around's fun to watch More fun to watch them twist, and turn, and change and eventually just sit...or go to that big sock drawer in the sky..:rolleyes:

I know. Poor True Companion, we hardly knew ye.

Not mine...surely #Phancan check for you, though...right? Keep me posted;)I'd love to know who True Companion is;)
That means she is lying about Mason's accounts?
He’s very hostile, the proof is he supports Trump. If at this point, if you still support Trump, you are a racist enabler.

I am impressed my opinion of others seems to matters so much. I had no idea.
The bitch called me a racist without any evidence. She wasn't the only one either.

She is entitled to an opinion without you going into an emotional breakdown about it.

Rightwing mods here have called me (and others) almost every name in the book, pursued petty grudges based on imaginary grievances, and have shown relentless hostility and belligerence towards me and others - for years on end.

You don't see me crying, whining, and hand-wringing about it, do you snowflake?
Not mine...surely #Phancan check for you, though...right? Keep me posted;)I'd love to know who True Companion is;)

Lie all you want Top.There are to many witnesses to the Lilly account.
My God!Poor Top had to crawl on her knees to Mason of all people to get back on Amazon!
But Mason took pity on the pathetic creature and hooked her up.
You don't have to thank Mason.
But why tell an obvious lie?