An open letter to Phantazmal.

Another bald faced lie! Your accounts I know:
Miss Margot Frank
Sox Sanders
That dick head is 4 fucking accounts and possibly more.

The Miss Margot Frank Account is the same account as the Margot account,I changed the name.
But doesn't surprise me that you being Top's gelding.
Believe her sorry ass over Phantasmal,who has all the true information in front of her.
You're embarrassing yourself.
The Miss Margot Frank Account is the same account as the Margot account,I changed the name.
But doesn't surprise me that you being Top's gelding.
Believe her sorry ass over Phantasmal,who has all the true information in front of her.
You're embarrassing yourself.

Nice try you lying bitch. When you change the name on an account the old name is removed from the members list. Every name I listed is an active account so you cock sucker have at least 4 accounts.
Nice try you lying bitch. When you change the name on an account the old name is removed from the members list. Every name I listed is an active account so you cock sucker have at least 4 accounts.

Ask Grind if you don't believe Phantasmal.
All names ever used on a account are listed.
That's where Billy got the 10 names I've used.
But keep believing Top over the moderators.
It will give everyone a good laugh.
How fucking dumb you are!
Better yet,tell everyone I have 10-20.
Of course you love him. He looks down on and despises all the same ppl you do. Thanks for confirming why most of your ilk voted for him in the first place. "Never Hillary" my ass.
I love America and am glad I have a President who feels the same way. One who doesn't dog whistle for cop assassinations, side with criminals, race-bait, employ class warfare and trash our country abroad while trying to send the economy down the toilet.

The eight-year Obama race-baiting bandwagon was brought to a screeching halt in a beautiful and dramatic fashion.

The comeuppance is complete.

Yes, I love Trump and I am proud of it. Assign whatever false labels you want to him and his supporters, it won't change anything. We will re-elect him and you will never see it coming. Again. :laugh:
Ask Grind if you don't believe Phantasmal.
All names ever used on a account are listed.
That's where Billy got the 10 names I've used.
But keep believing Top over the moderators.
It will give everyone a good laugh.
How fucking dumb you are!
Better yet,tell everyone I have 10-20.

My old names aren't still listed! So who do I believe. You or my lying eyes ass leak.
I love America and am glad I have a President who feels the same way. One who doesn't dog whistle for cop assassinations, side with criminals, race-bait, employ class warfare and trash our country abroad while trying to send the economy down the toilet.

The eight-year Obama race-baiting bandwagon was brought to a screeching halt in a beautiful and dramatic fashion.

The comeuppance is complete.

Yes, I love Trump and I am proud of it. Assign whatever false labels you want to him and his supporters, it won't change anything. We will re-elect him and you will never see it coming. Again. :laugh:

Stepford follower being conned by a grifter.
My old names aren't still listed! So who do I believe. You or my lying eyes ass leak.

You're missing one thing.Everytime I got a ban the socks were banned too.
When I came back they only reinstated Mason and one sox,so there are a few floating in the system.
I have access to my main account and two sox,just as Phantasmal said.
If others are still in the system,I can't access them.If I could I'd use them.But I can't.
Those accounts are all still, there are others.

Since this is your life's work and what gets you off, other than Breitbart and Gateway Pundit, maybe you should list them all and ask Grind/Phan/Billy/Damo to delete them. I'm sure they appreciate your hard work, Eddie Haskill. :laugh:
She said she knows someone who says they are not racist and has a black family member.

That makes perfect sense. Those I know with black family members are not racist.

Oh crap, I forgot my satire font again, didn't I? lol

If you had a black family member, do you think that he/she would find this amusing? Or do you think they'd most likely be offended? The joke is bad enough. Note the use of the n-word which she disguised because unlike here, you couldn't post that on Amazon; the software blocked it.