An open letter to Phantazmal.

I think that too.
But generally speaking the country wide culture
has turned "thug" into a black criminal description.
Such as the late Michael Brown.
I live in a fairly big city, around 1 million, so there are thugs of all colors here. I'm just as fearful of the white ones as the black ones, trust me.

Michael Brown was a thug. And he was what the whole lie "hands up don't shoot" was built on. That never happened, as surely you know. It was all a lie.
She's an ass kisser. The photo is apt as her head stays so far up your ass, if you stopped she'd fly out.
It's obvious. She froths at the mouth at Top, 'scuse me - "Toxic" - with her faux poutrage to please you.
I'm not stupid and neither is anyone else reading this. You're defending her because she can't deal with me and needs "back-up".

I'm not defending anyone. CF and Phantasmal don't need defenders. Have you seen me create a thumb-sucking safe house for them to hide in so they can safely snipe at their enemies, who I've conveniently banned from commenting? Nope. I don't need to. They are assertive, outspoken, and perfectly capable of taking on an entire thread full of enemies -- as we see here. I've told you, and so has CF, that her beef with Toxic started right after we Amazonians got here, and it is entirely of Toxic's doing. You prefer to believe the fiction in your head, so have at it. Knock yourself out, my dear.
Vermont is not diverse, anywhere. LOL
That's sorta the point.

And you've been there how many times, now?

What makes this especially hilarious to me is on Amazon there was a pompous stuffed-shirt self-righteous Reichwing prick named "RightThinking." He lived and worked in Japan, for the U.S. government, and spent 18 hours/day on the forum and that is no exaggeration. He had a "summer house" in Vermont that they would visit once a year. He went on and on and on and on and on about how VT was "ruined" because it was "infested with leftists" and they could hardly even bear to go to Burlington because it was overrun with liberals. Which it is. So keep telling yourself that Vermont is a racist place.
I'm not defending anyone. CF and Phantasmal don't need defenders. Have you seen me create a thumb-sucking safe house for them to hide in so they can safely snipe at their enemies, who I've conveniently banned from commenting? Nope. I don't need to. They are assertive, outspoken, and perfectly capable of taking on an entire thread full of enemies -- as we see here. I've told you, and so has CF, that her beef with Toxic started right after we Amazonians got here, and it is entirely of Toxic's doing. You prefer to believe the fiction in your head, so have at it. Knock yourself out, my dear.
If they don't need defenders, why do you do it?

I'm not here defending Eagle Eye or USF or anyone else on this thread. I'm here for me.
I'm not defending anyone. CF and Phantasmal don't need defenders. Have you seen me create a thumb-sucking safe house for them to hide in so they can safely snipe at their enemies, who I've conveniently banned from commenting? Nope. I don't need to. They are assertive, outspoken, and perfectly capable of taking on an entire thread full of enemies -- as we see here. I've told you, and so has CF, that her beef with Toxic started right after we Amazonians got here, and it is entirely of Toxic's doing. You prefer to believe the fiction in your head, so have at it. Knock yourself out, my dear.

The Christie,Top situation started with Top trying to have Christie banned over something to do with the fabulous GR forum,which Christie had nothing to do with and was never a member.
How Top connected GR to Christie,a team of Psychiatrist could never figure out.
I'm not defending anyone. CF and Phantasmal don't need defenders. Have you seen me create a thumb-sucking safe house for them to hide in so they can safely snipe at their enemies, who I've conveniently banned from commenting? Nope. I don't need to. They are assertive, outspoken, and perfectly capable of taking on an entire thread full of enemies -- as we see here. I've told you, and so has CF, that her beef with Toxic started right after we Amazonians got here, and it is entirely of Toxic's doing. You prefer to believe the fiction in your head, so have at it. Knock yourself out, my dear.

Can you help me with info about Obama having BLM to dinner at the WH? I can't find it on google.

I think Obama made a very nice response about BLM here:

“I know that there’s some who have criticized even the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ as if the notion is as if other lives don’t matter. We get ‘All Lives Matter’ or ‘Blue Lives Matter.’ I understand the point they’re trying to make. I think it’s also important for us to understand that the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ simply refers to the notion that there’s a specific vulnerability for African-Americans that needs to be addressed. It’s not meant to suggest that other lives don’t matter. It’s to suggest that other folks aren’t experiencing this particular vulnerability and so we shouldn’t get too caught up somehow in this notion that people who are asking for fair treatment are somehow automatically anti-police or trying to only look out for black lives as opposed to others. I think we have to be careful about playing that game because, obviously, that’s not what is intended.”
And you've been there how many times, now?

What makes this especially hilarious to me is on Amazon there was a pompous stuffed-shirt self-righteous Reichwing prick named "RightThinking." He lived and worked in Japan, for the U.S. government, and spent 18 hours/day on the forum and that is no exaggeration. He had a "summer house" in Vermont that they would visit once a year. He went on and on and on and on and on about how VT was "ruined" because it was "infested with leftists" and they could hardly even bear to go to Burlington because it was overrun with liberals. Which it is. So keep telling yourself that Vermont is a racist place.
Zero. I had a relative who was from the New England states and lived in Vermont. She said until she came here, she had never seen a black person before.

That doesn't mean it's racist. It means they were barely if ever exposed to blacks before, which is quite unusual.
The Christie,Top situation started with Top trying to have Christie banned over something to do with the fabulous GR forum,which Christie had nothing to do with and was never a member.
How Top connected GR to Christie,a team of Psychiatrist could never figure out.

Unfortunately you're whistling into a hurricane. LiG will never believe that. Even if I copied those posts here, she'd still find a way to spin it wrongly.
I think that too.
But generally speaking the country wide culture
has turned "thug" into a black criminal description.
Wouldn't that be attributed to hip hop music that popularized "thug"?

The same folks that popularized the word"nigger"? Oh, 'scuse me. Niggah. Makes a difference I guess.:rolleyes:
<yawn> You lost. Get over it. I wouldn't believe what you said about white criminals if your tongue came notarized.


You making such a declaration, doesn't make it true; you fucking hypocrite.

You've been looking to find a bandwagon you could hitch your "horse" to, ever since Darla left and took her wagon with her.

Come back and complain, after you tell Desh to grow up.
There are white thugs all over this city. When I see them hanging around a parking lot, looking for trouble, dressed like crap with tattoos on every inch of their bodies, I'll say, look at those thugs over there.

Thug, for me, means a criminal or someone looking to steal, commit a crime or break in to something, no matter what color.

True story. In addition, the cop killings escalated under him as he dog whistled from the White House and served steak dinners to BLM.

Gawd, I loathe that toxic asshole.

What the left refuses to admit, that Obama was criticized not because of his color (except by race baiters); but instead because of his actions or lack of.
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I think that too.
But generally speaking the country wide culture
has turned "thug" into a black criminal description.
Such as the late Michael Brown.

That's only because liberals decided to make the word (thug) mean it was only about Blacks, just like their usage of Nazi, racist, etc., to label those who disagree with them.