An open letter to Phantazmal.

I think he is a vapid and low-quality person. What I hate is his racism, bigotry, divisiveness, pettiness, bullying, bluster, willful ignorance -- and that he represents us poorly as a nation. .
A perfect description of how I and many others viewed Obama.

I lived through it for 8 years, so will you.
Agree. I think if ppl are encouraged to live in areas with diversity, work along side, and live by ppl different than themselves, they will be more apt to learn tolerance and acceptance. When you get to its core, bigotry and racism are based on fear. Fear of other, fear of difference. At one point it was an evolutionary survival tool. We no longer need it any more than we need to be able to detect a poisonous berry from a good one by its smell.
By your theory, people living in Vermont and many of the NE and Northern states must be the most racist/bigoted in the country.
By your theory, people living in Vermont and many of the NE and Northern states must be the most racist/bigoted in the country.

It's not a theory. It's reality. You might be surprised to learn that there are other races than white in VT. I have two daughters who live there. The racism that they've encountered is interesting. One daughter is a vet tech and works with other professionals, and serves clients of all races; the practice is located in Burlington. She encounters little to no racism or racist attitudes. My other daughter, however, is the office manager for UPS freight and works with almost all white, blue-collar workers. She has said that she often hears the n-word there.

Aimee lives in Maine and is definitely not racist.
It's not a theory. It's reality. You might be surprised to learn that there are other races than white in VT. I have two daughters who live there. The racism that they've encountered is interesting. One daughter is a vet tech and works with other professionals, and serves clients of all races; the practice is located in Burlington. She encounters little to no racism or racist attitudes. My other daughter, however, is the office manager for UPS freight and works with almost all white, blue-collar workers. She has said that she often hears the n-word there.

Aimee lives in Maine and is definitely not racist.
Vermont is almost 100% white! There is no comparison to the demographics in those states and the South.
Vermont is almost 100% white! There is no comparison to the demographics in those states and the South.

Overall, yes. But Burlington is diverse. It hosts the Univ. of Vermont and has students from across the U.S. and international students as well. My son-in-law graduated from there last May with a BS in mathematics; his classes included many Asians, for instance. I don't think student populations are included in the census. Certainly where we live the area is predominantly white; but NMU where I go has a more diverse student body.

BTW, my daughters grew up in very racist Missouri; oddly none of them are racist. And neither is their oldest brother, whose wife is a black woman.
First of fuck face I must go by what a person says about themselves and family Now I understand you are to stupid to understand that one must take what someone has to say as true simply because they have no real reason to lie. From viewing your posts I can tell you are a disgruntled loser whose whole life has been one failure after another thus you lash out looking for attention. You have my attention and it is saying fuck off bitch.

Are you as foul mouthed in real life – to your family, your kids, your neighbors, bosses, co-workers – as you are on an obscure message board? Or is an anonymous keyboard your safe space to be belligerent and offensive?

You do not know jack sh*t about me or my life. Gossip and guesswork do not count. You will be hard pressed to find a body of posts from me "lashing out", being "disgruntled", whining, complaining, or whimpering.

What is demonstrably true is that you appear to be titillated by gossip, innuendo, and guesswork - especially about people you do not know and who are not even on this board. The husband of a female poster here is about the last thing your mind should be thinking, dreaming, and gossiping about. It is not a good look for you.
Overall, yes. But Burlington is diverse. It hosts the Univ. of Vermont and has students from across the U.S. and international students as well. My son-in-law graduated from there last May with a BS in mathematics; his classes included many Asians, for instance. I don't think student populations are included in the census. Certainly where we live the area is predominantly white; but NMU where I go has a more diverse student body.

BTW, my daughters grew up in very racist Missouri; oddly none of them are racist. And neither is their oldest brother, whose wife is a black woman.

If they're like they're mother, they're racists that deny it. As for you son, perhaps he was trying to hide his by marrying a black woman or he's guilt ridden white trash.
Are you as foul mouthed in real life – to your family, your kids, your neighbors, bosses, co-workers – as you are on an obscure message board? Or is an anonymous keyboard your safe space to be belligerent and offensive?

You do not know jack sh*t about me or my life. Gossip and guesswork do not count. You will be hard pressed to find a body of posts from me "lashing out", being "disgruntled", whining, complaining, or whimpering.

What is demonstrably true is that you appear to be titillated by gossip, innuendo, and guesswork - especially about people you do not know and who are not even on this board. The husband of a female poster here is about the last thing your mind should be thinking, dreaming, and gossiping about. It is not a good look for you.

I only talk like that to ignorant assholes like you. When Phantasmal stuckup for you I really realized how worthless you are. So I will remind you to fuck off dick head.

You will be hard pressed to find a body of posts from me "lashing out", being "disgruntled", whining, complaining, or whimpering.
You seem to be doing an excellent job of whining right now.

You and your pal phan are perfect examples of what is wrong with the left and liberalism.

I don't know where you're getting this gossip shit. Because there hasn't been one bit of "gossip" in any of my posts.

I hope you're not a male (I use the term loosely) because you act and react like a little old spinster
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Are you as foul mouthed in real life – to your family, your kids, your neighbors, bosses, co-workers – as you are on an obscure message board? Or is an anonymous keyboard your safe space to be belligerent and offensive?

You do not know jack sh*t about me or my life. Gossip and guesswork do not count. You will be hard pressed to find a body of posts from me "lashing out", being "disgruntled", whining, complaining, or whimpering.

What is demonstrably true is that you appear to be titillated by gossip, innuendo, and guesswork - especially about people you do not know and who are not even on this board. The husband of a female poster here is about the last thing your mind should be thinking, dreaming, and gossiping about. It is not a good look for you.

You're whining, complaining, lashing out and wimpering now.

I know who you voted for in 2008/2012 and why. You keep denying the truth and should be ashamed for having done it and lying about it.
Of course, Christieasskisser did not post what I was responding to, but I will:

Originally Posted by Cool 90's Kid
Dead cops is a beautiful thing!

Dead thuglets are better. Like takin' out the trash.

She is so dishonest. I'm so glad I'm not a lying, deceitful lowlife.

Y O U chose the words to answer this and other posts, sicko. Nobody held a gun to your head and made you respond to this comment with "thuglet and trash", and to Buck's comments with "n*gger."

Which of these did you refer to with some version of "thug", Minty?

Michael Brown
James Fields
Adam Lanza
Santino Legan
Trayvon Martin
Tamir Rice