An open letter to Phantazmal.

11-03-2017, 06:08 PM

Life is Golden

Orange man good

Dead thuglets are better. Like takin' out the trash.

I *knew* there was a reason I put her on ignore right after we got here.
Maybe she brings it on herself with the "everyone I disagree with is a racist" bullshit?
When will you libs realize the "every conservative is a racist" bullshit is getting old?

Except that she doesn't do that. I'm sure though that you'll provide some evidence for your claim, right?
He is rage tweeting against neighborhoods in Baltimore from the Presidential Twitter account. The Tweets are part of the official presidential record and are archived on a white house government website.

We are making progress though -- You are obviously starting to understand that Trumpf's rage tweets against citizens in a Baltimore neighborhood are petty, childish, uncouth, and completely beneath the dignity of the office of the Presidency.

That is very true but you don't seem to understand Trump is a thin skinned egotist who reacts as a private person. By law everything the president says is recorded and archived so they have no real personal life. Trump doesn't think he reacts when he feels he has been offended. So again I say you have to separate the actions of the man (personal) from the actions of the office (official). You can hate both that is your choice but at least try to understand why he acts (yes wrongly) the way he does.
That is very true but you don't seem to understand Trump is a thin skinned egotist who reacts as a private person. By law everything the president says is recorded and archived so they have no real personal life. Trump doesn't think he reacts when he feels he has been offended. So again I say you have to separate the actions of the man (personal) from the actions of the office (official). You can hate both that is your choice but at least try to understand why he acts (yes wrongly) the way he does.

I'm pretty sure we all understand why Trump acts as he does. After all, he's been front and center in the public's eye for decades now. There was no reason to believe that being elected would suddenly confer upon him a blanket of dignity and respect for the office of the President of the United States. We saw an amoral bullying clown, and enough of us voted for him anyways. What's astounding to me are the numbers of ppl who APPLAUD his childish tantrums and Twitterstorms. In my mind, those ppl have even less respect for the Presidency -- and our country -- than Trump does.
I *knew* there was a reason I put her on ignore right after we got here.
Of course, Christieasskisser did not post what I was responding to, but I will:

Originally Posted by Cool 90's Kid
Dead cops is a beautiful thing!

Dead thuglets are better. Like takin' out the trash.

She is so dishonest. I'm so glad I'm not a lying, deceitful lowlife.
This was to be expected, every since they tried to get you to chastise Top and you didn't fall into lockstep with them.

Now you're to be chastised and cast out.
That's fine. I didn't remove myself from the the whole feud with intent to join a gang.

When I said I was no longer participating in the Amazon war, that didn't mean I would be trolling Top instead. Christieasskisser spends time trolling Top to kiss ass. I don't need to.
I'm pretty sure we all understand why Trump acts as he does. After all, he's been front and center in the public's eye for decades now. There was no reason to believe that being elected would suddenly confer upon him a blanket of dignity and respect for the office of the President of the United States. We saw an amoral bullying clown, and enough of us voted for him anyways. What's astounding to me are the numbers of ppl who APPLAUD his childish tantrums and Twitterstorms. In my mind, those ppl have even less respect for the Presidency -- and our country -- than Trump does.

I have said this many times. I firmly believe Trump was elected not by uneducated zealots but people like myself voting against Hillary. This time I will look closely at the Democrat running but frankly from what I have seen it doesn't look good.
Except that she doesn't do that. I'm sure though that you'll provide some evidence for your claim, right?

Here ya go.

Sorry, my opinion, to which I am entitled, is that if you still support Trump, you support racism. You are entitled to your opinion, but mine is Trump supporters support his racism, otherwise, you would denounce it.

I support some of his policies so I guess I'm a Trump supporter and thus, according to her, I support racism. Of course, that is pure bullshit and her (and others) rhetoric is getting old.
I don't understand that either. Are you aware that everything that a president says, writes, and does becomes part of that president's official U.S. government archives? Thus, when Trump tweets some nastiness at some celebrity or politician or news media figure -- that is PRESIDENT Trump's official word and it has become part of his official archives.

I don't know about you, but I prefer my president to be above petty feuds, spite, and revenge. NOT a petulant and perpetually offended third-grader.
Nobody's lied about your position on race, LIG. Your own words here and on DCJ tell the tale. I was a member of DCJ although I didn't post much except on a song thread. I remember what a lot of people said though, including you.

While on JPP you posted threads after hurricanes about blacks looting and ignored white looting. You've posted about blacks and welfare, food stamps, single parents, laziness etc. and ignored the same about whites. You've used the terms "thug" or "thugishness" to describe blacks many times, but never to describe whites. You use the term "race hustler" or other pejoratives to describe blacks who speak out. And you never - NEVER- call out the racists here who can't write a single post without inserting the N-word.

Nothing I wrote is a lie. If you don't want to be called a racist, stop writing like one. All we know about you comes from your written words, and your words show a distaste, to put it mildly, for blacks.
Thank you, this is what I remember, as well.
You're not against racism, you use it as a weapon against those you disagree with. If you truly were against racism you would try to educate people that we are all alike regardless of skin color.
Do you think CFM can be educated? How about TDK, do you think you can convince him blacks are his equal? Volsrock, care to educate him.

Yes, the younger generations can be educated, but it’s going to take a major life changing event to educate the life long racists.
You're cussing out the wrong person LIG. I'll have no problem digging up your JPP posts and throwing them in your face. You better be prepared to eat your words. And as far as slicing and dicing, you will never find me saying the kind of ignorant, bigoted comments you and your gang have used, and that's a fact.

When I read some of your posts I wonder what made you so angry and bitter about everybody except whites. You're irrational about it.
I posted more than two or three times, she’s silly. I posted there while I took a break from the shanks on here. It was in 2011 right before Obama second term, during the run up to the election and she was very irrational and hateful. I won’t use the other word, it makes her manic.
Do you think CFM can be educated? How about TDK, do you think you can convince him blacks are his equal? Volsrock, care to educate him.

Yes, the younger generations can be educated, but it’s going to take a major life changing event to educate the life long racists.

I'm not saying everyone can be taught that all races are equal. But you are using them as an excuse for not even trying. I'm really surprised at your attitude since your husband is a vet and saw combat if I'm not mistaken. It's awful hard to hate a man that you depend on to save your life in a fight because of his skin color. Just think about it.
I'm not saying everyone can be taught that all races are equal. But you are using them as an excuse for not even trying. I'm really surprised at your attitude since your husband is a vet and saw combat if I'm not mistaken. It's awful hard to hate a man that you depend on to save your life in a fight because of his skin color. Just think about it.
I have no idea what my husband’s serving has to do with me and my hating racists? I also don’t understand who you want me to educate. I taught my children well, they aren’t racists, and they are teaching their children not to be racists. I address racism whenever I see it. I think I am trying to do my part.