An open letter to Phantazmal.

Sorry, my opinion, to which I am entitled, is that if you still support Trump, you support racism. You are entitled to your opinion, but mine is Trump supporters support his racism, otherwise, you would denounce it.

Your reading comprehension sucks! I already have when he has said something racist like the go back tweet! But you screamed racism over the Elijah Cummings tweet which did not have one racist thing in it and you were to chicken to defend when I challenged you on it.
Your reading comprehension sucks! I already have when he has said something racist like the go back tweet! But you screamed racism over the Elijah Cummings tweet which did not have one racist thing in it and you were to chicken to defend when I challenged you on it.
Sorry, you are wrong, I have addressed the Cumming’s issue. You need to go find the posts. If I missed you challenging Trump on his racism, then I apologize. I don’t read all the posts on the forum.
You'll have to be more specific.

When your glorious leader tweets or says racist shit, he will get called out on it. That's not race-baiting as much as you all would like to see it that way.

Tell me this: Do you think that Trump's years-long insistence that Obama is not an American citizen and is from Kenya a racist thing? Trump hated McCain. Yet he never went after HIS birth certificate -- even though he wasn't born in the U.S.

When your glorious leader

Owl, why do you start a post with inflammatory shit like above? Do you do it to prove something or just piss someone off?

As to McCain no one questioned his birth certificate because he was born on what was internationally recognized as US soil.
Your reading comprehension sucks! I already have when he has said something racist like the go back tweet! But you screamed racism over the Elijah Cummings tweet which did not have one racist thing in it and you were to chicken to defend when I challenged you on it.

She and other have explained many times why they feel it is racially-motivated for a president of the United States to call out, denigrate, and tweet rage at a neighborhood in Baltimore.

She and no one else is obligated to explain - over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over - what they have already written in plain English.

The fact that you continue to follow her around and harangue her about it makes you look petty, obsessive, immature, and compulsive. No one is required to indulge your obsessive compulsiveness.
Sorry, you are wrong, I have addressed the Cumming’s issue. You need to go find the posts. If I missed you challenging Trump on his racism, then I apologize. I don’t read all the posts on the forum.

Then have the common courtesy to at least acknowledge my question and either provide an answer or a link? Like you I don't read every post.
First of all, he isn't my"glorious leader," he's the president of my country.

It's the left who makes these accusations when nothing racist is intended. So who is doing the "race bating"?

I don't think it was racist as much as questioning his birthplace and his parent's citizenship. As for McCain, he was born to American parents, his father was serving our country abroad.

Maybe you can answer my previous question about our "Miss Moderator" since that's the thread topic?

"When nothing racist is intended"!
I believe Trump can't help himself ,which is why he makes racist tweets!
She and other have explained many times why they feel it is racially-motivated for a president of the United States to call out, denigrate, and tweet rage at a neighborhood in Baltimore.

She and no one else is obligated to explain - over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over - what they have already written in plain English.

The fact that you continue to follow her around and harangue her about it makes you look petty, obsessive, immature, and compulsive. No one is required to indulge your obsessive compulsiveness.

No one said it was proper but that didn't make it racist, sport.
The anti gun crowd often say gun owners are trying to make up for small penis's. I wonder if having sock accounts is the same thing?
Two, as he has stated.

The main account is used one way,banning people like USF,that stalks me.
Others are on other Kindles used in ways I don't want to use my main account.
More options is the main reason to use socks here.
At Amazon is was all out war against the purge!Took way more socks to stay ahead of the purge.
From articles I've seen Beyoncé and Faye Dunaway are real bitches to work with. I also have read that Oprah and Barbara Streisand are regular bitches to work for. I guess fame and money bring out the worst in some people.

I noticed you included some white women in there. lol That being said, why would anyone who doesn't work with them care if they are bitches to work with? I sure don't. In Toxic's case, she dislikes them because she is a racist, and envies and hates almost all other women who are successful and accomplished.