And now on to better things. Like the Yankees Beating the Redsox

I have not threatened your employment yurtie.... clearly, you have told me that I have no idea where you work, and clearly, you know where I work, even though you haven't a clue as to how ministers in the UCC are compensated. Perhaps you should shut your piehole about things which you are clueless!:pke:

it doesn't matter, you think i work there and continue to bring up that firm and then you threaten me by saying...i wonder what they would think of how i spend my time....

you fucking lying sad sack....i am sure the maine conference would be very interested.....they are in charge for your state....are they not? keep this up and you will reap what you sow....i strongly suggest you back down and stfu
I challenged you to a match for $100 a hole and YOU wimped out.

that's a fact. pussy.

Again, golf's not my game. I challenged you to to beat my handicap in our respective sports and you refused to divulge your handicap. That's a fact, you pussy. :pke:
I never once beat my dad, who lived to be 95 years old and shot his age every year from the time he was 69 until he was 82. And I don't think that my son will ever beat me, even though he is pretty good. I'd play a round with you anytime froggie!:clink:
Once again proving that you're a crappy father.
I've deleted some of the posts here that are leading to add to a personal information "war". This is to protect both sides. We're done with this stuff on this site.
I've deleted some of the posts here that are leading to add to a personal information "war". This is to protect both sides. We're done with this stuff on this site.

Sorry, did mean to contribute, I just thought it was information he had given out. I will play nice!
I am going to delete anything that directly mentions or relates to that personal information war that I see, and I don't care who it comes from or why. This is over on this site.

If you try to egg it, and I see it, that post will be deleted. If you mention it at all, I will delete that post if I see it...

At some point people will get it.
my shit gets deleted and this is ok.....

fucking awesome!

unreal, this asshole continues to start shit because he won't listen to you....and you wonder damo....
Mentioning your "mangina" is in no way mentioning the personal information war. What is unbelievable is your reluctance to let this go.

This "war" will no longer be tolerated here, whether it is you or he who mentions it.

That doesn't mean I'm here to protect you from all insult.
Mentioning your "mangina" is in no way mentioning the personal information war. What is unbelievable is your reluctance to let this go.

This "war" will no longer be tolerated here, whether it is you or he who mentions it.

That doesn't mean I'm here to protect you from all insult.

we'll see....told me to trust you last time.....:rolleyes:
I also told you to report it. I simply cannot read every post, even in threads I participate in, it takes too much time. However, I will delete all that I see even without a report.
Mentioning your "mangina" is in no way mentioning the personal information war. What is unbelievable is your reluctance to let this go.
This "war" will no longer be tolerated here, whether it is you or he who mentions it.

That doesn't mean I'm here to protect you from all insult.

btw....what is unbelievable is your characterization of make it out like i can't let it go and am continuing you want me to forward you his PM's to me the last few days? do you really want to see who is continuing this? i got sick of constantly reporting him and it not working, he was banned i'll do it in PM so its off the already saw the posts here....up to you

seriously, after all we discussed you've surprised me
I will make one suggestion, people you have on ignore cannot send you PMs, yet you can still read and reply their posts by simply clicking a link if you so desire.
btw....what is unbelievable is your characterization of make it out like i can't let it go and am continuing you want me to forward you his PM's to me the last few days? do you really want to see who is continuing this? i got sick of constantly reporting him and it not working, he was banned i'll do it in PM so its off the already saw the posts here....up to you

seriously, after all we discussed you've surprised me
The only suggestion that I have made is that I don't care if it is you or he that are mentioning it, right now it is you who are continuing the discussion after the deletion.

I cannot immediately react to anything unless I see it at the inception of it. I can however delete every post regardless of who it is from that mentions this "war" at all. And I will. (except for myself in this context.)
LOL great story.

When I was about 13 I went to visit my friend at his parent's summer place on the coast of Maine. They had a huge private beach and at low tide Dan and I would go grab some irons and shoot balls towards each other. We started hitting them high and soft then of course boys being boys we separated more and hit them harder, and ended up about 150 yards apart. I hit a line drive towards Dan that's gong to bounce about 60 yards in front of him and he starts running left to get out of its way. Well the ball hit the hard sand ripples just perfect and went left, so he starts to run right. The ball hit again just perfect and bounced right, then hit him and he goes down! I stared laughing so hard because the chance of that happening were beyond belief. Then I figured out that he wasn't moving and so I ran over to him and he's clutching his knee as it had hit him right below the kneecap. He's swearing mad and I figured it was because I was laughing so of course I laughed harder. Anyway we had to take him to the hospital and he was mad at me for a long time after that.

Yeah golf is fun. LOL

I"ve got two of them:

1. A friend and I were playing in Mesa, Arizona and I think it was the 2nd hole.
He tee's off and a duck flies right in hte path of this ball.
HIt's the damn duck and kills it.
The ball dropped about 50 ft from the tee and hell no I wouldn't let him take a mulligan.
2. Another friend and I were playing at the Estralla Course and on the 18th hole, he muffs his drive and it's going like a bat out of heel, only about 4 or 5 inches off the ground. A roadrunner was out looking for a meal and the ball hits it, right dead in the ass. The bird shoots straight up in the air, comes down, and starts attacking the ball. We all started laughing our asses off, not just because of the bird getting hit; but because everytime it attacked the ball, it was moving it farther down the fairway towards the green.

I can probably think of others; but those two are the ones that were the best.