Animal cruelty alert

This is pure evil. :mad: We all know what "relinquished" means.

Do we?

How do we know "relinquished" doesn't mean "turned over to the custody of a shelter where it will be put up for adoption by people who are equipped to properly care for it"?

OP sounds like just another desperate rwnj attempt to demonize those (the Canadian govt in this case) who refuse to stand for the phony baloney anti-vaxxer protesters' political bullshit.

Don't fall for it.
Tom Fitton
Congress should move to sanction Canada for its human (and animal) rights abuses.
canada going full nazi............well, can't say you morons weren't warned

DumberthanShit calling anyone else "morons".... :palm:

This is aimed at the anti-vaxxer trucktards getting arrested for jamming up the highways and not being able to feed their pets.

Fuck them and fuck you :fu:
DumberthanShit calling anyone else "morons".... :palm:

This is aimed at the anti-vaxxer trucktards getting arrested for jamming up the highways and not being able to feed their pets.

Fuck them and fuck you :fu:

you made a post earlier in this thread that CLEARLY shows you for the moron you truly are and that ANY attempt at name calling is purely defensive on your part...

"How do we know "relinquished" doesn't mean "turned over to the custody of a shelter where it will be put up for adoption by people who are equipped to properly care for it"?"

if you had ANY amount of intelligence, you'd know that's not what it maybe you should step away from the computer and live in the real world for a few months, mainly around animal fact, I highly recommend volunteering to work at one for a couple of months..............then you'll get to see what 'relinquished' really means, you MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you made a post earlier in this thread that CLEARLY shows you for the moron you truly are and that ANY attempt at name calling is purely defensive on your part...

"How do we know "relinquished" doesn't mean "turned over to the custody of a shelter where it will be put up for adoption by people who are equipped to properly care for it"?"

if you had ANY amount of intelligence, you'd know that's not what it maybe you should step away from the computer and live in the real world for a few months, mainly around animal fact, I highly recommend volunteering to work at one for a couple of months..............then you'll get to see what 'relinquished' really means, you MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Work"? Somad?
