Animal cruelty alert

Cruelty to animals is a sign of totalitarianism and psychosis



Tension built throughout the day as the authorities issued a stream of warnings, saying that once they moved in, the protesters face arrest, seizure of their pets, revocation of their drivers’ licenses, fines — and up to five years in prison. Those who blockaded border crossings largely dispersed when the police moved in.

After declaring downtown Ottawa a secure zone closed to outsiders, police also closed all exits on the Trans-Canada Highway, which is Ottawa’s crosstown expressway. By evening, there was widespread gridlock through several neighborhoods in the inner parts of the city.

On Parliament Hill, the sleeting rain that had drenched Ottawa much of the day turned to snow, and defiant protesters remained in the streets. One group of demonstrators followed a news camera crew, yelling, “Are you proud of what you’re doing?”

Just after 8 p.m., a yellow Volvo semi truck voluntarily departed from Confederation Square — which surrounds the National War Memorial — after the police approached the driver. As the trucker opened his door for the last time before leaving, protesters shouted messages of gratitude to him while scolding the police.