Animal cruelty alert

you made a post earlier in this thread that CLEARLY shows you for the moron you truly are and that ANY attempt at name calling is purely defensive on your part...

"How do we know "relinquished" doesn't mean "turned over to the custody of a shelter where it will be put up for adoption by people who are equipped to properly care for it"?"

if you had ANY amount of intelligence, you'd know that's not what it maybe you should step away from the computer and live in the real world for a few months, mainly around animal fact, I highly recommend volunteering to work at one for a couple of months..............then you'll get to see what 'relinquished' really means, you MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go blow a fucking dog you halfwit.

What proof or even evidence do you have that any seized animals will be put down?

Also, if these IDIOT trucktards are bringing their pets (and kids in some cases) to a protest where they are by necessity LIVING OUT OF THEIR TRUCKS.... then they (rightfully) get arrested.... WTF do you think they should do with the animals???

Let the trucktards take them to jail with them???

Make the jail feed and clean up after them???

Let them run loose abandoned????

Do halfwits like you ever think about anything before you open your big fat hot air fart holes???

You are beneath ignorant.

Fuck you :fu:
DumberthanShit calling anyone else "morons".... :palm:

This is aimed at the anti-vaxxer trucktards getting arrested for jamming up the highways and not being able to feed their pets.

Fuck them and fuck you :fu:
So animals should suffer or be killed because anther authoritarian pol wasn't able to force a clot shot on someone else?
How do we know relinquished doesn't mean euthanized?

That's not even the point. It's cruel - for the pets, and for the owners.

It's also a vicious reprisal against peaceful protest and a deterrent against legitimate dissent.

Fascists would say something like "well, why did you bring your per/child/husband/wife/lover to a peaceful protest anyway, knowing what we're capable of"?
How do we know relinquished doesn't mean euthanized?

We don't "KNOW" one way or the other.

But it's the OP and other rabid retard supporters of the anti-vaxxer trucktards who are implying that these animals will be taken and put down without hesitation.

The Trumper right can't resist the temptation to demonize everyone they disagree with.

Give the Canadian authorities credit for being decent caring animal lovers like the rest of us.

AFAIC, the REAL animal abuse is being committed by the trucktards who stupidly brought them to a protest to begin with.

What the hell kind of life is it for an animal to be locked up inside the cab of a semi truck for weeks on end?

Utter selfish stupidity on their part.

Fuck the trucktards.
The left abandoned the pretence of supporting the working class about 40 years ago.

The left is demonstrably everything they've accused the right of being for the past 40 years.

That's not even the point. It's cruel - for the pets, and for the owners.

It's also a vicious reprisal against peaceful protest and a deterrent against legitimate dissent.

Fascists would say something like "well, why did you bring your per/child/husband/wife/lover to a peaceful protest anyway, knowing what we're capable of"?

Fuck you LIAR.
Wow, Trudeau needs to watch "Don't F*ck With Cats"... It was even a Canadian murderer in the documentary.
We don't "KNOW" one way or the other. But it's the OP and other rabid retard supporters of the anti-vaxxer trucktards who are implying that these animals will be taken and put down without hesitation. The Trumper right can't resist the temptation to demonize everyone they disagree with. Give the Canadian authorities credit for being decent caring animal lovers like the rest of us. AFAIC, the REAL animal abuse is being committed by the trucktards who stupidly brought them to a protest to begin with. What the hell kind of life is it for an animal to be locked up inside the cab of a semi truck for weeks on end? Utter selfish stupidity on their part. Fuck the trucktards.

You should be euthanized.

That's not even the point. It's cruel - for the pets, and for the owners.

It's also a vicious reprisal against peaceful protest and a deterrent against legitimate dissent.

Fascists would say something like "well, why did you bring your per/child/husband/wife/lover to a peaceful protest anyway, knowing what we're capable of"?
We don't "KNOW" one way or the other.

But it's the OP and other rabid retard supporters of the anti-vaxxer trucktards who are implying that these animals will be taken and put down without hesitation.

The Trumper right can't resist the temptation to demonize everyone they disagree with.

Give the Canadian authorities credit for being decent caring animal lovers like the rest of us.

AFAIC, the REAL animal abuse is being committed by the trucktards who stupidly brought them to a protest to begin with.

What the hell kind of life is it for an animal to be locked up inside the cab of a semi truck for weeks on end?

Utter selfish stupidity on their part.

Fuck the trucktards.
I hope that isn't the case. I totally agreed it is not considerate to bring along your animals on such a venture.

I'm not versed on all the details of the truck thing, just they didn't want to have to get a vaccine in order to drive a semi truck over the line. I agree. This shit and the power tripping assholes pushing it, are way out of control and way wrong. Nothing can justify it, borders on a human rights violation IMO.