Announcmenet about shit that doesn't matter: USF is lying to the amazonians

That's not the "lies" I'm talking about....I certainly do know more about it than you...or any of the others
Your arguments might have been reasonable if you had not "teamed up with the crazed liars....(this isn't even about him or his dog, you know-not with them...this is about their problems with me... I know you're intelligent enough to realize that...)

It's about the dog!
Believe it or not,everything isn't about you!:palm:
I can hire Yurt to do a monologue,if it comes to that!

(shaking head) Does Yurt twirl, spin, wave his arms, and make faces the way USF does?
No. This is quality entertainment.
I'm not saying pay him, but maybe a Bar Tab?
What I've mentioned regarding the dog has nothing to do with anyone else and it's not a lie. Don't whitewash it.
Of course it does....and yes, there were lies...and unfounded allegations...every time it was brought up.
No need for the two of us to even mention it anymore...I hope you'll respect that;)
Of course it does....and yes, there were lies...and unfounded allegations...every time it was brought up.
No need for the two of us to even mention it anymore...I hope you'll respect that;)

Admit it Top ,you have been against animal abuse as long as I have known you,especially concerning dogs.
Then because USF snuggles up to you,in search for an allie,you looked the other way.When it came out ,from his own mouth how he abuses his dog.You chose to look the other way.And now you're being called out on it!
You need a friend that bad,to hook up with troll scum USF!!!
You need a friend that bad,I'll make a sock friend for you,to kiss your ass.
We can call him Ricky!
For your own good, follow Life is Golden's lead.And denounce USF!
That's meltdown entertainment at it's finest;) Now, MYOB about things you Obviously know nothing...the End;)
Admit it Top ,you have been against animal abuse as long as I have known you,especially concerning dogs.
Then because USF snuggles up to you,in search for an allie,you looked the other way.When it came out ,from his own mouth how he abuses his dog.You chose to look the other way.And now you're being called out on it!
You need a friend that bad,to hook up with troll scum USF!!!
You need a friend that bad,I'll make a sock friend for you,to kiss your ass.
We can call him Ricky!
For your own good, follow Life is Golden's lead.And denounce USF!

Calm down. It's not like USF left his dog out in the unrelenting Sun, no shade, no water, ... and just watched the dog slowly die from his Living Room while drinking iced Tea.
Calm down. It's not like USF left his dog out in the unrelenting Sun, no shade, no water, ... and just watched the dog slowly die from his Living Room while drinking iced Tea.
With the "Committee", It's not about the dog..or even never has been...
(...did you miss the story of the one adopting the dog from the shelter, naming it for their obsession, then letting it die the next day?
(I had to make a separate FB page for the rescues activities and school functions, they stalked my reg page so much....)
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Of course it does....and yes, there were lies...and unfounded allegations...every time it was brought up.
No need for the two of us to even mention it anymore...I hope you'll respect that;)
But I didn't mention any lies or allegations -- he said the dog lives in the yard 24/7. How is that suddenly a lie now?

I don't appreciate being called a liar, especially if you're doing it to gain favor with a damned dog abuser.
With the "Committee", It's not about the dog..or even never has been...
(...did you miss the story of the one adopting the dog from the shelter, naming it for their obsession, then letting it die the next day?
(I had to make a separate FB page for the rescues actvities and school functions, they stalked my reg page so much....)

Keep digging,when you get to China,I'll take two egg rolls to go!
But I didn't mention any lies or allegations -- he said the dog lives in the yard 24/7. How is that suddenly a lie now?

I don't appreciate being called a liar, especially if you're doing it to gain favor with a damned dog abuser.
You went right along with the lies/allegations that were mentioned-never skipped a beat....did you?
(including mention of a chain.... if that is incorrect, let me know) Other than that.... more time: No need for the two of us to even mention it anymore...I hope you'll respect that. Thanks...
You went right along with the lies/allegations that were mentioned-never skipped a beat....did you?
(including mention of a chain.... if that is incorrect, let me know) Other than that.... more time: No need for the two of us to even mention it anymore...I hope you'll respect that. Thanks...

USF's own words did him in,no way around it,no way to sugarcoat it.
No way to deflect to The Committee!
Renounce the dog abuser!
With the "Committee", It's not about the dog..or even never has been...
(...did you miss the story of the one adopting the dog from the shelter, naming it for their obsession, then letting it die the next day?
(I had to make a separate FB page for the rescues activities and school functions, they stalked my reg page so much....)

You know Jack has a hard time keeping up with all the Drama around here. In a way, I feel sorry for USF, I'm not sure he knew what he was getting in to.
(Facebook, ... maybe I did the right thing never joining?)
You know Jack has a hard time keeping up with all the Drama around here. In a way, I feel sorry for USF, I'm not sure he knew what he was getting in to.
(Facebook, ... maybe I did the right thing never joining?)
Don't even try to keep up-they can't (as you can clearly see- they're so blinded/confused by those obsessions;) But, If you ever need to "catch up" just send me a message....
FB is great... I love the new account;)