Announcmenet about shit that doesn't matter: USF is lying to the amazonians

Don't even try to keep up-they can't (as you can clearly see- they're so blinded/confused by those obsessions;) But, If you ever need to "catch up" just send me a message....
FB is great... I love the new account;)

Uh, I'll pass on the 'catch up', but glad for the FB recommendation.
I've enjoyed watching you act like a fool, and get played like a fiddle plenty of times. I just assumed it was more of that. Of course making yourself look like a 15 year old dingus, was entertaining too. The fact people couldn't tell the difference between that, and your normal way of acting, doesn't bode well for your image. I will now return to enjoying the first part.

I love how the liberals jump to defend themselves, because when liberals act like a "15 year old dingus" and deliberately spread lies; but when a non-liberal turns the tables on them, it's terrible.

How long do you intend to be a liberal enabler and hypocrite??

USF own words to Life is Golden convicted him of cruelty!
Keep digging Toxic.

UH-No they didn't, unless you want to quote my comment(s) in the entirety.

But then; you're a known liar and phony, so you won't dare to expose your own lies.

It's not a lie. He said his dog lives outside 24/7, and you know it. That is no life for any domesticated animal.

But your family probably owned slaves and kept them in very deplorable conditions and that's why you try to relive those times, by keeping your animals in cages.

Well, here's a totally unnecessary post. There isn't a single person who believes that Jack = Mason. Not one. USF is just being his typical whiny gossip-girl self. He's one of two morons here who love to play that "I know something you don't know" first-grade game. Too bad he had to harsh your mellow.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - So much irony and self-denial, in one post.

Admit it Top ,you have been against animal abuse as long as I have known you,especially concerning dogs.
Then because USF snuggles up to you,in search for an allie,you looked the other way.When it came out ,from his own mouth how he abuses his dog.You chose to look the other way.And now you're being called out on it!
You need a friend that bad,to hook up with troll scum USF!!!
You need a friend that bad,I'll make a sock friend for you,to kiss your ass.
We can call him Ricky!
For your own good, follow Life is Golden's lead.And denounce USF!

Is this another example of Mason "just being his typical whiny gossip-girl self"??

But I didn't mention any lies or allegations -- he said the dog lives in the yard 24/7. How is that suddenly a lie now?

I don't appreciate being called a liar, especially if you're doing it to gain favor with a damned dog abuser.

Did you forget your comment about "a chain", you lying cunt??

You probably lie to your family also.

Thoroughly debunked....Go lie about someone else for a change...:)
The Committee's become a complete snoozefestofstupidunfoundedallegations;)
Who debunked it, the guy who lied about getting inside info from a mod?