Another sock outted

Son, you're the pussboy who follows me begging for attention with your penis-envy. Did you get shorted in life in more than just your career?

You have severe issues. Not only are you a lonely, lying, cowardly pervert, you're intellectually futile. As for careers, unlike you, I did rather well, I was damn good at it, I still am. Now go away and stop bothering me.
You have severe issues. Not only are you a lonely, lying, cowardly pervert, you're intellectually futile. As for careers, unlike you, I did rather well, I was damn good at it, I still am. Now go away and stop bothering me.

Never met a mop you didn't like? LOL
Quit stalking me, fuckhead.

Put me on ignore, Pussboy.

Meanwhile, if you did so well, what happened? Did you spend too much money? Live beyond your means? Never planned for the future?

Frankly, when I was younger I expected to be dead or chopped up by 40. Imagine my surprise at turning 60 and being in excellent health?
That dude's neck is so fat, you cannot tell where the head starts and the neck ends.

Bloated, doughy, squeaky-voiced -- I figured this is what most so- called ex military, internet Rambo wannabes look like.

That's wannabe-military, not ex. Terry never served a day in his life except for extra helpings in the school cafeteria.
Germans have a word for that: Backpfeifengesicht
"A face that deserves to be punched"

Especially the point where he goes into his fake crying about slavery. What a guy. Let's recap. He is a fake vet, pretending to be a woman who sounds like Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd combined, and who makes a joke of slavery. Boy, he must be a riot at parties.
Nobody knows

who is a somewhat authentic representation of an actual person

and who is a largely contrived internet character. This applies to both single accounts and multiple ones.

I once tried to create one of the latter, just for fun and with the intention of fooling nobody,
and it turned out to be a complete debacle.
And nobody cared. Why should they? They have enough to bitch about with the authentic representation.

Even as an atheist, I nonetheless hope to God that nobody here would ever try to conduct some kind of serious personal business
over this forum's pages. It wasn't meant for that.

It was meant as the harmless pastime that it is.

We laugh. We blow off steam in fits of harmless rage. And the site serves its intended purpose.