Anybody know how our Southern fancy fellows voted today?

Again, that is not the same thing.
Again, it's the exact same thing.
My friend used to. Some people live pretty far out in country where trash collectors don't pick up trash.
OIC, so he's too lazy to take his shit to the dump. How about you, Lefty?

I've lived in a home far in the country that lacked trash pickup. My current vacation home lacks that service. I take my trash and recyclables to the County facility on my way doing other errands.

But then again, as a Conservative and Republican, I'm a responsible adult.
Again, it's the exact same thing.

Nope. Burning leaves hurt nothing.

OIC, so he's too lazy to take his shit to the dump. How about you, Lefty?

I used to live far out in the country. I always take my trash to the dump.

I've lived in a home far in the country that lacked trash pickup. My current vacation home lacks that service. I take my trash and recyclables to the County facility on my way doing other errands.

Good for you.

But then again, as a Conservative and Republican, I'm a responsible adult.

Politics has nothing to do with it.
:) The word 'Negro' isn't a slur to me. Someone will have to provide me with a 'Forbidden Words' list. If I called you a 'Honky' would you feel demoralized ... or would you begin laughing?

White slurs don't usually count as slurs or offensive. Find a bunch of lime-sucking Krauts without papers, load them onto a paddywaggon, and ship them up to river to taffyland, and you should not have offended anyone.
Doesn't burning leaves emit CO² into the air?

I looked that up.

"Burning a ton of leaves will produce about 117 pounds of carbon monoxide, 41 pounds of particulates (most of them smaller than 10 microns and easily absorbed in the lungs), and at least seven highly carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons"

"Burning wood is not CO2 free; it releases carbon, stored over the previous decades, in one quick burst. For an equal amount of heat or electricity, it releases more CO2 than burning gas, oil and even coal, so straight away we have more CO2 in the air from burning wood. This should be reabsorbed as trees regrow."

Nope. Burning leaves hurt nothing.
You douchebag it's a nasty pollutant:

Burning fallen leaves used to be standard practice across North America, but most municipalities now ban or discourage the incendiary practice due to the air pollution it causes. The good news is that many towns and cities now offer curbside pickup of leaves and other yard waste, which they then turn into compost for park maintenance or for sale commercially. And there are other burn-free options as well.

Burning Leaves May Spark Health Problems
Because of the moisture that is usually trapped within leaves, they tend to burn slowly and thus generate large amounts of airborne particulates—fine bits of dust, soot and other solid materials. According to Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources, these particulates can reach deep into lung tissue and cause coughing, wheezing, chest pain, shortness of breath and sometimes long-term respiratory problems.

Leaf smoke may also contain hazardous chemicals such as carbon monoxide, which can bind with hemoglobin in the bloodstream and reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood and lungs. Another noxious chemical commonly present in leaf smoke is benzo(a)pyrene, which has been shown to cause cancer in animals and is believed to be a major factor in lung cancer caused by cigarette smoke. And while breathing in leaf smoke can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat of healthy adults, it can really wreak havoc on small children, the elderly and people with asthma or other lung or heart diseases.

Small Leaf Fires Can Cause Big Pollution Problems
Sporadic individual leaf fires usually don’t cause any major pollution, but multiple fires in one geographic area can cause concentrations of air pollutants that exceed federal air quality standards. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), several leaf and yard waste fires burning simultaneously in a particular locale can cause air pollution rivaling that from factories, motor vehicles, and lawn equipment.

Further, it's a waste of valuable resources:

Fallen Leaves Make Good Compost
Purdue University consumer horticulture specialist Rosie Lerner says that composting leaves is the most eco-friendly alternative to burning. Dry leaves alone will take a long time to break down, she says, but mixing in green plant materials, such as grass trimmings, will speed up the process. Sources of nitrogen, such as livestock manure or commercial fertilizer, will also help.

“Mix the pile occasionally to keep a good supply of air in the compost,” she says, adding that a compost pile should be a minimum of three cubic feet and will generate soil conditioner within weeks or a few months, depending on conditions.
White slurs don't usually count as slurs or offensive. Find a bunch of lime-sucking Krauts without papers, load them onto a paddywaggon, and ship them up to river to taffyland, and you should not have offended anyone.

Yeah. Maybe overly concerned about the Orwellian 'Utopia of the Future' where Doris is in charge of the 'Thought Police'? (control the language, control the thinking)
You're the one burning leaves here, and that makes you not just shit for brains but a shitty person altogether: One huge steaming pile.

I should mix you with four times your weight in leaves and compost you.

I never claimed to be burning leaves, diarrheabag.

But with you, I'll make an exception.
I looked that up.

"Burning a ton of leaves will produce about 117 pounds of carbon monoxide, 41 pounds of particulates (most of them smaller than 10 microns and easily absorbed in the lungs), and at least seven highly carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons"

"Burning wood is not CO2 free; it releases carbon, stored over the previous decades, in one quick burst. For an equal amount of heat or electricity, it releases more CO2 than burning gas, oil and even coal, so straight away we have more CO2 in the air from burning wood. This should be reabsorbed as trees regrow."


That's funny, because there are some environmental freaks who are opposed to all energy sources, to include hydro. Presumably, we would revert to a wood-burning society.
Now the only question still remaining, will Jack still burn his leaves like a complete dumbass?


Yes. That's what we do out here. Burn leaves, toss some logs in, pour a glass or two of Chardonnay, and bring out some crackers and cheese. It's nice, pleasant, relaxing.
That's funny, because there are some environmental freaks who are opposed to all energy sources, to include hydro. Presumably, we would revert to a wood-burning society.

Almost anything can be burned cleanly to recover energy, even trash. They key is to control temperature.

Want to get rid of the plastic waste problem? Mix it with coal.