Anybody know how our Southern fancy fellows voted today?

Pretty sure it isn't.

It is, since it shows how shallow and stupid you liberals are. Always saying how much you love the environment and how concerned you are about pollution and man-made climate change, and always saying how much you know about it all.

You need to read this:

Use the 4:1 ratio leaves/ grass clippings as a maximum. Higher ratios are fine- they just compost more slowly. Also important is pile size. a 3'x3' space is optimum for hand turning. Turn it at least once per week. Bigger piles that can't be effectively turned are fine too- they will just compost more slowly.

If you want to compost like a real man make three 3x3 bins out of cedar logs. Start the process by filling two bins, and use the third to help turn the material, at least once/ week. After you start making product use the first two bins to turn the stuff and the last bin for finished product. Then use the product to inoculate your turning bins. At that point you have a frigging factory and you can start to compost stuff that you never thought possible. I've had clam and lobster shells compost in two days. I composted all of the stuffing in a down couch. Old cotton or wool clothing takes at most a week during the summer.

During upstate NY winters my compost factory would still be working, albeit much slower. Dig into the pile at night and it would glow- the larva of fireflies that used it to nest in.
It is, since it shows how shallow and stupid you liberals are. Always saying how much you love the environment and how concerned you are about pollution and man-made climate change, and always saying how much you know about it all.

You need to read this:

Use the 4:1 ratio leaves/ grass clippings as a maximum. Higher ratios are fine- they just compost more slowly. Also important is pile size. a 3'x3' space is optimum for hand turning. Turn it at least once per week. Bigger piles that can't be effectively turned are fine too- they will just compost more slowly.

If you want to compost like a real man make three 3x3 bins out of cedar logs. Start the process by filling two bins, and use the third to help turn the material, at least once/ week. After you start making product use the first two bins to turn the stuff and the last bin for finished product. Then use the product to inoculate your turning bins. At that point you have a frigging factory and you can start to compost stuff that you never thought possible. I've had clam and lobster shells compost in two days. I composted all of the stuffing in a down couch. Old cotton or wool clothing takes at most a week during the summer.

During upstate NY winters my compost factory would still be working, albeit much slower. Dig into the pile at night and it would glow- the larva of fireflies that used it to nest in.

Dude. I'm not Farmer John here. I've got shit to do. That would DEFINITELY be cutting into my couch time! (shaking head, what an Idiot!)
Dude. I'm not Farmer John here. I've got shit to do. That would DEFINITELY be cutting into my couch time! (shaking head, what an Idiot!)

If you devoted half the time you spend trolling on JPP to taking care of your yard, you'd have a great garden, wouldn't you?
If you devoted half the time you spend trolling on JPP to taking care of your yard, you'd have a great garden, wouldn't you?


Jack would rather burn leaves, vote D (but not admit it), sit on his couch and make up every excuse possible not to be a self-sufficient real man.


Jack would rather burn leaves, vote D (but not admit it), sit on his couch and make up every excuse possible not to be a self-sufficient real man.


'Burning leaves' is part of my physical regimen. I don't lay around all day being a Blow-Hard on a bulletin board site like you do.
(still smarting over being exposed as a cat burglar in that house you broke into?)
If you devoted half the time you spend trolling on JPP to taking care of your yard, you'd have a great garden, wouldn't you?

You're the master troller on this forum, so maybe you ought to consider doing something that is productive, rather than preaching demented Trumpium propaganda.
You're the master troller on this forum, so maybe you ought to consider doing something that is productive, rather than preaching demented Trumpium propaganda.

I'm not using the time I spend on JPP as an excuse for skipping any work.

Jack is.

God damn, you're dumb.
You must be thinking of Grind. :)

I'm not sure if anyone ever got to explaining Rule 15 to you, but, this is actually a Damo-announced rule, which he explained is a result of Twitter. Apparently, thread titles get re-posted to Twitter. So, you can thank that worthless social media outlet for not being allowed to type profanity or slurs into your thread titles.
I'm not sure if anyone ever got to explaining Rule 15 to you, but, this is actually a Damo-announced rule, which he explained is a result of Twitter. Apparently, thread titles get re-posted to Twitter. So, you can thank that worthless social media outlet for not being allowed to type profanity or slurs into your thread titles.

:) The word 'Negro' isn't a slur to me. Someone will have to provide me with a 'Forbidden Words' list. If I called you a 'Honky' would you feel demoralized ... or would you begin laughing?
I'm not sure if anyone ever got to explaining Rule 15 to you, but, this is actually a Damo-announced rule, which he explained is a result of Twitter. Apparently, thread titles get re-posted to Twitter. So, you can thank that worthless social media outlet for not being allowed to type profanity or slurs into your thread titles.

He was told.