Anybody know how our Southern fancy fellows voted today?

You're probably right. At least he didn't call them the N word.

I brought up an issue of religious, conservative blacks and their Voting preference.
1. The average person would have addressed the issue.
2. The 'Word Nazis' address the 'language'.
And yet you said he changed nothing?

Okay but I think I'll be the judge of it myself. I haven't seen much of his previous posts that indicate that he's racist.

:) I didn't change my Post. It was a Moderator. My guess, it was Doris. I would venture Damo, Grind, and Billy have a high regard for Freedom of Expression and wouldn't think the word 'Negro' was a 'slur'.
Now, originally, I thought it was Grind just fucking with me. I can see THAT!
:) I didn't change my Post. It was a Moderator. My guess, it was Doris. I would venture Damo, Grind, and Billy have a high regard for Freedom of Expression and wouldn't think the word 'Negro' was a 'slur'.
Now, originally, I thought it was Grind just fucking with me. I can see THAT!

Oh my bad. Carry on.
What I mean is those old men who have been through those times when people called them Negros or coloreds without being racist. I mean NAACP even have the fucking word "colored".

:) hahaha ... 'Black' people aren't offended, it's the white people that don't live near Blacks, don't work near Blacks, and don't go to school near Blacks. They have to make up for it with being more 'OUTRAGED' than they think Blacks would be. This same individual would not think 'Redneck', 'Cracka', 'Hillbilly', or 'White Bread' is racist. It's fun to watch the 'Politically Correct' twist themselves into knots.
Southern Negroes seem to be more religious and conservative. We'll see if this plays out on Super Tuesday.

They're far from conservative based on their votes. Voting for people that would hand them things they didn't earn while claiming it's owed to them is anything but conservative.

As far as being religious, that's a person thing you lefties had says plays no role in government.
Not a fan of Latin, how about Schwärzer? By the way, should the Spanish and Latin Americans change their word for black because Americans are sensitive about it?

Why are you extrapolating JPP's policy on thread titles onto entire societies?

Damocles doesn't want any trouble with advertisers. Thread titles get picked up by bots on social media and reach millions of people who don't post here, and that spells trouble.

So nobody is "changing their words for black", it's a simple requirement for posters on this site to follow, and it is enforced.
Why are you extrapolating JPP's policy on thread titles onto entire societies?

Damocles doesn't want any trouble with advertisers. Thread titles get picked up by bots on social media and reach millions of people who don't post here, and that spells trouble.

So nobody is "changing their words for black", it's a simple requirement for posters on this site to follow, and it is enforced.

Yeh that's what I was given to understand regarding swearwords but got told that they were allowed in titles!
:) I didn't change my Post. It was a Moderator. My guess, it was Doris. I would venture Damo, Grind, and Billy have a high regard for Freedom of Expression and wouldn't think the word 'Negro' was a 'slur'.
Now, originally, I thought it was Grind just fucking with me. I can see THAT!
Uh, they're going to change your "Verified User" to who knows
Who knew they could do that? or would even consider it?
Uh, they're going to change your "Verified User" to who knows
Who knew they could do that? or would even consider it?

Fun fact: sometimes active posters' profiles don't show in the Community Member list. :)