Anybody still advocating for Third World Labor to replace American Labor?

People migrating from CA to WA is a separate matter, albeit one that has been hurting my state for several decades.

I don't know if you are familiar with the net growth rate numbers of modern Western nations. You are probably just yanking my chain, since they have told the same story for over twenty years. While the US is better off than the rest of the pack, replacement levels are typically made-up by immigration. We simply cannot become India or China for that reason.

Obviously, I want as few people from the ME as possible. Ending the lottery system means we aren't simply taking in people to fulfill a diversity quota.

I am fucking with you about people from California moving to Washington State. I have a friend there that complains about that. :)

But the other point I'm serious about. Automation and Robotics is the Future, NOT more Humans.
We DON'T need 'replacement levels'. A SMALLER population is what we should be shooting for.

Please, don't offer me your 'But we need more people to fund our Social Security' line.
While this is technically true, the first wave of legal immigrants were Krauts. The Federalists were right to oppose them. It set in motion the long history of conservative parties being restrictive and liberal/populist/progressive parties attracting immigrant votes.

Yeah, but America would still be moving to the Left without immigration. Western Civilization is built on very liberal values.
While this is technically true, the first wave of legal immigrants were Krauts. The Federalists were right to oppose them. It set in motion the long history of conservative parties being restrictive and liberal/populist/progressive parties attracting immigrant votes.

That’s not true. My ancestors immigrated here more than 100 years before any Germans.
You have become a Dupe of the Capitalists.
They (and apparently YOU) want American Workers to compete with Workers in Bangladesh.

Workers do not compete against each other. Workers should be united, not pitted against each other and used against each other like YOU are trying to do . YOU are the one dehumanizing the workers of the third world and trying to destroy them, creating false contradictions between them and American workers. This plays into the hands of the bourgeois , the bourgeois naturally want the workers to be divided against one another and hate and dehumanize each other, to consider each other enemies and competition to be undermined and destroyed rather than fellow workers. You are the enemy of the workers. Your are a fascist. You want to ban all non-whites from immigrating.

Once the capitalist system is destroyed, the pressure for immigration will be eliminated, workers will be able to realize the worth of their labor in their own country and all immigration will be natural. The current pressure is created by the artificially inflated nature of the dollar which massively inflates the value of labor performed in the United States VS elsewhere. It is a product of imperialism.

Tom also wants to ban his chink whore wife from immigrating and his whore Vietnamese communist daughter in law. Just to serve the bourgeois and nationalism and racism . Imagine being such a traitor to your own family.
To be more specific, it overvalues remittances. Actual value of work of a person in the United States is unchanged.

The purpose of the overvalued dollar policy was to shortchange the third world on commodities. Eventually they started industrializing and cannibalizing our industry with cheap goods though. And it massively encourages immigration to take advantage of the differences in exchange rate.

Look at Japan with its cheap yen policy. They do not have any of the hysterical and barbaric border enforcement we do in the United States, but have much lower immigration rates. Why? Why don't people just fly over there and work illegally en mass, why aren't there boats trying to reach Japan? Because the amount the difference in over valuation of exchange rates is much less with the Yen VS a third world currency, than the dollar and euro VS a third world currency. It's not worth their time to try to immigrate to Japan.

Stop trying to engage in an imperial policy and extracting cheap commodities from the third world. It is failed. No matter what fascist and hysterical border controls you, how racist you are, what freedoms you take away, it will never make the path you are trying to go down continue to work. Cheap commodities and cheap goods is a failed policy .
BR: "Workers do not compete against each other."
Jack: You live in a 'Make Believe' world.

Why do Capitalists import 'Third World Labor' (Mexicans) to pick the Farm Crops?
--->Because Americans would demand $15/hr. to do stoop labor<---

Workers do not compete against each other. Workers should be united, not pitted against each other and used against each other like YOU are trying to do . YOU are the one dehumanizing the workers of the third world and trying to destroy them, creating false contradictions between them and American workers. This plays into the hands of the bourgeois , the bourgeois naturally want the workers to be divided against one another and hate and dehumanize each other, to consider each other enemies and competition to be undermined and destroyed rather than fellow workers. You are the enemy of the workers. Your are a fascist. You want to ban all non-whites from immigrating.

Once the capitalist system is destroyed, the pressure for immigration will be eliminated, workers will be able to realize the worth of their labor in their own country and all immigration will be natural. The current pressure is created by the artificially inflated nature of the dollar which massively inflates the value of labor performed in the United States VS elsewhere. It is a product of imperialism.

Tom also wants to ban his chink whore wife from immigrating and his whore Vietnamese communist daughter in law. Just to serve the bourgeois and nationalism and racism . Imagine being such a traitor to your own family.
I am fucking with you about people from California moving to Washington State. I have a friend there that complains about that. :)

But the other point I'm serious about. Automation and Robotics is the Future, NOT more Humans.
We DON'T need 'replacement levels'. A SMALLER population is what we should be shooting for.

Please, don't offer me your 'But we need more people to fund our Social Security' line.

Please don't tell me you are a Malthusian (another group of people who need to all kill themselves yester-century).
I have always wondered, did the Trinity ever meet up? I can just imagine Mark sitting in a dark corner nursing a Sam Adams all night!!

Billy road-tripped out to Boston and met-up with Grind years ago. Not sure if either has met WM IRL. Grind and WM have chatted for almost 15 years. The only person I have actually met is Damo. But, no, there has never been a formal Trinity meet-up. The best I can probably do is catch Grind on one of his periodic flights out here (he lived in Seattle until he was 14) and Billy when he does a road-trip out here.
Please don't tell me you are a Malthusian (another group of people who need to all kill themselves yester-century).

Earth does have a 'carrying capacity'. So there is THAT.
I, myself, and probably most others, like having a 'living space' around them.
We're at a point where 'Machines' will be doing most of the Work. We no longer need a 'large Workforce'.
'Importing' MORE people is counter-productive to a more leisure lifestyle.
Granted, it's GREAT for the Affluent that have their own island to live on ... while the rest of us live in 'New York Cities'.

I think our difference is that you think God has it all planned, so that relieves you of any thinking about the Future.
While I, think we make our own Destiny.
Earth does have a 'carrying capacity'. So there is THAT.
I, myself, and probably most others, like having a 'living space' around them.
We're at a point where 'Machines' will be doing most of the Work. We no longer need a 'large Workforce'.
'Importing' MORE people is counter-productive to a more leisure lifestyle.
Granted, it's GREAT for the Affluent that have their own island to live on ... while the rest of us live in 'New York Cities'.

I think our difference is that you think God has it all planned, so that relieves you of any thinking about the Future.
While I, think we make our own Destiny.

It's always refreshing to see century-olde theories that were thoroughly debunked fifty years ago.