People migrating from CA to WA is a separate matter, albeit one that has been hurting my state for several decades.
I don't know if you are familiar with the net growth rate numbers of modern Western nations. You are probably just yanking my chain, since they have told the same story for over twenty years. While the US is better off than the rest of the pack, replacement levels are typically made-up by immigration. We simply cannot become India or China for that reason.
Obviously, I want as few people from the ME as possible. Ending the lottery system means we aren't simply taking in people to fulfill a diversity quota.
I am fucking with you about people from California moving to Washington State. I have a friend there that complains about that.
But the other point I'm serious about. Automation and Robotics is the Future, NOT more Humans.
We DON'T need 'replacement levels'. A SMALLER population is what we should be shooting for.
Please, don't offer me your 'But we need more people to fund our Social Security' line.