Anybody still advocating for Third World Labor to replace American Labor?

Uh yeah we do. Look around you with the eyes of a biologist. See all those inbred tar heeled goobers with 6 toes and superfluous nipples and IQ’s lower than the Boston tunnel that abound by the millions here?

That’s why we need immigrants. Unless your idea of what this nation needs is a country full of Grind’s and Watermark’s. What could possibly go wrong there?

^Thinks leftists are smart. :laugh:
Yeah, but America would still be moving to the Left without immigration. Western Civilization is built on very liberal values.

Leftists do not represent "liberal" values not do they tolerate liberty and free choice. The nation isn't moving left; the MEDIA and the Party of the Jackass is.
Leftists do not represent "liberal" values not do they tolerate liberty and free choice. The nation isn't moving left; the MEDIA and the Party of the Jackass is.

Here are a list of things that used to be seen as far-left, but are now seen as normal because the Conservatives accepted them, thus moving the country to the Left.

Ending slavery.
Ending segregation.
Catholic immigration.
Having a Catholic president.
Women voting.
Women in the workplace.
Legalizing gay sex.
Gay marriage.

And that's just off the top of my head. Pretty soon, trans rights will be as common as gay rights, and Republicans will tell us that Democrats are the REAL transphobes.
Here are a list of things that used to be seen as far-left, but are now seen as normal because the Conservatives accepted them, thus moving the country to the Left.

Ending slavery.

Ending slavery was NEVER a leftist or Democratic thing. That was the Republican Party.

Ending segregation.

Republicans again.

Catholic immigration.

Not a leftist ideal.

Having a Catholic president.

Meaningless tripe; JFK was very conservative.

Women voting.

Meaningless tripe; neither a left or conservative ideology.

Women in the workplace.

A result of WWII.

Legalizing gay sex.

This was done through jurist activism and not via the people's will.

Gay marriage.

A dumb concept that was also judicial activism.

And that's just off the top of my head. Pretty soon, trans rights will be as common as gay rights, and Republicans will tell us that Democrats are the REAL transphobes.

I wish you had something between your ears instead the top of your head.
Ending slavery was NEVER a leftist or Democratic thing. That was the Republican Party.

Republicans again.

Nice try, but I didn't say "Democrat," I said "far-left." Back then, ending slavery and ending segregation were seen as far-left ideas.

Not a leftist ideal.

Not anymore, but it was back then, when the Right was terrified of Catholic immigration. Protestant Conservatives were afraid that Catholic immigration was essentially the Pope colonizing America. They thought letting Catholics vote would result in America becoming a colony of Vatican City.
Of course, that never happened, and eventually this far-left idea of Catholic immigration was accepted. Now the new religious minority the Right hates is Muslims, mostly for the same reasons. Fear that Muslims will take over and turn us into an Islamic Theocracy or some stupid shit like that.

Meaningless tripe; JFK was very conservative.

Disagree, but that's not the point. The point is that Conservatives hated the idea of a Catholic president because, again, they saw this as Rome taking over America. They thought JFK would actually consult the Pope before making decisions.

Meaningless tripe; neither a left or conservative ideology.

Not anymore, because the Conservatives eventually accepted this formerly far-left idea. That's my whole point. The country has been moving to the Left because the Right continues to accept leftist stances. One day Conservatives will say that trans rights are "neither a left or conservative ideology."

A result of WWII.

Agreed, but it's beside the point. This is yet another "far-left" idea that is now seen as normal.

This was done through jurist activism and not via the people's will.

Yes, we're a Democratic Republic. That means certain rights aren't voted on, they're given to everyone because we (Liberals) believe in human rights.
But again, beside the point. Today even most Conservatives would say gays can do whatever they want in private. This idea used to be far-left, today it's normal.

A dumb concept that was also judicial activism.

Again, beside the point. Today most people, including Conservatives, are fine with gay marriage. There are some Fascists who still hate the gays, but they've become the exception.

I have no doubt that if you were to ever reproduce (not likely) your grandchildren would fully accept trans people. And if they were Conservatives, they'd blame Liberals for the LGBT people not having full rights.