Anybody still advocating for Third World Labor to replace American Labor?

I like how you just ignore data like it's no big deal. Way to be a rebel, man!


"Robots may replace 800 million workers by 2030."

"The study found that in more advanced economies like the U.S. and Germany, up to one-third of the 2030 workforce may need to learn new skills and find new work. In economies like China’s, roughly 12 percent of workers may need to switch occupations by 2030."
"How Many People Can Earth Support?"
"Many scientists think Earth has a maximum carrying capacity of 9 billion to 10 billion people. "

You're the 'Rebel'.

So, we're going to take our below-replacement levels of native population, add-in a tightly regulated influx of annual immigration, and wake-up with the population of India within 50 years?

Can you please submit your algorithms to the Treasury Department so that we can eliminate the national debt in that same span of time?

Also, 100 years ago, the maximum sustainable population was less than a billion. Obviously the Earth became depleted and we all died.
So, we're going to take our below-replacement levels of native population, add-in a tightly regulated influx of annual immigration, and wake-up with the population of India within 50 years?

Can you please submit your algorithms to the Treasury Department so that we can eliminate the national debt in that same span of time?

Also, 100 years ago, the maximum sustainable population was less than a billion. Obviously the Earth became depleted and we all died.

I hate to use the term 'Gated Community', but it probably best expresses my view of the 'Future of America'.
As Asia, Africa, South America, and the Middle East continue with unbridled population, hopefully the US will take a more measured course.
My view is 'Zero Immigration'.
Let the population naturally shrink as more Jobs are automated.

What is YOUR reason for importing MORE people?
I hate to use the term 'Gated Community', but it probably best expresses my view of the 'Future of America'.
As Asia, Africa, South America, and the Middle East continue with unbridled population, hopefully the US will take a more measured course.
My view is 'Zero Immigration'.
Let the population naturally shrink as more Jobs are automated.

What is YOUR reason for importing MORE people?

Econ 101, and every scrap of economic understanding which builds upon that, up to the post-doctorate level.
So why do leftist societies do so much better than right-wing countries like Saudi Arabia and North Korea?

You consider DPRK rightist, because... communism?

At least you're correct that theocracies like KSA and Iran are rightist.

My general point is that, while progressivism is the threat most relevant to my life in America, all other forms of illiberalism are also bad, whether they be left (fascism, socialism, Marxism) or right (anarchy, militarism, aristocracy, monarchy, theocracy).
So why do leftist societies do so much better than right-wing countries like Saudi Arabia and North Korea?

In what demonstrable ways do leftist societies supposedly "do so much better than right-wing countries like Saudi Arabia"?

North Korea is not a "right-wing" country, BTW.