Anyone Here Utilize Cash Back Credit Cards?

Well just the reality of the matter.
High charges kept AmEx from being accepted by low margin providers like grocery stores for ages. But dem legislation has changed the playing field and now every card is charging too much so we all pay the price.
Whenever the donkeys say theyre coming to help the poor comsumer, its really just the opposite.

Just because Biden is from Delaware, home to the Credit Card industry, do you think there's some kind of 'influence' going on. :palm:
My American Express card earns 6% cash back on groceries and 3% cash back on gas. I also have a Discover and Chase that earn 5% in rotating categories (gas, Walmart, etc).

I only use my credit cards for things I would have purchased anyway. By the end of this year I'll have accrued almost $700 in cash back.

Anyone else enjoy cash back credit cards?

Yep. I pay my balance off in full each month so never pay any interest. The cash back I let accrue and use for Xmas gifts for my g-kids. Pretty cool way to do business.
I was thinking hammer but could not decide if claw or ball-peen??:whome:

Very good. I had an encounter with some pissed off Biker guy in front of an Oil Refinery. I had my Tool Belt, Lunch Kit, and a Newspaper. He charged up behind me yelling something. I spun around, dropped my Paper and Lunch Kit and pulled out my hammer. I said "This is a 22 ounce checker head straight claw, do you want the head (then I flipped it in the air and caught it with the claw sticking out) or do you want the straight claw? hahaha. He stood there with big open eyes. Then I took a few steps toward him and he backed off.
Later that day I heard he called the Cops on me. Said I threatened him. Too bad for Tricycle Boy, the Security Guard saw everything and said Biker Boy was the Instigator.

Establishing 'Credit' gives you a 'Track Record'. It will help lower your Auto Loan and Mortgage. Lenders like to know who they are dealing with.

I don't have an auto loan or a mortgage. Maybe you didn't read. I pay cash.
I have bought cars using a CC....... 1-3% off of that price-take your shoes off & do the math.....(I pay off the card every month :| )

You are a dummy w/ no cred, kinda like here...............:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I've bought cars paying cash and got a lot better deal than that.

The difference between someone like you that uses a credit card and someone like me that uses cash is you're still tied to the CC company with the possibility of not paying it off and I'm not. You are the dummy that likes being controlled, kinda like I do with you on this forum.
I don't have an auto loan or a mortgage. Maybe you didn't read. I pay cash.

Most people can't afford to 'pay cash' for a Car or Home. Plus, putting that same Money into the Stock Market would get you a better Return on your Capital.
Very good. I had an encounter with some pissed off Biker guy in front of an Oil Refinery. I had my Tool Belt, Lunch Kit, and a Newspaper. He charged up behind me yelling something. I spun around, dropped my Paper and Lunch Kit and pulled out my hammer. I said "This is a 22 ounce checker head straight claw, do you want the head (then I flipped it in the air and caught it with the claw sticking out) or do you want the straight claw? hahaha. He stood there with big open eyes. Then I took a few steps toward him and he backed off.
Later that day I heard he called the Cops on me. Said I threatened him. Too bad for Tricycle Boy, the Security Guard saw everything and said Biker Boy was the Instigator.


:laugh::laugh: HAMMER TIME!!!!
I've bought cars paying cash and got a lot better deal than that.

The difference between someone like you that uses a credit card and someone like me that uses cash is you're still tied to the CC company with the possibility of not paying it off and I'm not. You are the dummy that likes being controlled, kinda like I do with you on this forum.

You are lying to yourself, not me... I HAVE NEVER PAID A CARD PAYMENT, EVER........... I pay it off every month w/out exception.........

If I buy a car I could pay cash but I can get a percent or two back using the card.......... Why would I leave that money on the table?? Cause I am a dummy like you?? shut the hell up:palm:
Most people can't afford to 'pay cash' for a Car or Home. Plus, putting that same Money into the Stock Market would get you a better Return on your Capital.

Or, if you lefties try everything you can to kill the market because you hate the current President, you could do worse.

I understand most can't afford to pay cash. There was a time when I couldn't. However, that's no my problem is they can't and to my benefit because I can.
You are lying to yourself, not me... I HAVE NEVER PAID A CARD PAYMENT, EVER........... I pay it off every month w/out exception.........

If I buy a car I could pay cash but I can get a percent or two back using the card.......... Why would I leave that money on the table?? Cause I am a dummy like you?? shut the hell up:palm:

Never said you did. The possibility exists for you but not for me. Looks like I touched a nerve and the little boy is triggered.

If you're going to make demands about me shutting up, can I assume you are going to back them up with some sort of action? I doubt it or as many as demands as you've made, you would have tried, and failed, by now, boy.
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The little bitches credit is so bad, that no one will give her a credit card.

GMTA. Gotta have a job and pay one's bills to earn good credit. Selling meth and giving blowjobs for money may give him an income, but unless he reports it to the IRS, he can't use it for a credit application.

I use two cash back cards but pay each off each month.
You are lying to yourself, not me... I HAVE NEVER PAID A CARD PAYMENT, EVER........... I pay it off every month w/out exception.........

If I buy a car I could pay cash but I can get a percent or two back using the card.......... Why would I leave that money on the table?? Cause I am a dummy like you?? shut the hell up:palm:

Agreed on the percentage back. Car dealerships and other large purchases consider a CC to be the same as cash since since no credit application is necessary.
my citibank card pays 1% when I charge and another 1% when I pay......before Gretch the Wretch closed the courts I used it for all my filing fees, running $10-$20k month through the card......