Anyone Here Utilize Cash Back Credit Cards?

Establishing 'Credit' gives you a 'Track Record'. It will help lower your Auto Loan and Mortgage. Lenders like to know who they are dealing with.

I don't think any of us on this site are young enough to still be paying mortgages and car loans anymore. Political boards are typically loaded with people who are old enough to have paid their homes off.
My American Express card earns 6% cash back on groceries and 3% cash back on gas. I also have a Discover and Chase that earn 5% in rotating categories (gas, Walmart, etc).

I only use my credit cards for things I would have purchased anyway. By the end of this year I'll have accrued almost $700 in cash back.

Anyone else enjoy cash back credit cards?

With enough discipline one can make out pretty good with rewards cards, and I admire those who do. I've found that just using a debit card attached to my checking account saves me the most money over the long term. Keeping my cards limited to just the debit card works well for me because I don't like managing several cards with rewards and potential fees or interest, but I certainly respect those who can properly utilize them. I've seen a few small business owners do well with them.
like the flea market or black market to avoid paying taxes you fuckin crook.:mad:

You outted Yo-self you poor schmuck.................

Go to a new car dealer with cash in your pocket. Take their best offer and slice off 10% and show him the cash. See what happens.
But anyplace with a cashier, forget it.
Or, if you lefties try everything you can to kill the market because you hate the current President, you could do worse.

I understand most can't afford to pay cash. There was a time when I couldn't. However, that's no my problem is they can't and to my benefit because I can.

Yes. Of course. You certainly have proven to everybody that you are fabulously rich and wealthy and can pay cash for anything and everything. TOTALLY BELIEVABLE. (:
I don't think any of us on this site are young enough to still be paying mortgages and car loans anymore. Political boards are typically loaded with people who are old enough to have paid their homes off.

:) I'm pretty sure there are people posting that have auto loans and mortgages. And you're right, some of the people here are older and probably have no debt other than a Credit Card that they use and pay off each month.
My point was that all of us have a Credit Score, and that a better Rating gives you a better Deal on a Car or Home Loan.
Yes. Of course. You certainly have proven to everybody that you are fabulously rich and wealthy and can pay cash for anything and everything. TOTALLY BELIEVABLE. (:

Whether or not you believe it has no bearing on the truth. Funny how you lefties think if you don't believe something it isn't true.
I've bought cars paying cash and got a lot better deal than that.

The difference between someone like you that uses a credit card and someone like me that uses cash is you're still tied to the CC company with the possibility of not paying it off and I'm not. You are the dummy that likes being controlled, kinda like I do with you on this forum.

But if you have the cash to buy the car, just pay with the credit card and then pay off the credit card immediately. If the car costs $15,000 and you pay by card that earns 3% cash back, then pay of that card immediately, you'll have no interest to pay and you'll save $450.
Several have said they use it like cash and pay it off when before the due date. The difference is there is a possibility they won't be able to do that which doesn't exist for me.

That's not true if you're using it for daily purchases you already have the cash for.
But if you have the cash to buy the car, just pay with the credit card and then pay off the credit card immediately. If the car costs $15,000 and you pay by card that earns 3% cash back, then pay of that card immediately, you'll have no interest to pay and you'll save $450.

The possibility that something could happen where you couldn't pay off the card exists for you but not for me.

The last car I bought paying cash got me far more off the price than that.

What type POS car did you buy for $15,000?
Whether or not you believe it has no bearing on the truth. Funny how you lefties think if you don't believe something it isn't true.

Because of the way you present yourself, it says just the OPPOSITE of 'Wealth and Riches'. You present yourself as a struggling Worker Drone just living Paycheck to Paycheck. Your grammar and word selection depicts you as 'of the Lower Class'. Your "Do you want to fight" exclamations while on the Internet is laughable, and your use of "Boy" and "Nigger lover" shows your mental age as being 'young and stupid'.

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm just trying to help here by being honest.
The possibility that something could happen where you couldn't pay off the card exists for you but not for me.

The last car I bought paying cash got me far more off the price than that.

What type POS car did you buy for $15,000?

I never bought a car by credit card. I was referring to another post.