This subforum has been created to encourage a higher level of conversation and debate. This subforum inherits all site wide rules, and has some additional caveats:
1) No slurs directed at an individual based on race, ethnicity, sex, or sexual orientation
2) No Personal Information
3) No harassment or intimidation of other members
- This is to be defined as hostility and abuse that is clearly bothersome and uninvited by the receiving party.
Penalty for all of the above is a month ban from the APP Forum. NO EXCEPTIONS. Repeated violations may result in a PERMANENT ban from APP.
Repeat posts, excessive use of marquee tags, trolling, posts spammed with a multitude of smileys, or posts that contain little to no valuable content may or may not be pruned, modified, or deleted through the discretion of the admins. However, it will not result in the banning of the offender.
Petty name calling is still technically allowed, as long as it is not to excess, and is made in jest and it's known to not truly bother the other individual. Keeping in mind however, that seeing as this could be subjective, such posts may be pruned, modified, or deleted.
I politely informed you that it offended me to be called names, and I asked you nicely to not do so. I don't care if Grind and Damo roll their eyes or whatever, as long as this rule is enforced as per board policy. Furthermore, you have contributed nothing substantial to the thread, so you are technically in violation of another rule. Please be advised, your name calling will not be tolerated here. We'll see how much credibility the administrators have, or if this was just a big joke. My understanding was, this forum would be conducted in a more civil manner than the other. If this sort of thing is allowed, what is the difference?